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Getting started with m2 server development

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I'm playing this game for a very long time now and I have so many ideas and motivation to experiment.
I want to start with server developement. It isn't planned to open a commercial server in future for sure.

I want to experiment only on my local machine and want to see if this could be a hobby for me or not.

Here are so many things and I simply don't know where to start.
I already found the thread which software I need but that's not very helpful as a first step.
Also I couldn't find a guideline which first steps I have to do.

I think I need some server files. Which ones are good to go with?
And how do I install them local? Any tips or tutorials I didn't found yet?

I can find out things by myself a bit, here are a lot of tutorials and people who are glad to help with questions.
But its a bit hard if I don't even know where to start.

So I appreciate any help or tips. :)


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There are NO guidelines on "How to make a private server".
You must find out by yourself (or by reading forums) what is the purpose of each file and how to modify them, if someone wanted to make a full guide I believe 10 pages wouldn't be enough.

As for a quick tip to start you can use the official sg clean files



And a guide of how to install them in vmware or a paid vps freebsd system.




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