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Try the msenv editor in the worldeditor

I don't even know how to work with...

ScriptType         EnvrionmentData
ScriptVersion      1.0000

Group DirectionalLight
    Direction     -0.498026 0.661216 -0.561038

    Group Background
        Enable        1
        Diffuse       0.611765 0.474510 0.619608 1.000000
        Ambient       0.282353 0.286275 0.364706 1.000000
    Group Character
        Enable        1
        Diffuse       0.611765 0.474510 0.619608 1.000000
        Ambient       0.432353 0.436275 0.514706 1.000000
Group Material
    Diffuse       0.807843 0.862745 1.000000 1.000000
    Ambient       0.294118 0.164706 0.431373 1.000000
    Emissive      0.247059 0.313726 0.341176 1.000000

Group Fog
    Enable        1
    NearDistance  1000.000000
    FarDistance   30000.000000
    Color         0.258824 0.239216 0.384314 1.000000

Group Filter
    Enable        1
    Color         0.294118 0.094118 0.094118 0.000000
    AlphaSrc      2
    AlphaDest     2

Group SkyBox
    bTextureRenderMode    1
    Scale                 3500.000000 3500.000000 3500.000000
    GradientLevelUpper    1
    GradientLevelLower    1
    FrontFaceFileName	   "D:ymir workenvironmentskyboxsunshine_b.dds"
    BackFaceFileName	   "D:ymir workenvironmentskyboxsunshine_f.dds"
    LeftFaceFileName	   "D:ymir workenvironmentskyboxsunshine_l.dds"
    RightFaceFileName	   "D:ymir workenvironmentskyboxsunshine_r.dds"
    TopFaceFileName	   "D:ymir workenvironmentskyboxsunshine_t.dds"
    BottomFaceFileName	   ""
    CloudScale            200000.000000 200000.000000
    CloudHeight           30000.000000
    CloudTextureScale     4.000000 4.000000
    CloudSpeed            0.001000 0.001000
    CloudTextureFileName  ""
    List CloudColor
        0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
        0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
    List Gradient
        0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
        0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
        0.054902 0.090196 0.164706 0.000000
        0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Group LensFlare
    Enable                     0
    BrightnessColor            0.980392 0.980392 0.980392 1.000000
    MaxBrightness              1.000000
    MainFlareEnable            0
    MainFlareTextureFileName   ""
    MainFlareSize              0.200000
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