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Everything posted by Summex

  1. "Face/Off" and "Now you see me". They were both pretty entertaining. For the interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Now_You_See_Me_%28film%29 (2013) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face/Off (1997)
  2. Yes ! And it will be played and played so much that day
  3. Some nice stuff !
  4. Search for "MaXmi" Files and Client. They include most of their stuff.
  5. If you guys didnt knew there is actually another pretty promising upcoming MMORPG. Its called ArcheAge. It has some very nice concepts and a very great interaction between the world, the actions of the players etc. Check it out here: In my opinion games in the future will all be like that just in different settings etc. but the core of interacting with other players and an diverse world will be the real next-gen
  6. Do you really think that she will give you the source just because you ask her ? She had plans to release it but waited with it and now she moved to epvp because of some sort of personal issues she was having or others were having with her out of the team of m2dev. So sadly there are no plans of a publishing of the source by here.
  7. Summex

    Samael NPC

    He sure looks like a badass
  8. I will propably buy the first three books and read them but not more until the new seasons finished etc. I just find it more enjoyable when seeing it in "real" then watch it after knowing everything happened. But I guess thats up to personal taste since I do like it to watch something and know whats gonna happen to see how others react or how they created it in the series.
  9. Very Nice. I already have an awesome Idea on how to use this in a quest Thank you !
  10. A suggestion for future version whereever they will be: I am not completely sure where it is defined but it would be nice if you could remove the texture stretching. That happens if a texture gets drawn on a surface that is very steep like mountains etc and it just looks ugly. I think it could be managed in the game because of the behavior if textures but im not sure if it actually is like that. if someone else has an Idea please tell us
  11. Or like some people did it you could replace an already existing animation with your new one and then do it the way plechito did.
  12. But did that guy that recorded the video designed his own models for the 5th character?Or were they leaked from somewhere? Leaked
  13. @RoxaLyssa and Vanilla Thats exactly what I was talking about And no I dont think you offended anyone you obviously only protected your creation which is your right.
  14. Well I respect every serverowner that creates new and unique things and I understand everybody to not publish ways to do something that is unique if they dont want too but I dont like all the talking about stealing our Idea etc. because thats just stupid. I have a document with 2000 lines of ideas collected over the past 2 years and there is nearly everything in there you could think off including the idea of merging maps. I dont want to do it because someone else did but because I had the same idea. And I also dont want to do it because someone has sucess with it I just want to do it because I want to. If I then get blamed by someone for stealing their idea I just cant understand them and with that I mean something different then copying an Idea 1:1 because I agree thats stealing but similarities between things doesnt mean that someone stole from the other. Anyways please dont get this the wrong way I myself am actually looking forward to SY2 because of some of these features but the whole Idea thing is just my opinion about it.
  15. usually the 9th episode is the "biggest" episode of a season but this time I guess there will be happening alot in the last episode aswell. Arya and Sansa (dont know how to writer her) will maybe meet or if they are unlucky will pass them again and we will find out what will happen to Tyrion. After the final episode the waiting for season 5 will kill me ._.
  16. I would give Shamans only 1 while assassins would get 2. Suras 3 and warriors 4. Warriors would have lower speed then everyone else but highest rating. Suras have a mix of all. Assassins less armor but higher dodging and higher speed. Shamans have the lowest since they only wear a tunic but they have increased casting speed and mp. I would also set the armor rating of shamans to be increased less then the other classes for example shamans can get only 5 more points per grade etc. so the lvl 1 tunic could have maximum armor rating of 6. The next armor 11 etc. Assassins get 7, Suras 8 and Warriors 10. But Shamans and Assassins further increase there additional standart bonus that are on their armors when upgrading further.
  17. Hm I really like the idea of it ( and this maybe could go well with additional changes such as lower values for ninjas but higher movement speed and avoiding damage chance etc.) Nevermind I just read the post above and saw that you were thinking about the same thing. But we would had to change the mob damage etc aswell so pvm would still be possible. So a warrior in this system has 13 armor rating when having the lvl 1 armor +9. Normally he would have 66. That means he has ~ *5,1 less armor rating then before. If we now take the next armor which would have 14 base + 9 points for each grade means = 23 armor rating. The normal one has 75 which means we would only have ~ *3,2 less armor rating. If oyu continue this it would come to this: 123 as highest amror rate. Normally 320 which would equal in ~ *2,6 less armor rating. But these values differ alot between the different grades of armor so stricly following this concept wouldnt work either. Certain armors had to be given a higher standart value to match with the normal values but only if you want that of corse because maybe following this system completely would even be mre balanced then before.
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