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  1. "Because line[0] isn't 491, line[0] is 4, because 4 is the first character on that line. " Ok. i got it! if(GetRace() == atoi(line)) <<<< all i need! lol THANK YOU!!!!!!
  2. help me understand this please! line[0] returns value inside .txt right? for exemple, if 491 is the only value inside .txt why client cant "convert" line[0] to 491? why this dont work: if (GetRace() == line[0]) Why binary cant see line[0] is 491 ? I only need to make this line... nothing more ? if (GetRace() == line[0]) ///// if (GetRace() == 491 ) <<<<< this is all i need...
  3. Back allway back to start ? I can print the value.... But i need to check GetRace() with value from inside .txt if (GetRace() == "%s", str) <<<< something like this
  4. before and its 100% working. But ugly as hell lol After if i get some some help:
  5. to apply fSpecular = 1.0 in all vnums(mobs) from inside txt
  6. im around this for 2 days now. I dont understand how to make: GetRace() == VALUE_FROM_INSIDE_TXT
  7. I have .txt file with values: 101 102 but i realy dont know how to get the all values from inside txt Any help please ?
  8. [EDIT]:2 How can i make this?
  9. I got 100% same error as you. But in my case it was because i add FIX before Fix need to be after like he say
  10. There's alot of things that make people scam others. One for one reason, one for other. But for me all start when people start asking money to help others in very simple steps. And yes! I start in metin2 when people help for free and for pleasure. and i was present in metin2 when people start "asking money". At the time, i see this will happen. And i can agree with you in "but still delusional."... but, i'm not "so far from the truth" edit: xD I recall now, some years ago, in skype we have a very very very big group in there. Many of the best Developers this days was in that skype group. And i recall 100% of one BIG discusion i have with T4EMP (something like this) because of this point. Someone start asking money to help in that skype group.... And i disagree and that generate a BIG discusion lol! This was.... 8 years ago?!
  11. It's not what scammers do? "get advantages with the least effort" makes all sence for me ?
  12. im not complain about anything ? i just say my point of view why people scam (or why i belive it is) If you wanna ask money to help other... do it! If you wanna help for free do it too.... I only say why i think people scam thats all ? I don't pay for "starter developers". If i need to pay someone for services, i will look for REAL Developers. Like Vegas, Marty and many others. Its not hard at all find True developers in metin2dev And yes, Metin2dev, Turkkmo, epvp and many many many others forums have almos everyting you need to solve bugs without pay anything. If you spend time to search for soluction, you will find it. No reason at all to get scam or scam others! But once again, and my final 2cents ? "Asking money to solve free bugs create scammers"
  13. That's not at all what im saying. We all was noob one day. All of us! And we're NOT all scammers. Not even 95% of us. And i belive MODTeam ban all scammers in here. so, Metin2dev is a very clean place. What im trying to say is: Every player asking money to solve simple bugs. Who asking for help, most of the times cant find the soluction and the soluction is free. But many players ask for money to help others. And this create Scammers! Because later, they will find the soluction free somewhere, but he have to pay! Im talikng about small bugs\small lines of code! And once again, i 100% hate scammers but my english is bad and i can't explain better what i think about scammers and why they scam. And this.... this is part of the problem but i dont know how to explain. Why you say "google before asking" if we are talking about Metin2 in Metin2dev forum. This forum was not supose help others!? People can go google and try to find help. But if they know Metin2dev, one or even maybe, the best place for all about Metin2dev... why they need google? Please.... dont get me wrong. But i belive, if someone ask you for some kind of help. I realy belive you will say "Go google or i can help you for XXXXX€" Then you came here, Search the topic someone did explain how to solve the problem, make copy-paste and you sell the soluction. Because someone, cant find it or dont know how to find it. And once again... sorry.... but what you did was not HELP\sell Service. What you did was Scam!
  14. Metin2dev is one of the best forum for metin2 And please, dont get me wrong of what i say. My english is very bad and i can't find the right words to explain better what i say. But the "main" problem for me with scammers is that. Scammers players starts when people start asking money to help is simple problems. Here it go a very very simple exemple: When i start in Metin2 +/- 6 years ago. Shogun make a 100% step-by-step in how to start a clean server. (He show us every single step we need to create a server and compile source) This was for FreeBSD 9.2 if im not mistake. (at the time, there was many others free tutorials, but for me shogun did the perfect job! If people wanna start today, with 100% clean files mainline+novaline and Free BSD15!? 16? Mysql8?? 9!? Theres no step-by-step tutorial. Simple... if users can't create own files.... well.... they will scammer to buy ones. and once again, i 100% hate scammers!!!! The point is: in preset day, its very hard for noob players start is own project. Scammer is more easy then start is own projects (Last version of BSD+last sql+clean source etc...)
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