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Server doesn't log anything after starting

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Hello together,

I use the mainline source. After adding the correct libs to the /usr/lib32 folder (I compiled the Source on a 32Bit FreeBSD System but use it on 64bit), which was marked in the autorun.log in folder auth for example I don't get any more logs in the autorun.log or syslog or syserr. I cant connect to my server too.

If I type "ps" in the console I get this:




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Do this steps, in this order:

  1. Open a putty window.
  2. CD into the db folder
  3. Start the db manually (for example with ./db considering that your file/shortcut is named db)
  4. Open another putty window
  5. CD into the auth folder
  6. Start the auth manually (for example with ./auth considering that your file/shortcut is named auth)
  7. Open another putty window
  8. CD into the ch1_core1 folder
  9. Start the ch1_core1 manually (for example with ./game considering that your file/shortcut is named game)


Those steps will allow to find the issue.

If the db stays online starting manually (probably will considering your printscreen), then the error will show up when turning on the auth/core1.

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