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Everything posted by EnKor

  1. All problems solve in less that 2 minutes xD
  2. hi there. Can any one help me please. I'm geting DC when i teleport. In client side i get this error: uiInventory.py(line:572) RefreshBonus ui.py(line:2643) GetChild InventoryWindow.RefreshBonus.BindObject - exceptions.KeyError:Sword_def_Value 1126 16:30:47983 :: ============================================================================================================ 1126 16:30:47983 :: Abort!!!! i realy cant understand why this is happen. Can any one help me please? py files.rar
  3. Hi there, I,m looking for some one u can add hackshield to my metin2bin. I,m pay 50€ with skrill. I only pay after se protection in work. Send a pm! i dont have the source
  4. Hi there. I wanna add this IS in my cient. VirusTotal if a go to is in browser it work 5* and no problems.... browser print: [Hidden Content] But if i go to is in Item_mall button i cant see images. ingame print: [Hidden Content] 0 error in /var/log/httpd: Print Client 34K CONFIG: MALL_URL: xxxxxxxxxxx/index.php Why please? i realy go crazy because of this... Help -meeeee!!!
  5. Today i found a new system to flood other players. The system works with : net.SendChatPacket("/messenger_auth x " + Name) Here is one soluction, maybe it's not the best, but for now it resolve. Python Version Open uichat.py Find: def __SendChatPacket(self, text, type): And add: if text.find("/messenger_auth") !=-1: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "fuc@£ Off!!!") return C++ Version { "messenger_auth", do_messenger_auth, 0, POS_DEAD, GM_PLAYER }, Find this in cmd.cpp and remove it, that's it. Second solution for fix. cmd_general.cpp ACMD(do_messenger_auth) { if (ch->GetArena()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("대련장에서 사용하실 수 없습니다.")); return; } // Messenger Flood Check if (thecore_pulse() < m_iMessengerFloodTime + 25) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You have to wait a bit!"); return; } // End Of Messenger Flood Check char arg1[256], arg2[256]; two_arguments(argument, arg1, sizeof(arg1), arg2, sizeof(arg2)); if (!*arg1 || !*arg2) return; char answer = LOWER(*arg1); if (answer != 'y') { LPCHARACTER tch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindPC(arg2); if (tch) tch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("%s 님으로 부터 친구 등록을 거부 당했습니다."), ch->GetName()); } MessengerManager::instance().AuthToAdd(ch->GetName(), arg2, answer == 'y' ? false : true); // DENY m_iMessengerFloodTime = thecore_pulse(); } char.cpp void CHARACTER::Initialize() { CEntity::Initialize(ENTITY_CHARACTER); m_bNoOpenedShop = true; m_bOpeningSafebox = false; m_fSyncTime = get_float_time()-3; m_dwPlayerID = 0; m_dwKillerPID = 0; m_iMoveCount = 0; m_pkRegen = NULL; regen_id_ = 0; m_posRegen.x = m_posRegen.y = m_posRegen.z = 0; m_posStart.x = m_posStart.y = 0; m_posDest.x = m_posDest.y = 0; m_fRegenAngle = 0.0f; m_pkMobData = NULL; m_pkMobInst = NULL; m_pkShop = NULL; m_pkChrShopOwner = NULL; m_pkMyShop = NULL; m_pkExchange = NULL; m_pkParty = NULL; m_pkPartyRequestEvent = NULL; m_pGuild = NULL; m_pkChrTarget = NULL; m_pkMuyeongEvent = NULL; m_pkWarpNPCEvent = NULL; m_pkDeadEvent = NULL; m_pkStunEvent = NULL; m_pkSaveEvent = NULL; m_pkRecoveryEvent = NULL; m_pkTimedEvent = NULL; m_pkFishingEvent = NULL; m_pkWarpEvent = NULL; // MINING m_pkMiningEvent = NULL; // END_OF_MINING m_pkPoisonEvent = NULL; m_pkFireEvent = NULL; m_pkBleedingEvent = NULL; m_pkCheckSpeedHackEvent = NULL; m_speed_hack_count = 0; m_pkAffectEvent = NULL; m_afAffectFlag = TAffectFlag(0, 0); m_pkDestroyWhenIdleEvent = NULL; m_pkChrSyncOwner = NULL; memset(&m_points, 0, sizeof(m_points)); memset(&m_pointsInstant, 0, sizeof(m_pointsInstant)); memset(&m_quickslot, 0, sizeof(m_quickslot)); m_bCharType = CHAR_TYPE_MONSTER; SetPosition(POS_STANDING); m_dwPlayStartTime = m_dwLastMoveTime = get_dword_time(); GotoState(m_stateIdle); m_dwStateDuration = 1; m_dwLastAttackTime = get_dword_time() - 20000; m_bAddChrState = 0; m_pkChrStone = NULL; m_pkSafebox = NULL; m_iSafeboxSize = -1; m_iSafeboxLoadTime = 0; m_pkMall = NULL; m_iMallLoadTime = 0; m_posWarp.x = m_posWarp.y = m_posWarp.z = 0; m_lWarpMapIndex = 0; m_posExit.x = m_posExit.y = m_posExit.z = 0; m_lExitMapIndex = 0; m_pSkillLevels = NULL; m_dwMoveStartTime = 0; m_dwMoveDuration = 0; m_dwFlyTargetID = 0; m_dwNextStatePulse = 0; m_dwLastDeadTime = get_dword_time()-180000; m_bSkipSave = false; m_bItemLoaded = false; m_bHasPoisoned = false; m_pkDungeon = NULL; m_iEventAttr = 0; m_kAttackLog.dwVID = 0; m_kAttackLog.dwTime = 0; m_bNowWalking = m_bWalking = false; ResetChangeAttackPositionTime(); m_bDetailLog = false; m_bMonsterLog = false; m_bDisableCooltime = false; m_iAlignment = 0; m_iRealAlignment = 0; m_iKillerModePulse = 0; m_bPKMode = PK_MODE_PEACE; m_dwQuestNPCVID = 0; m_dwQuestByVnum = 0; m_pQuestItem = NULL; m_szMobileAuth[0] = '\0'; m_dwUnderGuildWarInfoMessageTime = get_dword_time()-60000; m_bUnderRefine = false; // REFINE_NPC m_dwRefineNPCVID = 0; // END_OF_REFINE_NPC m_dwPolymorphRace = 0; m_bStaminaConsume = false; ResetChainLightningIndex(); m_dwMountVnum = 0; m_chHorse = NULL; m_chRider = NULL; m_pWarMap = NULL; m_pWeddingMap = NULL; m_bChatCounter = 0; ResetStopTime(); m_dwLastVictimSetTime = get_dword_time() - 3000; m_iMaxAggro = -100; m_bSendHorseLevel = 0; m_bSendHorseHealthGrade = 0; m_bSendHorseStaminaGrade = 0; m_dwLoginPlayTime = 0; m_pkChrMarried = NULL; m_posSafeboxOpen.x = -1000; m_posSafeboxOpen.y = -1000; // EQUIP_LAST_SKILL_DELAY m_dwLastSkillTime = get_dword_time(); // END_OF_EQUIP_LAST_SKILL_DELAY // MOB_SKILL_COOLTIME memset(m_adwMobSkillCooltime, 0, sizeof(m_adwMobSkillCooltime)); // END_OF_MOB_SKILL_COOLTIME m_isinPCBang = false; // ARENA m_pArena = NULL; m_nPotionLimit = quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetEventFlag("arena_potion_limit_count"); // END_ARENA //PREVENT_TRADE_WINDOW m_isOpenSafebox = 0; //END_PREVENT_TRADE_WINDOW //PREVENT_REFINE_HACK m_iRefineTime = 0; //END_PREVENT_REFINE_HACK //RESTRICT_USE_SEED_OR_MOONBOTTLE m_iSeedTime = 0; //END_RESTRICT_USE_SEED_OR_MOONBOTTLE //PREVENT_PORTAL_AFTER_EXCHANGE m_iExchangeTime = 0; //END_PREVENT_PORTAL_AFTER_EXCHANGE // m_iSafeboxLoadTime = 0; m_iMyShopTime = 0; InitMC(); m_deposit_pulse = 0; SET_OVER_TIME(this, OT_NONE); m_strNewName = ""; m_known_guild.clear(); m_dwLogOffInterval = 0; m_bComboSequence = 0; m_dwLastComboTime = 0; m_bComboIndex = 0; m_iComboHackCount = 0; m_dwSkipComboAttackByTime = 0; m_dwMountTime = 0; m_dwLastGoldDropTime = 0; m_HackShieldCheckEvent = NULL; m_HackShieldCheckMode = false; m_bIsLoadedAffect = false; cannot_dead = false; #ifdef __PET_SYSTEM__ m_petSystem = 0; m_bIsPet = false; #endif m_fAttMul = 1.0f; m_fDamMul = 1.0f; m_pointsInstant.iDragonSoulActiveDeck = -1; memset(&m_tvLastSyncTime, 0, sizeof(m_tvLastSyncTime)); m_iSyncHackCount = 0; m_iMessengerFloodTime = 0; } char.h public: int m_iMessengerFloodTime;
  6. create a new chest. Put or pets inside of chest. Sell the chest in IS. Problem solved.
  7. def __SendChatPacket(self, text, type): name = player.GetName() if net.IsChatInsultIn(text): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) return else: text = "|Hmsg:" + name + "|h""[PM]""|h|r " + text net.SendChatPacket(text, type) That is my def of chat. When i say something e say this line : text = "|Hmsg:" + name + "|h""[PM]""|h|r " + text How can i say that only in ChatPacket, GuildChatPacket and ShoutChatPacket Please? Found it: def __SendChatPacket(self, text, type): name = player.GetName() if net.IsChatInsultIn(text): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) return else: if type == chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT or type == chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD or type == chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY: text = "|Hmsg:" + name + "|h""[PM]""|h|r " + text net.SendChatPacket(text, type) else: net.SendChatPacket(text, type) Close it please.
  8. thank you so much can you pleade upload and the flame_dungeon.quest? here u go: [Hidden Content]
  9. I wanna put one timer in send whisper. But this dont work... Why?
  10. Now it works 100% really grateful for your help
  11. Now it works. Tks Ayaka! Only one more thing. In this way i get in my email all ids like xxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxx, Is it possible add one <br> ? If so we will get: Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, etc....
  12. It works. But dont make the loop. Cuz only send one ID in that email and i have 23 ( Tests ) xD The while loop need to be insine of: $mail_body = " no? :\
  13. Can u place that in the right place :\ my php knolege is only 0.01% xD
  14. for some reason i cant see ur game.py. I dont know if this will work, But its one "suggestion" Find: def OnPressEscapeKey(self): And add a return bellow. def OnPressEscapeKey(self): return
  15. Hi. How can i recover all ID from same email to email? I have this, but for some reason it dont work. if(isset($_POST['idrecover']) && $_POST['idrecover']=="Recuperar") { if(checkMail($_POST['idemail'])) { $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['idemail']); $getUser = "SELECT login FROM account.account WHERE email='".$email."' LIMIT 100"; $qryUser = mysql_query($getUser); if(mysql_num_rows($qryUser)>0) { $qryPass = mysql_query($getUser); $login = mysql_real_escape_string($getUser); if($qryPass) { echo'<p class="meldung">xxxxxx'; $absender = $serverSettings['titel']." Recuperação"; $email = $serverSettings['pass_mail']; $empfaenger = $_POST['idemail']; $mail_body = " Hellou!! This is realy funny, but dont Work. ID: ".$login." ----------->>>> i wanna see all logins in Here!!!! $titel = "Recuperação de Password ".$serverSettings['titel']; $header .= "X-Priority: 3\n"; $header .= "X-Mailer: mtVision Homepage Mailer\n"; $header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $header .= "From: ".$absender." <".$serverSettings['pass_mail'].">\n"; $header .= "Reply-To: ".$serverSettings['pass_mail']."\n"; //$header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; if(!mail($empfaenger, $titel, $mail_body, $header)) { echo'<p class="meldung">xxxxxx'; } } else { echo'<p class="meldung">xxxxxx'; } } else { echo'<p class="meldung">xxxxxx'; } } else { echo'<p class="meldung">xxxxxx'; } }
  16. A simple question. Why i have to put my map boss group in boss.txt and not in regen.txt? I have test put group in regen.txt and work 100% if i put it in boss.txt then work fine too. Can any one tell me de diference?
  17. I realy think about that.... but if i can do it i dont ask this in "Services" right? If u know how to do it then maybe u nanna send me a pm with ur price and skype.
  18. its not the same. I have view equip for GM only and i only can se equips. if i wanna se status from player x i have to do /command. players cant see other player status this way. 34k
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