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Problem HTML/Javascript

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I trying to create a system that gives the options to the player to buy on item shop for him self or other player.

This is my code:



      while($getItems=mysql_fetch_object($sqlQry)) {
        $aktItem = compareItems($getItems->vnum);
		$aktItem1 = compareItems($getItems->id);
		$nome = compareItems($getItems->nome);
        $itemStufe = (checkInt($aktItem['stufe'])) ? "+".$aktItem['stufe'] : '';
		//$itemStufe1 = (checkInt($aktItem1['stufe'])) ? "+".$aktItem1['stufe'] : '';
          <th colspan="2" class="topLine"><?PHP echo $nome['item']; ?> (<b><?PHP echo $getItems->count; ?>x</b>) (<b><?PHP echo $getItems->preis; ?> Coins</b>)</th>
          <td class="isImg">
              if(!empty($getItems->bild)) echo'<img src="./is_img/'.$getItems->bild.'.png" title="'.$aktItem['item'].'" alt="'.$aktItem['item'].'"/>';
          <td class="tdunkel"><?PHP echo $getItems->beschreibung; ?></td>
          <td colspan="2" class="isBuy">
<select id ="escolha">
<option value="">Escolhe...</option>
<option value="eu">Para mim</option>
<option value="outro">Para outro jogador</option>
</select><button onclick="confirmacao(escolha,<?PHP echo $getItems->id; ?>,<?PHP echo $getItems->preis; ?>)" title="Vais gastar <?PHP echo $getItems->preis; ?> moedas">Comprar</button></td>

function confirmacao(escolhida,id,preco) 
	//var val = escolhida.options[escolhida.selectedIndex].value;
		case "eu":
			function confirma_compra(id,preco) 
				var ask = window.confirm("Queres mesmo comprar?\nIram ser removidas "+preco+" moedas da tua conta!");
				if (ask) 
					document.location.href = './is_buy-'+id+'.htm';

			return confirma_compra(id,preco)
		case "outro":
				document.location.href = './is_buy_outro-'+id+'.htm';
		case "":
			alert("Tens de selecionar uma opção!");

	return false;



But there is a problem, just the first item's select box is valid to all the itens


If I select the first option on the first item I just can use that option for all the itens, the option select on the other item is ignored...

Someone can help me? I don't now what I doing wrong...


Kind regards,


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal



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in the future past code in english not mixed with portuguese ;p

in while loop you are displaying button with onclick function but the first argument i guess have to be unical and it's not so you ALWAYS pass to javascript function "confirmacao(escolhida,id,preco)" the same first argument

i have added counter, so now every html select have unique id which is passing to javascript function


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I have this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'echo' (T_ECHO) in C:\xampp\htdocs\habiramt2\pages\itemshop.php on line 56

Line 56:

</select><button onclick="confirmacao(escolha<? $counter ?>,<?= $getItems->id ?>,<?= $getItems->preis; ?>)" title="Vais gastar <?= echo $getItems->preis; ?> moedas">Comprar</button>


I noticed that the function is not receiving the counter argument, I don't now much of java, so how can I read that?




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