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I'm trying to set up the automatic OX Event, but I want to change some things (I'm using HaveBeen's quest), one of the things is the automatic prize giver, I want to set up a table (already has) but with percentages, I mean, like the monsters drop, it gives the item based on the percentage of getting it.

				local itemlist = {11299,11499,11699,11899}

This is what I already have.

Thank you in advance



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13 hours ago, Root said:

u can use number function soi give u example.

local chance = number(1, 100)

if chance <=20 then


elseif chance >= 21 and chance <= 40 then



so the bigger u make the chance the harder will drop for ex number (1,1000)

if chance <=900 then



I managed to use a function on GFquestlib.lua:

				local settings = oxevents.set_settings()
				local reward = get_random_vnum_from_table(settings.premio)


Now I've another question, how can I start the event at a specified hour? Like, cronjob, everyday at the same hour.

I have the boot event (got it from vanilla source, I don't know if it useful for this situation)




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