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Looking for a team

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Hi guys, first of all I'm from Italy and I'm 17, so, even if my English is pretty good, it's not perfect: I'm sorry for any possible grammatical error.
I'm going to open a private server on a VPS, i've already started working on it on hamachi: it would be a half old-style server: old-style structure (ymir skills, maps ecc.) with some new features (kill system, less difficult ecc.). If you're interested in the project, you can add me on Skype, and I'll give you a list of all the features and ideas for the server.

Unfortunately, despite my good ideas, I'm not that good in the more "technical" part of building a server: I can coordinate a team, of course, and the co-founder will pay all necessary cost, but we need skilled people, able to work with the database and client.

We need:
-2 GA, able to work with 40k files, script in lua and database management

-1 Client modder, able to mod a client as I request
-1 Site scripter
-1 3D graphic modeler, able to create a map for the server
If you're interested in the project, add me on Skype: my nickname is Ledz96. I will give you more information about the state of the project, ideas, retribution etc.
Have a nice day :)

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