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Login interface

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Today, I downloaded the following login interface: http://freakgamers.org/threads/release-metin2-epic-logininterface-with-code.2760/

Everything works, the only problem is, that it takes about 8 seconds until the screen turn on from black screen.
I mean, if I start the client, until 8 seconds the screen is black and loading.

Ist here any other way to fix this problem? It's not a huge problem, but it would be nice, if one of you could answer my question! :)

Have a nice day and thank you in advance! :)

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The client loads all packs from login, that's why you have problems.

Go to class LoginWindow(ui.ScriptWindow):



you can delete also playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("NPC"), but you won't see the mobs after.


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1 hour ago, Szirikee said:

If I don't want to delete the NPC line, then isn't there any other way to solve it?

Create from launcher something like : monster_interface ( like it is npc, npc2, monster2 etc) , and there you put the mobs from the map you want to show on login interface. This will make the load pretty fast.


Open "RaceManager.cpp" (Client-Source, GameLib) and search 

else if (__IsNPCRace(race))


void __GetRaceResourcePathes(unsigned race, std::vector <std::string>& vec_stPathes)


vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/guild/");


vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/monster_interface/");


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