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Everything posted by Dimmi

  1. Hi guys, I need some help, I tried to develop a new quest and I got a problem: I can't save in a global flag (game.set_event_flag) a variable (string). I tried: game.set_event_flag("spiderowner", pc.get_name()) and didn't work, in global flag it saves "0". So, I tried: d.setf("spiderowner", pc.get_name()) and same thing. I can save in those flags only integer variables... How can I save a string variable? Thanks!
  2. Yep, I'm pretty sure about this. Ymir servers are very good secured, but when they affiliated the metin2sg, they didn't secure it aswell, so, an ex-developer there, which was fired stole the source and posted it on internet for revenge. The story is: First time, the big "Rain" who released the "InstantServer" was an hacker at some kind of organisation from china who stoled the game file from metin2. About 2089M, I don't know how it was released on internet, but I'm pretty sure this was hacked, too. When Ymir released 34k, they affiliated metin2sg, and ofc, that was an easy hint for hackers, so, that's why we got 34k gamefile. And, finally, was that developer which could stole the source from metin2sg. That's the story about I've read some time ago.
  3. The source of game 40k was stolen from Metin2SG by an ex-developer. The source of 2089M, 34k etc is an older version of source 40k. Do you understand now? xD
  4. Same... I think not that function is the problem... Done. The problem was at function, I put a wrong begin there.
  5. Hi buddies, I've this quest, but when I compile files are not created in /object/. This is the quest: quest spider_cave_boss begin state start begin function ready_for_cave() begin if pc.count_item(80041) > 0 then local spider = { ["spiderworking"] = game.get_event_flag("spiderworking"), ["spiderpassword"] = game.get_event_flag("spiderpassword"), ["spiderowner"] = game.get_event_flag("spiderowner"), ["spiderboss"] = pc.getqf("spiderboss") } if spider["spiderworking"] == 0 and spider["spiderpassword"] == 0 and spider["spiderowner"] == 0 then if spider["spiderboss"] == 0 then return true else return "Incerci deja sa invingi regele." end else return "Cineva viteaz deja incearca sa invinga regele." end else return "Ai nevoie de "..item_name(80041).." pentru a intra." end end when 20371.chat."Temnita Paianjenilor 3" with pc.getqf("spiderboss") == 0 and game.get_event_flag("spiderworking") == 0 begin say_title(mob_name(20371)) say("") say("Salut, am auzit ca doresti sa intri in ") say("a treia temnita a paianjenilor impreuna cu un grup, ") say("pentru a omori Regina Paianjen... ") say(" ") say("E adevarat? ") say(" ") if select (locale.yes, locale.no) == 2 then return else say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Atunci trebuie sa stiti ca aveti nevoie, ") say("Trecerea Imparatului pentru ati da voie sa intri acolo. ") say("Daca nu ai acea trecere nu te voi lasa sa intri... ") say(" ") wait() say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Fii atent razboinicule, ") say("Regina Paianjen este foarte puternica si, ") say("nu a mai luat o masa de secole... ") say(" ") wait() say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Doriti sa intrati in Camera Regelui? ") say(" ") if select (locale.yes, locale.no) then return else local ready = spider_cave_boss.ready_for_cave() if ready == 1 then say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Oo.. ai un bilet! ") say(" ") say("Esti sigur ca doresti sa intri acolo? ") if select (locale.yes, locale.no) == 1 then say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Am nevoie de o parola cu ajutorul careia ") say("sa-i tin la deparare pe intrusi! ") local password = tonumber(input("")) game.set_event_flag("spiderpassword", password) game.set_event_flag("spiderworking", 1) game.set_event_flag("spiderowner", pc.get_name()) pc.setqf ("spiderboss", 1) pc.removeitem (80041) say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Dupa ce ai intrat nu mai pot sa te readuc pana nu omori regina. ") say("Succes! ") wait() pc.warp(88000, 614500) else say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Eu nu ma opun, ") say("dar ai nevoie de curaj pentru ai face fata regelui.. ") say(" ") say("Intoarcete inapoi cand, ") say("vei avea curaj sa infrunti regina! ") say(" ") end else say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Nu puteti intra! ") say(ready) say(" ") end end end end when 20371.chat."Ii sunt prieten cavalerului" with pc.getqf("spiderboss") == 0 and game.get_event_flag("spiderworking") == 1 begin say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") local name = game.get_event_flag("spiderowner") say("Deci esti unul dintre prietenii lui "..name.."? ") say("Haha! Am nevoie de dovezi ca sa te cred! ") say("Mi-a lasat o parola inainte sa-l trimit acolo! ") say("Daca chiar ii esti prieten, spune-mi parola! ") local password = tonumber(input("")) if password == game.get_event_flag("spiderpassword") then say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Oh! Chiar ii esti prieten! ") say("Sa vedem daca esti apt pentru a intra in temnita! ") local ready = spider_cave_boss.ready_for_cave() if ready == 1 then pc.setqf ("spiderboss", 1) pc.removeitem (80041) say_reward ("Foarte bine! Sa mergem! ") wait() pc.warp(88000, 614500) else say_reward(ready) return end end end when login with pc.in_dungeon() begin if d.getf("spiderboss ") == 1 then notice_in_map("Temnita Paianjenilor 3: ") notice_in_map("Aveti 20 de minute la dispozitie ") notice_in_map("pentru a omora Metinele Paianjen! ") timer("time_spiderboss", 1200) local metinspiderboss = number(1, 5) local pos = { [1] = {367, 587}, [2] = {356, 575}, [3] = {383, 576}, [4] = {378, 598}, [5] = {358, 596} } local metingood = 8072 local metinbad = 8071 d.spawn_mob(metingood, pos[6-metinspiderboss][1], pos[6-metinspiderboss][2]) for i = 1, 5 do if i ~= 6 - metinspiderboss then d.spawn_mob(metinbad, pos[i][1], pos[i][2]) end end end end when 8071.kill with pc.in_dungeon() begin notice_in_map("Ati distrus metin-ul gresit.. ") end when 8072.kill with pc.in_dungeon() begin notice_in_map("Ati distrus metin-ul corect! ") d.kill_all() notice_in_map("Regina paianjen vine cu trupele sale dupa tine.. ") d.spawn_mob(2092, 367, 587) end when time_spiderboss0.timer begin notice_in_map("Ai la dispozitie 20 de minute pentru a omori Regina Paianjen! ") timer("time_spiderboss0", 1200) end when time_spiderboss5.timer begin notice_in_map("Au mai ramas 15 minute! ") timer("time_spiderboss5", 1200) end when time_spiderboss10.timer begin notice_in_map("Au mai ramas 10 minute! ") timer("time_spiderboss10", 1200) end when time_spiderboss15.timer begin notice_in_map("Au mai ramas 5 minute! ") timer("time_spiderboss15", 1200) end when time_spiderboss20.timer begin notice_in_map("Timpul a expirat, vei fi teleportat inapoi in oras. ") timer("time_spiderboss20", 1200) d.jump_all(178, 464) end when 2092.kill with pc.in_dungeon() begin notice_in_map("Spiritul raului te vrea plecat de aici. ") notice_in_map("Vei fi teleportat in aproximativ un minut! ") notice_in_map("Omoara mai repede, pana nu va fi prea tarziu. ") d.kill_all() nation = { "Shinsoo" , "Chunjo" , "Jinno" } notice_all("Echipa lui "..game.get_event_flag("spiderowner").." din regatul " .. nation [ pc.getempire() ] .. " au omorat Regina Paianjen! ") timer("spiderboss_time_out", 60) end when spiderboss_time_out.timer with pc.get_map_index() == 191 begin pc.setqf("spiderboss", 0) game.set_event_flag("spiderworking", 0) game.set_event_flag("spiderpassword", 0) game.set_event_flag("spiderowner", 0) d.jump_all(178, 464) end when 20371.chat."Misterul Temnitei" with pc.getqf("spiderboss ") == 1 begin say_title(mob_name(20371)) say(" ") say("Aceasta temnita cu mult timp in urma, ") say("era un parc de distractie pentru copii, ") say("dar intr-o zi un razboinic a omorat un paianjen si, ") say("blestemul a coborat asupra lui si intregii temnite.. ") say("De atunci nimeni nu a mai avut curajul sa intre acolo! ") say(" ") end end end end And this is shown in putty: QUEST : spider_cave_boss STATE : start FUNCTION ready_for_cave() Any ideas? Thanks a lot!
  6. I forgot to say, it's a problem if I don't have PLAYER_CACHE_FLUSH_SECONDS in conf.txt?
  7. The error with invalid map I solved by replacing all outdoors and indoors file with outdoors & indoors from a client for 34k... But now I just want to know how to "play" with this cache and player table... Maybe, some day, I will need it..
  8. That's what I try to know.. Witch trick I've to use? And can make that trick to be automatically when that player reset his coordinates?
  9. You don't understand me. That script will work when your server wrong coordonates (if that happens, it's logic that player will be kicked out), and that script just reset his coordonates. After this, how much time will be forced to stay logged off? I mean, where I can see that flush time? I just wanna know, after that flush cache, will that query be saved? I'm sorry if you didn't understand... I really don't know how to explain...
  10. I don't need to make changes to player so easy. I just want to make a script, off-server (in site) to debug your character. This will set your coords and map_index to your map1 (red/blue/yellow)... It's simple. For example this query for setting you to map1 blue: UPDATE player.player SET `x` = '959746', `y` = '271055', `map_index` = '41', `exit_x` = '959746', `exit_y` = '271055', `exit_map_index` = '41' WHERE `name` = 'Example'; So, if I will do that, and I will execute query, in ~7 mins server will save that changes? That's what I have in conf.txt DB_SLEEP_MSEC = 10 CLIENT_HEART_FPS = 10 HASH_PLAYER_LIFE_SEC = 600 BACKUP_LIMIT_SEC = 3600 PLAYER_ID_START = 100 PLAYER_DELETE_LEVEL_LIMIT = 95 PLAYER_DELETE_CHECK_SIMPLE = 1
  11. Hi guys, I just found a problem. When I modify something in player table, changes aren't saved in-game, even I use /reload p. And if I reboot the server, the changes come back how it was when I disconnected from the server. I mean, I can modify in player (and save that changes) only if server is closed. Can somebody give me the fix? I need real update because I'm working at maps and my character bug easiest, and I need to redefine his map_index and coords. Thank you very much!
  12. Hello guys, I've a question about mounts and theirs attack & skill. I wanna set they can attack & use skills since horse_level is 0... Thanks!
  13. I tried to decompile their mob_proto and I failed. It's very good compiled. You can't stole from official so easy. Btw, why you didn't try to decompile by yourself?
  14. A big number... If you wrote "2000000000", for example, for compiler that is too big and he will convert it to something like that. So.. I changed that number to one smaller, nothing changed. Same problem.
  15. Hello guys, I made this simple quest: for teleporting in caves. When I compile it, I got no errors, but files aren't created in object. Why? Kind regards.
  16. No, it was corectly. I made a new file, with a new name ('ds_cor') and put all the code from dragon_soul in it. It works perfectly. Thanks for any help! It's solved.
  17. Hello, I've this quest: #quest_removed And I got this when I try to compile: dragon_soul.lua:1:must start with 'quest' Can somebody helps me? I got really stuck and I need it fast.. Thanks a lot! Kind regards, Dimmi
  18. Can you teach me how to? No way, I changed all the system. #closed. Thanks for help.
  19. Good morning guys, Firstly, I need some help with my dragon soul system. How can I make to expand the stone request slots? I mean, I want to put more than 3 stones for upgrade the stones... And secondly, how can I change the bonuses from those all stones? Thanks, kind regards, Dimmi
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