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What about an ingame voice (Like TaskForce Arma 3)

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Hi guys, 

I was asking myself, maybe anyone has already worked on anything like that, why not an ingame voice like the plugin TaskForce Radio for Arma 3 ? 
Something like, you have the voice chat on the current map/zone/near and other possibilites like that ?
To be honnest I haven't tried anything about it for the moment but I think that TeamSpeak 3 must be the best to use for it  (Regarding ts3 sdk https://teamspeak.com/en/more/developers/)

What do you think about a system like it ?



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It depend of "how" you use it, using a TeamSpeak 3 module can be fun due to the many plugins who exist about auto moderation and many things like that like (Auto ban if spam music ..) and others, to give the possibility to the player to enable/disable the system and to change volume, and I mean TeamSpeak 3 for Server, not the software TeamSpeak 3 for players, I'm been speaking about a distance vocal for example if the player is near u, u hear him, not if he go blue map 1 and you stay map 1 red or have to many distances on the same map..



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