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JachuPL last won the day on April 11 2018

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About JachuPL

  • Birthday 09/13/1995


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  1. LNK1104 cannot open file 'cryptlib-5.6.1MTd.lib' game Anyone can help with fixing it?
  2. account, hotbackup, log - utf8_polish_ci common, player - latin1_swedish_ci which one is proper and should be set for all databases? //edit: changed from utf8_polish_ci to latin1_swedish_ci, still no effect
  3. My problem is similiar but still somehow caused by segmentation fault (SIGSEGV, 11) and strtoul_l() crash. DB Syserr: DB Sysl DB Syslog: I don't remember any charset problems, I use mysql tables that are confirmed to work. Tables were restored from SQL file so there's no way they're broken.
  4. It's not a source code problem since I've tried three versions: Source1 which is edited mainline, Source2 which is an extended fork of Source1 and clean mainline and each one is failing to launch. All the versions I've tried were also compiled on windows and worked without crash, so I think it's really not a source code problem. The funny thing is, the first launch after freebsd boots is always successfull (db works like a charm), but the next ones aren't. Same cores are working without a crash on my physical machine (configured circa September 2015), but not on a new virtual machine (Hyper-V).
  5. already linking static with -static option in CFLAGS. Is this what you mean?
  6. Bumping this thread, because of the same problem. I use FreeBSD 9.3 i386 and db keeps crashing all the time. Important fact - this is probably NOT caused by source code, because I've tried two separate db cores and both has crashed. The funny thing is that everything works on machine that was configured before 2016, but not on a machine I created today (I've only installed git and mysql55-server). What's going on?
  7. My so far favourite ambient/chillout album: Connect.Ohm - 9980
  8. Hello guys, I was wondering if that's possible to compile DB and GAME in debug mode using Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 and it's default toolset (vc120 for 2013, and vc140 for 2015)? I don't want to use vc80 toolset. So far I can compile db in Release mode, but not in Debug. I need it to launch a local windows server to check where does my DB file crash exactly. Is that even possible? Thanks for your help in advance
  9. I have the same error linking my own source, but also using FreeBSD 10.2 (i386). If somebody can share a solution, I'd be very grateful
  10. Added new download link Hope you enjoy it
  11. Hi guys. I have a table with some columns (let's call them pid, col1, col2, col3). pid is Player ID, relative to the one identifying each player. I've written a following code which is at the end of SetPlayerProto function. It sends a packet to DB with data request. db gets the data from table correctly and passes it to game. Values are read correctly and stored in variables. But there's one error I can't get rid of - if I try to teleport somewhere with /go command, all NPC disappear and nothing happens. What should I do? Please, help me! Thank you in advance //edit: I forgot to tell that when I change false to true in if, I can teleport, but I can't get data from db.
  12. Hello @Magdaaka, I've send apologies to the people that received those messages from my account and described situation. I didn't respond on that e-mail from support, but few days later I received an e-mail from [email protected]. Here's the original text in polish: And an english translation: I also ignored this e-mail. I changed the password to my skype account to a new one and monitored the app for a few days to see if it repeats. This was enough. Greethings, Jachu
  13. 1. there's no developer that uses other files that those made on his own. 2. You need to know C++ on advanced level, you have to know how memory, processor, databases etc works. One bd might use memory to initialize itself, the other one might use DB etc etc.
  14. No, you can't blow it up, Mohammed. Blowing up things is a really bad idea.
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