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Inventory Expansion Bug

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Hi, metin2dev

The bug is manifest like this :  



My exchange.cpp file:

bool CExchange::CheckSpace()
	static CGrid s_grid1(5, 9); //    9 Rows a 5 Columns
	static CGrid s_grid2(5, 9); //  9 Rows a 5 Columns
	static CGrid s_grid3(5, 9); //    9 Rows a 5 Columns
	static CGrid s_grid4(5, 9); //   9 Rows a 5 Columns


	LPCHARACTER	victim = GetCompany()->GetOwner();
	LPITEM item;

	int i;

	const int perPageSlotCount = INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 4;

	for (i = 0; i < INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; ++i) {
		if (!(item = victim->GetInventoryItem(i)))

		BYTE itemSize = item->GetSize();

		if (i < perPageSlotCount) // Notice: This is adjusted for 4 Pages only!
			s_grid1.Put(i, 1, itemSize);
		else if (i < perPageSlotCount * 2)
			s_grid2.Put(i - perPageSlotCount, 1, itemSize);
		else if (i < perPageSlotCount * 3)
			s_grid3.Put(i - perPageSlotCount * 2, 1, itemSize);
			s_grid4.Put(i - perPageSlotCount * 3, 1, itemSize);

	static std::vector <WORD> s_vDSGrid(DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY_MAX_NUM);

	bool bDSInitialized = false;

	for (i = 0; i < EXCHANGE_ITEM_MAX_NUM; ++i)
		if (!(item = m_apItems[i]))
		int envanterblack;
		if (item->IsDragonSoul())
			envanterblack = victim->GetEmptyDragonSoulInventory(item);
			envanterblack = victim->GetEmptyInventory(item->GetSize());

		if (envanterblack < 0)
			victim->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Text Bug1");
			GetOwner()->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Text Bug2");
			return false;
		BYTE itemSize = item->GetSize();

		if (item->IsDragonSoul())
			if (!victim->DragonSoul_IsQualified())
				return false;

			if (!bDSInitialized) {
				bDSInitialized = true;

			bool bExistEmptySpace = false;
			WORD wBasePos = DSManager::instance().GetBasePosition(item);
				return false;

			for (int i = 0; i < DRAGON_SOUL_BOX_SIZE; i++)
				WORD wPos = wBasePos + i;
				if (0 == s_vDSGrid[wBasePos])
					bool bEmpty = true;
					for (int j = 1; j < item->GetSize(); j++)
						if (s_vDSGrid[wPos + j * DRAGON_SOUL_BOX_COLUMN_NUM])
							bEmpty = false;
					if (bEmpty)
						for (int j = 0; j < item->GetSize(); j++)
							s_vDSGrid[wPos + j * DRAGON_SOUL_BOX_COLUMN_NUM] = wPos + 1;
						bExistEmptySpace = true;
				if (bExistEmptySpace)
			if (!bExistEmptySpace)
				return false;
			int iPos = s_grid1.FindBlank(1, itemSize);
			if (iPos >= 0) {
				s_grid1.Put(iPos, 1, itemSize);

			iPos = s_grid2.FindBlank(1, itemSize);
			if (iPos >= 0) {
				s_grid2.Put(iPos, 1, itemSize);

			iPos = s_grid3.FindBlank(1, itemSize);
			if (iPos >= 0) {
				s_grid3.Put(iPos, 1, itemSize);

			iPos = s_grid4.FindBlank(1, itemSize);
			if (iPos >= 0) {
				s_grid4.Put(iPos, 1, itemSize);

			return false;  // No space left in inventory

	return true;


 If i don't have any space in inventory and i make a trade i recive the message :  Text Bug 1 and the victim(another player) Text Bug 2 and the trade don't make..but if i have 2  slots for a sword and i give 2 sword ,the another player recive 1 sword and 1 stay in my inventory...

Soory for my bad english but i worked 4 days to it and i don't know what to do anymore...

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