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help hacker in my server

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try change to mysql user of localhost.

example like CONFIG file of usr/game/channel1/2.. auth,game99 or db/conf.txt :


PLAYER_SQL: localhost localroot pass player
COMMON_SQL: localhost localroot pass common

you change localroot  pass and go navicat connection > manage users > select localroot@localhost > edit user > user name: localroot , password/confirm password : pass


i sorry for bad english.

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There are a lot of possibilities:

Game Exploit

Website exploit

Game bug

Low Security on your machine.

To find from which of this possibilities they use, create a differenti user for each use:

user site@<ip_of_your_website> for your website 

User game@localhost for your game

User root@localhost for amministratore (if you use ssh tunnel).

Nextly enable MySQL General log that create a table on mysql db with all the query run. Be careful because it is very verbose and Can use a lot of space.


Check the sospicious queries and where they run, so you have find which possibilities they use and nextly you can block they.

Firstly check also MySQL alert log. It contain also wrong authentication.

If you need extra help, please contact me: http://iltizioservice.ga/index.php/en/contacts2

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22 minutes ago, caes95 said:

Why ?, he has a VPN installed and do not need to filter packets.

This is a dangerous threat.

Everyone is able to connect through the DB prot even with distant servers. Thus he'll be able to alter quests, database and so on...

This is a known bug. Even shogun warns us back in the years.

On 21/02/2014 at 4:15 PM, Shogun said:


Port 15000 should never be publicly open! Only the game cores need to connect to it, not your users. In fact it's a security risk as anybody can create an auth server which connects to your db core and login any account they want on your server.


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