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I'm having a problem:

SYSERR: Jul 21 15:30:50.469040 :: number_ex: number(): first argument is bigger than second argument 0 -> -1, cube.cpp 247

Line 247 from cube.cpp

CUBE_VALUE* CUBE_DATA::reward_value ()
	int		end_index		= 0;
	DWORD	reward_index	= 0;

	end_index = this->reward.size();
	reward_index = number(0, end_index);
	reward_index = number(0, end_index-1); //line 247

	return &this->reward[reward_index];

Anyone can help?




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        first [reward_index = number(0, end_index);]
                                        argument (up there
is bigger than second argument 0 -> -1,

                reward_index = number(0, end_index-1); //line 24

First is end_index, second is end_index-1.
First > Second

And i dont think it has any use doing the same thing, so choose one by using comment

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The problem is that the cube system wasn't made by me, if it is there must have a motive...

This is not crashing the core after all is just adding that line to syserr... But there's something crashing the core related to the cube system, but I asked to upgrade the same things and the server didn't crash again, so... I don't know...



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7 minutes ago, charparodar said:

The problem is that the cube system wasn't made by me, if it is there must have a motive...

This is not crashing the core after all is just adding that line to syserr... But there's something crashing the core related to the cube system, but I asked to upgrade the same things and the server didn't crash again, so... I don't know...

guessing is not a valid answer.


reward_index = number(0, end_index);
reward_index = number(0, end_index-1); //line 247

This makes no sence in my prespective, but if you want to keep them, your choice
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