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Cheat to get more damage

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Is there any cheat that when activated the character can do more damage?

I have a player on my server that is doing about 63k to monsters and gm's but is equipment is completely normal... I don't know why he is doing so much damage...

I have already players that are saying if this isn't solved they leave, I can't have that... I already banned is account until I can figure out what is happening...

Thank you



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Just now, Fleon said:

Check if he spotted some quest reward bug (biolog) or shit like that

I already found out what it was, it was a bug from Pet System, I added bonus by quest, click once the pet comes with bonus, clicking the second time the pet goes away with the bonus, but the pet system sends the pet away when it the player dies, not removing the bonus, soo each time the player invoked the pet and then died and invoked the pet again and so on, the bonus where going to add up, doing this many times would have a huge amount of bonus...

I solved using the kill event to remove the bonus...



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