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Posts posted by Shisui

  1. What I did was, take a mysql folder from some files, and then replace (inside mysql folder /var/db/mysql) with test mysql.

    Then, I edit the CONFIG'S like the CONFIG'S from the game (same files that I take the mysql).




    I get connection refused.

    Verify if item_proto & mob_proto are loaded from MySQL. ( message input when start db.sh ) 

    or check if db is opened ( type 'ps' ) 

    Try to restart db , or restart mysql-server and try again.


    I needed to start db first.



    Edit: Where or how can I choose the skills?


    Btw, thank you very much Syron for your support!!

    I really appreciated!



    Make a quest like the Skill-Teachers , and set Skill_Group to (1) :)


    I forgot about the quests. facepalm.png



    Edit: When compiling the game


    start_position.cpp:17: error: conflicting declaration 'long int g_start_map [4]'
    start_position.h:8: error: 'g_start_map' has a previous declaration as 'long int g_start_map [7]'
    start_position.cpp:25: error: conflicting declaration 'DWORD g_start_position [4][2]'
    start_position.h:7: error: 'g_start_position' has a previous declaration as 'DWORD g_start_position [7][2]'
    start_position.cpp:43: error: conflicting declaration 'DWORD g_create_position [4][2]'
    start_position.h:9: error: 'g_create_position' has a previous declaration as 'DWORD g_create_position [7][2]'
    start_position.cpp:51: error: conflicting declaration 'DWORD g_create_position_canada [4][2]'
    start_position.h:10: error: 'g_create_position_canada' has a previous declaration as 'DWORD g_create_position_canada [7][2]'
    gmake: *** [OBJDIR/start_position.o] Error 1

    I get connection refused.

    Verify if item_proto & mob_proto are loaded from MySQL. ( message input when start db.sh ) 

    or check if db is opened ( type 'ps' ) 

    Try to restart db , or restart mysql-server and try again.


    I needed to start db first.



    Edit: Where or how can I choose the skills?


    Btw, thank you very much Syron for your support!!

    I really appreciated!

  4. What's the mysql password?

    There is no MySQL password , it's a backup without mysql folder.

    You can make a default user instead , here are the steps:

    1. cd /var/db

    2. rm -rf mysql ( service mysql-server stop before )

    3. service mysql-server start

    4. mysql ( run this in SSH ) 

    5. use mysql;

    6. create user 'default'@'%' identified by 'yourpassword';

    7. grant all privileges on * . * to 'default'@'%' with GRANT option;

    8. flush privileges;

    9. exit

    10. service mysql-server restart


    And you have your own user with full privileges. Then just put up the Test Server MySQL.

    Ok, do I need to change anything in configs?

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