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Official Block System - Messenger

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Am 9.7.2017 um 21:54 schrieb Dimitar:

How did you mean it? I just did these steps: https://pastebin.com/WFHspvrw , nothing else.

Did you changed the packet.h on serversource & binary too? - so on both packet.h files?
Because if you have in serversource packet.h 29 and in binary packet.h 30 -> you will get the "Unknown packet header" problem.

Best regards.

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La 09.07.2017 la 10:09, flexio a spus:

When a player write from channel 1 to 99(example) core drops. 


else if (MessengerManager::instance().IsBlocked_Target(ch->GetName(), pkChr->GetName()))

change to

else if (pkChr && MessengerManager::instance().IsBlocked_Target(ch->GetName(), pkChr->GetName()))


La 29.06.2017 la 15:12, Mali61 a spus:

I know :facepalm: simple only 1 return

if you do this, you can send/recive mesages to/from the person you blocked without any error. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys i have a Problem with this System: 

Client Sysser

0727 19:16:33089 :: AttributeError
0727 19:16:33089 :: : 
0727 19:16:33089 :: 'module' object has no attribute 'IsBlockByName'
0727 19:16:33089 :: 


I can`t remove blocked players. 

and when i click on a player i cant see the bar with Whisper, Exchange Friend Duel and with Gm account i see the bar

i dont understand Where I should insert that -.- 

//In Server-Side:

	if (MessengerManager::instance().IsBlocked(player1name, player2name))
	if (MessengerManager::instance().IsFriend(player1name, player2name))
		ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "This is your friend.");
//In Client:
	if messenger.IsBlockByName(player2name) or messenger.IsBlockByName(player1name):
//In Quest
	if pc.is_blocked(targetname) == true then
		say("This player blocked")
	if pc.is_friend(targetname) == true then
		say("This is your friend")


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Acum 18 ore, Reco a spus:

Hi guys i have a Problem with this System: 

Client Sysser

0727 19:16:33089 :: AttributeError
0727 19:16:33089 :: : 
0727 19:16:33089 :: 'module' object has no attribute 'IsBlockByName'
0727 19:16:33089 :: 


I can`t remove blocked players. 

and when i click on a player i cant see the bar with Whisper, Exchange Friend Duel and with Gm account i see the bar

i dont understand Where I should insert that -.- 

//In Server-Side:

	if (MessengerManager::instance().IsBlocked(player1name, player2name))
	if (MessengerManager::instance().IsFriend(player1name, player2name))
		ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "This is your friend.");
//In Client:
	if messenger.IsBlockByName(player2name) or messenger.IsBlockByName(player1name):
//In Quest
	if pc.is_blocked(targetname) == true then
		say("This player blocked")
	if pc.is_friend(targetname) == true then
		say("This is your friend")


you can insert that if u want to do something by yourself. I mean if pc.is_blocked == true begin say("somebody hates you") .Function that you can use in client/server source /quest.

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On 28.07.2017 at 6:04 PM, ProblemsIn said:

Is little bit weird when u block someone, u can't see him but he can see u.

If i block a guy is because i don't want to he know i'm there, i guess


That feature doesn't included this topic


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5 hours ago, Mali61 said:

That feature doesn't included this topic

U could add that feature on the system. The system itself would be much more appealing.

If I block someone and that person keeps seeing me ... It does not make much sense, since I can not see her anymore and her can see me normally.
It was much better if it were the other way round, I say.

It's just an opinion.

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On 28.02.2018 at 4:23 PM, Dobrescu Sebastian said:

void MessengerManager::RemoveFromBlockList(MessengerManager::keyA account, MessengerManager::keyA companion)

You have to escape it. Haven't you learned anything from the past sql exploit ?



No, whatever

You know that bug fixed, you can fix like the messenger


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  • Honorable Member
10 minutes ago, Dobrescu Sebastian said:

Yes, but i saw others using it without the fix. And i was like " what the hell man, people just don't want to learn from the past "

Yes bro I can't learn anything from the past sorry


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1 hour ago, Mali61 said:

Yes bro I can't learn anything from the past sorry

I wasn't talking about you. I appreciate that there are people who post free systems. I am taking about owner of server who download a system, but don't look in code. Every code can be improved. I know people who used systems from internet and got their servers f.up. It's not about who created the system, it's about who use it.

Please accept my apologies, I didn't mean to upset you.

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  • 8 months later...

Whisper fix

int CInputMain::Whisper(LPCHARACTER ch, const char * data, size_t uiBytes)
	const TPacketCGWhisper* pinfo = reinterpret_cast<const TPacketCGWhisper*>(data);

	if (uiBytes < pinfo->wSize)
		return -1;

	int iExtraLen = pinfo->wSize - sizeof(TPacketCGWhisper);

	if (iExtraLen < 0)
		sys_err("invalid packet length (len %d size %u buffer %u)", iExtraLen, pinfo->wSize, uiBytes);
		return -1;

	if (ch->GetLastPMPulse() < thecore_pulse())
	if (ch->GetPMCounter() > 3 && ch->GetLastPMPulse() > thecore_pulse())
	   return -1;
	if (ch->FindAffect(AFFECT_BLOCK_CHAT))
		ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("채팅 금지 상태입니다."));
		return (iExtraLen);

	LPCHARACTER pkChr = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindPC(pinfo->szNameTo);

	if (pkChr == ch)
		return (iExtraLen);

	LPDESC pkDesc = NULL;
	std::string targetname;

	BYTE bOpponentEmpire = 0;

	if (test_server)
		if (!pkChr)
			sys_log(0, "Whisper to %s(%s) from %s", "Null", pinfo->szNameTo, ch->GetName());
			sys_log(0, "Whisper to %s(%s) from %s", pkChr->GetName(), pinfo->szNameTo, ch->GetName());
	if (ch->IsBlockMode(BLOCK_WHISPER))
		if (ch->GetDesc())
			TPacketGCWhisper pack;
			pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER;
			pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper);
			strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom));
			ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pack, sizeof(pack));
		return iExtraLen;

	CCI * pkCCI;
	if (!pkChr)
		pkCCI = P2P_MANAGER::instance().Find(pinfo->szNameTo);

		if (pkCCI)
			pkDesc = pkCCI->pkDesc;
			bOpponentEmpire = pkCCI->bEmpire;
			targetname = pkCCI->szName;

			if (test_server)
				sys_log(0, "Whisper to %s from %s (Channel %d Mapindex %d)", "Null", ch->GetName(), pkCCI->bChannel, pkCCI->lMapIndex);
		pkDesc = pkChr->GetDesc();
		bOpponentEmpire = pkChr->GetEmpire();
		targetname = pkChr->GetName();

	if (!pkDesc)
		if (ch->GetDesc())
			TPacketGCWhisper pack;

			pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER;
			pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper);
			strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom));
			ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pack, sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper));
			sys_log(0, "WHISPER: no player");
		if (ch->IsBlockMode(BLOCK_WHISPER))
			if (ch->GetDesc())
				TPacketGCWhisper pack;
				pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER;
				pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper);
				strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom));
				ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pack, sizeof(pack));
		else if (pkChr && pkChr->IsBlockMode(BLOCK_WHISPER))
			if (ch->GetDesc())
				TPacketGCWhisper pack;
				pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER;
				pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper);
				strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom));
				ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pack, sizeof(pack));
		else if ((pkCCI != NULL || pkChr != NULL) && MessengerManager::instance().CheckMessengerList(ch->GetName(), targetname.c_str(), SYST_BLOCK))
			if (ch->GetDesc())
				TPacketGCWhisper pack;

				char msg_2[CHAT_MAX_LEN + 1];
				snprintf(msg_2, sizeof(msg_2), LC_TEXT("%s'yi blokladim"), targetname.c_str());
				int len = MIN(CHAT_MAX_LEN, strlen(msg_2) + 1);

				pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER;
				pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper) + len;
				pack.bType = WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM;
				strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom));

				TEMP_BUFFER buf;

				buf.write(&pack, sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper));
				buf.write(msg_2, len);
				ch->GetDesc()->Packet(buf.read_peek(), buf.size());


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Here is how I made the whisper button using the block by name function, exactly how it works from the messenger window when you type the name yourself.



			self.minimizeButton = GetObject("minimizebutton")

Add below:

			self.blockPlayer = GetObject("blockplayer")



Add below: 



		self.minimizeButton = None

Add below:

		self.blockPlayer = None

Under def OpenWithTarget(self, targetName): function


Add below:

			if not messenger.IsBlockByName(self.targetName):

Under 	def OpenWithoutTarget(self, event): function


Add below:

			if not messenger.IsBlockByName(self.targetName):


	def ReportViolentWhisper(self):

Add before:

	def BlockPlayer(self):



					"name" : "reportviolentwhisperbutton",
					"type" : "button",

					"x" : 145,
					"y" : 10,

					"text" : uiScriptLocale.WHISPER_REPORT,

					"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub",
					"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub",
					"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub",

Add below:

					"name" : "blockplayer",
					"type" : "button",

					"x" : 145,
					"y" : 10,

					"text" : uiScriptLocale.WHISPER_BLOCK,

					"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_01.sub",
					"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_02.sub",
					"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_03.sub",

You may need to play with the button in the whisper window because I got more buttons and It might be arranged differently.

Edit: Also this version of the system is not full, you might wanna try and take it from some serverfiles which fixed most things for it. The only problem I am having now is cross core, it does not block the players if they are on different cores.

Edit 2: Cross core fix
After I made this "fix", I totally removed the system from my sources. Fixing one problem gets you to 100 more.
You might need to change MESSENGER_BLOCK with yours as I changed the functions and made more checks.
Fixing this problem will get you to another core problem, when on different cores if the blocker removes the blocked, the blocked one is being disconnected and the blocker gets some errors and needs to relog in order to do anything.

I know some servers that were using this system and removed it later on, but if properly fixed it might get your job done.


			if (test_server)
				sys_log(0, "Whisper to %s from %s (Channel %d Mapindex %d)", "Null", ch->GetName(), pkCCI->bChannel, pkCCI->lMapIndex);

Add below:

			if (MessengerManager::instance().CheckMessengerList(ch->GetName(), pkCCI->szName, MESSENGER_BLOCK))
				if (ch->GetDesc())
					TPacketGCWhisper pack;

					char msg[CHAT_MAX_LEN + 1];
					snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), LC_TEXT("Unblock %s to continue."), pkCCI->szName);
					int len = MIN(CHAT_MAX_LEN, strlen(msg) + 1);

					pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER;
					pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper) + len;
					pack.bType = WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM;
					strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom));

					TEMP_BUFFER buf;

					buf.write(&pack, sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper));
					buf.write(msg, len);
					ch->GetDesc()->Packet(buf.read_peek(), buf.size());

					ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("Unblock %s to continue."), pkCCI->szName);
				return iExtraLen;
			else if (MessengerManager::instance().CheckMessengerList(pkCCI->szName, ch->GetName(), MESSENGER_BLOCK))
				if (ch->GetDesc())
					TPacketGCWhisper pack;

					char msg[CHAT_MAX_LEN + 1];
					snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), LC_TEXT("%s has blocked you."), pkCCI->szName);
					int len = MIN(CHAT_MAX_LEN, strlen(msg) + 1);

					pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER;
					pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper) + len;
					pack.bType = WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM;
					strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom));

					TEMP_BUFFER buf;

					buf.write(&pack, sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper));
					buf.write(msg, len);
					ch->GetDesc()->Packet(buf.read_peek(), buf.size());

					ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("%s has blocked you."), pkCCI->szName);
				return iExtraLen;


Edited by klynaTz
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