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Hey guys, i have a problem with the 6th skill... have the effects but not dmg...



I checked everything... db/skill_proto.. client/skilltable.txt/skilldesc.txt.. skillpower.txt in game..

and don't work... skill 1/5 & 7/8 work fine o.O...


INSERT INTO `skill_proto` VALUES ('6', 'Volontà di vivere', '1', '1', '1', '0', 'HP', '-(3*atk+(atk+1.5*str)*k)*1.07', '300+150*k', '', '', '60', '-(3*atk+(atk+1.5*str)*k)*1.07', '', 'ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE', '', 'NONE', '', '', '', '', '', '', '300+150*k', '0', '0', 'MELEE', '5', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `skill_proto` VALUES ('21', 'Orb della spada', '1', '1', '1', '0', 'HP', '-(2*atk+(2*atk+2*dex+2*con+str*4)*k)*1.1', '300+180*k', '', '', '60', '-(2*atk+(2*atk+2*dex+2*con+str*4)*k)*1.1', '', 'ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE', '', 'NONE', '', '', '', '', '', '', '300+180*k', '0', '0', 'MELEE', '10', '1', '0', '400');
INSERT INTO `skill_proto` VALUES ('36', 'Veleno insidioso', '2', '1', '1', '0', 'HP', '-((lv*2+(atk+str*3+dex*18)*k)*1.1)', '300+180*k', '', '', '60', '-((lv*2+(atk+str*3+dex*18)*k)*1.1)', '', 'ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON', '', 'NONE', '60*k', '5+25*k', '', '', '', '', '300+180*k', '0', '0', 'MELEE', '6', '0.5', '800', '0');
INSERT INTO `skill_proto` VALUES ('51', 'Colpo sfavillante', '2', '1', '1', '0', 'HP', '-((atk+(1.2*atk+number(100,200)+dex*6+str*2)*k)*1.1)', '200+200*k', '', '', '60', '-((atk+(1.2*atk+number(100,200)+dex*6+str*2)*k)*1.1)', '', 'ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON', '', 'NONE', '80*k', '15+30*k', '', '', '', '', '200+200*k', '0', '0', 'NORMAL', '5', '1', '0', '0');



6	기혈취명	1	1	1	0	HP	-(3*atk+(atk+1.5*str)*k)*1.07	300+150*k			60			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE		NONE				0	0	MELEE	5	1	0	0
21	뇌검도래	1	1	1	0	HP	-(2*atk+(2*atk+2*dex+2*con+str*4)*k)*1.1	300+180*k			60			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE		NONE				0	0	MELEE	10	1	0	400
36	흑섬수	2	1	1	0	HP	-((lv*2+(atk+str*3+dex*18)*k)*1.1)	300+180*k			60			ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON		NONE	60*k	5+25*k		0	0	MELEE	6	0.5	800	0
51	섬광탄	2	1	1	0	HP	-((atk+(1.2*atk+number(100,200)+dex*6+str*2)*k)*1.1)	200+200*k			60			ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON		NONE	80*k	15+30*k		0	0	NORMAL	5	1	0	0


6	WARRIOR	Puterea Vietii	Raza Vietii	Furia Vietii	Aduni si ultima picatura de forta interioara si canalizezi puterea exploziva dintr-o singura lovitura.	Atac Frontal				ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	gihyeol	6	4			Putere de Atac %.0f-%.0f	(3*MinATK + (MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07	(3*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07		
21	WARRIOR	Sfera Sabiei	Starlucirea Sabiei	Sabie Glorioasa	Lovesti pamantul cu sabia ta, lansand o aura ce cauzeaza daune inamicilor din imprejurimi.	Atac asupra mai multor inamici din pozitia curenta.				ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	noegeom	21	4			Putere de atac %.0f-%.0f	(2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1	(2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1		
36	ASSASSIN	Otrava Subtila	Otrava Ascunsa	Otrava Invizibila	Te misti atat de repede pentru a ataca oponentul incat dispari temporar.	Atac Teleport	Atac de Durata cu Otrava			ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD	seomjeon	6	4			Putere de Atac %.0f-%.0f	(lv*2 + (MinATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1	(lv*2 + (MaxATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1	Sansa de Otravire %.0f%%	40*k
51	ASSASSIN	Scanteie	Fascicul Luminos	Rafala Luminoasa	Cauzezi daune foarte mari oponentului raspandind o lumina puternica.	Atact lansat din pozitia curenta	Atac de Durata cu Otrava			ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL		seomgwang	21	4			Putere de Atac %.0f-%.0f	(MinATK + (1.2*MinATK + 100 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1	(MaxATK + (1.2*MaxATK + 200 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1	Sansa de Otravire %.0f%%	80*k


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Edited by Metin2 Dev
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Post here the .msa files used for the buggy skill.

You can find them in playersettingmodule.py, around def __LoadGameWarriorEx


.msa files can cause this, the reason is here:


At least one Motion Event must be Type 4 for skills.

Edited by Ikarus_

My youtube channel  on which you can see my works here

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