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Everything posted by Dimmi

  1. Hi guys, I have this log.txt: 0921 17:45:00005 :: 0921 17:45:00005 :: ## Network - OffLine Phase ## 0921 17:45:00005 :: 0921 17:45:00042 :: importing from pack debugInfo 0921 17:45:00043 :: name '__COMMAND_LINE__' is not defined 0921 17:45:02948 :: Traceback: Call: File "<string>", line 1, in <module> Call: File "system.py", line 1, in <module> Error: name '__COMMAND_LINE__' is not defined 0921 17:45:02949 :: SYSERR: RunMain Error 0921 17:45:02954 :: SYSERR: granny_shared_vbs: 0921 17:45:02954 :: SYSERR: 0: 0 0921 17:45:02954 :: SYSERR: 1: 0 0921 17:45:02954 :: SYSERR: 2: 0 0921 17:45:02954 :: SYSERR: 3: 0 0921 17:45:02955 :: SYSERR: 4: 0 0921 17:45:02955 :: SYSERR: 5: 0 0921 17:45:02956 :: SYSERR: 6: 0 0921 17:45:02956 :: SYSERR: 7: 0 0921 17:45:02957 :: SYSERR: 8: 0 0921 17:45:02959 :: CResourceManager::__DestroyDeletingResourceMap 0 0921 17:45:02960 :: CResourceManager::__DestroyResourceMap 0 0921 17:45:02962 :: CResourceManager::__DestroyResourceMap 0 0921 17:45:02963 :: CPythonBackground Clear 0921 17:45:02965 :: PythonIME Clear 0921 17:45:02966 :: PythonNetworkMainStream Clear 0921 17:45:02968 :: Python Graphic Clear Do you know how to solve it? 1 more question, it generates me the debug version of the starter, how can I build into official (not debug version) starter? Here are the 49 warnings got after building binary: Thanks! Kind regards!
  2. Hi everybody, I got stuck with a source, I just got it from the internet and I am not as expert to debug this: {standard input}:19926: Error: unbalanced parenthesis in operand 2. g++: Internal error: Killed: 9 (program cc1plus) Is here someone to tell me what means this, please? Because 19926 from standard input tells nothing to me... Kind regards, Dimmi
  3. If I hold down my right button on mouse, I can only move around the sura char, I can't move the sura char around the map. Nevermind, for me it works on the middle button (the wheel), that was a little fk'd up.
  4. Thanks guys, I found it, now it works. I have one more problem now, when I create a map, or load, if it's a lil bit big, we doesn't shows all to me, only a part, and I can't move with the sura char, not even using WASD, neither the arrows. Why?
  5. It appears when I try to load ymir work folder, what to do now?
  6. And which IP I use to connect on server, but on FTP? Server it's online, but I don't know how to connect. Haha. XD
  7. Hi guys, I really need your help, where can I modify time to disappear a dropped item after 3 seconds (now it's 3 minutes). I know it's a diff method, but I wanna make it from source. Can somebody tell me how? Please? Kind regards.
  8. Hi guys, I've a problem, my cube system didn't want to show me description of items which he wanna request for the craft. I hope you'll understand from images below. Tell me if you don't understand. I need some help, please. Thanks a lot!
  9. Hi guys, Did anyone know how to run Metin2 on Ubuntu Mate? I tried all I can do, I understood, the only chance it's to install windows by a virtual machine and play there... I wanna develop my client from Ubuntu, so, I need some help. I tried with Wine, but I get "CREATE_NO_APPROPIATE_DEVICE" error, even if Wine is set up on Windows 7. Thank you very much for any suggestion.
  10. Thanks but this is for source only Isnt there a way to fix it without compilin source ? Nope, because those mounts wasn't created for attack purpose, just for walking around. So, you've to compile source or you will use them just for walking.
  11. Hi guys, I got a problem with my dragon soul system. When I try to use it and I put a stone into slot (the right slot), I recieve an error like "Wrong slot". I think it's a problem from item_proto, because before using "dump_proto_release" (to compile .txt into proto) this system worked properly... Any solution, please?
  12. That's strange. It should actually work exactly how selecting integer works. Try using extended MySQL query: SELECT `column` FROM player.table LIMIT 1; Also, do you use source? It would be easier to use the source. Yes, I'm using source. Function I used (mysql.query) was added by source, but the query it's ok, cuz' always I test my query in Navicat. The problem is in variable (I think), because integer variable works.
  13. Hi guys. How can I make a function to select a string (varchar in database) in a quest. For example, to select "test" (which is an integer) from table "test", I use a function like this: function get_test () local r = mysql.query("SELECT test FROM player.test LIMIT 1") return r[1][1] end How can I make a function to select a string? Please help!
  14. Hi guys, I got stuck. I made a quest by myself and got this when I try to compile: root@xx:/usr/game/share/locale/romania/quest # ./qc biologist.lua QUEST : biologist STATE : start FUNCTION first_mission() FUNCTION set_mission(mission) FUNCTION set_cooldown() FUNCTION remove_cooldown() FUNCTION set_item(vnum,count) FUNCTION get_mission() FUNCTION get_cooldown() FUNCTION get_count() FUNCTION get_mission_info(MissionID) FUNCTION get_mission_id(MissionLevel) FUNCTION Tasks(playerLevel,playerMissionID,playerCooldown,playerItemsBrought,mission_info) WHEN : 20084.take Abort (core dumped) My quest is: quest biologist begin state start begin function first_mission() mysql.query(string.format("INSERT INTO quest.biologistchaegirab (playerid, mission, time, item, count) VALUES ('%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d')", pc.get_player_id(), 0, get_time(), 30305, 10)) end function set_mission(mission) mysql.query(string.format("UPDATE quest.biologistchaegirab SET mission = '%d' WHERE playerid = '%d'", mission, pc.get_player_id())) end function set_cooldown() mysql.query(string.format("UPDATE quest.biologistchaegirab SET time = '%d' WHERE playerid = '%d'", get_time() + settings.biologist_time * 60, pc.get_player_id())) end function remove_cooldown() syschat("Timpul a fost eliminat.") mysql.query(string.format("UPDATE quest.biologistchaegirab SET time = '%d' WHERE playerid = '%d'", get_time() * 1 + 1, pc.get_player_id())) pc.removeitem(71035, 1) end function set_item(vnum, count) mysql.query(string.format("UPDATE quest.biologistchaegirab SET item = '%d', count = '%d' WHERE playerid = '%d'", vnum, count, pc.get_player_id())) end function get_mission() local mission = mysql.query(string.format("SELECT mission FROM quest.biologistchaegirab WHERE playerid = '%d' LIMIT 1", pc.get_player_id())) return mission[1][1] end function get_cooldown() local time = mysql.query(string.format("SELECT time FROM quest.biologistchaegirab WHERE playerid = '%d' LIMIT 1", pc.get_player_id())) return time[1][1] end function get_count() local count = mysql.query(string.format("SELECT count FROM quest.biologistchaegirab WHERE playerid = '%d' LIMIT 1", pc.get_player_id())) return count[1][1] end function get_mission_info(MissionID) mission_info_map = { -- ID = Level, Nume, VnumItem, Cantitate, Recompensa, BonusID1, BonusVAL1, BonusID2, BonusVAL2, RecompensaItem, RecompensaCantitate [1] = {30, "Dinþii de orc", 30305, 10, "+10% viteza de miºcare (permanentã)[ENTER]Cutie roºie de ebonitã ", 8, 10, 0, 0, 50109, 1 }, [2] = {40, "Cãrþile blestemelor", 30306, 15, "+5% viteza de atac (permanentã)[ENTER]Cutie de abanos maro", 7, 5, 0, 0, 50110, 1 }, [3] = {50, "Suvenirele Demonului", 30307, 15, "+60 apãrare (permanentã)[ENTER]Cutie de abanos galbenã ", 54, 60, 0, 0 , 50111, 1 }, [4] = {60, "Globuri de gheaþã", 30308, 20, "+50 atac (permanent)[ENTER]Cutie de abanos verde-deschis", 53, 50, 0, 0, 50112, 1 }, [5] = {70, "Crengile Zelkova", 30165, 25, "+10% viteza de miºcare (permanentã)[ENTER]+5% puternic împotriva monºtrilor (permanent)[ENTER]Cutie de abanos verde", 8, 10, 63, 5, 50113, 1 }, [6] = {80, "Tãbliþele Tugyis", 30166, 30, "+10 forþã (permanent)[ENTER]+10% viteza de atac (permanentã)[ENTER]Cutie de abanos albastrã ", 5, 10, 7, 10, 50114, 1 }, [7] = {85, "Rãmurelele roºii", 30167, 40, "+10% reducerea pagubelor încasate de la[ENTER]ceilalþi jucãtori[ENTER]Cutie de abanos purpurie", 73, 10, 0, 0, 50115, 1 }, [8] = {90, "Însemnele Liderilor", 30168, 50, "+10% puternic împotriva semi-oamenilor[ENTER]Cutie de abanos albastrã ", 17, 10, 0, 0, 50114, 1 } } MissionID = tonumber(MissionID) return mission_info_map[MissionID] end function get_mission_id(MissionLevel) mission_level_map = { [30] = 1, [40] = 2, [50] = 3, [60] = 4, [70] = 5, [80] = 6, [85] = 8, [90] = 9 } MissionLevel = tonumber(MissionLevel) return mission_level_map[MissionLevel] end function Tasks(playerLevel, playerMissionID, playerCooldown, playerItemsBrought, mission_info) local Bonus1 = mission_info[6] local BonusValue1 = mission_info[7] local Bonus2 = mission_info[8] local BonusValue2 = mission_info[9] local ItemBonus = mission_info[10] local ItemBonusCount = mission_info[11] if get_time() < playerCooldown then say_title(mob_name(20084)) say("") say("Momentan nu am terminat de studiat obiectul ") say("care mi le-ai adus. Revin-o mai târziu. ") say("Poþi aduce un obiect odatã la 10 minute. ") say("") return end if playerLevel < mission_info[1] then say_title(mob_name(20084)) say("") say("Îmi pare rãu, dar trebuie sã ai nivelul " .. mission_info[1]) say("pentru aceastã misiune! Revin-o când atingi ") say("nivelul necesar. ") say("") return end say_title(mob_name(20084)) say("") say("Pentru a finaliza aceastã misiune este nevoie de ") local ItemRemaining = mission_info[4] - playerItemsBrought say(""..item_name(mission_info[3])..", "..ItemRemaining.." de bucãþi.") say("") say("Recompensa pentru aceastã misiune este:") say_reward(mission_info[5]) say("") if select("Am adus "..item_name(mission_info[3]).."", "Înapoi") == 1 then if pc.count_item(mission_info[3]) == 0 then say_title(mob_name(20084)) say("") say("Nu ai obiectele necesare.") say("Pentru aceastã misiune este nevoie de " .. item_name(mission_info[3])) say("") return end local Sansa = { [30] = 2, -- 50% [40] = 2, -- 50% [50] = 2, -- 50% [60] = 3, -- 33% [70] = 3, -- 33% [80] = 3, -- 33% [85] = 4, -- 25% [90] = 4 -- 25% } local Prob = number(1, Sansa[mission_info[1]]) if Prob ~= 1 then say_title(mob_name(20084)) say("") say("Îmi pare rãu, dar acest exemplar nu este bun!") say("Revin-o cu un exemplar nou.") say("") pc.remove_item(mission_info[3], 1) return end playerItemsBrought = playerItemsBrought + 1 biologist.set_item(mission_info[3], playerItemsBrought) if playerItemsBrought == mission_info[4] then pc.remove_item(mission_info[3], 1) say_title(mob_name(20084)) say("") say("În sfârºit! Am terminat de studiat aceste obiecte.") say("Mulþumesc pentru ajutor. Recompensa ta este") say("") say_reward(mission_info[5]) say("") affect.add_collect(mission_info[6], mission_info[7], 60*60*24*365*60) pc.give_item2 (mission_info[10], mission_info[11]) if mission_info[8] != 0 then affect.add_collect(mission_info[8], mission_info[9], 60*60*24*365*60) end -- Noua misiune local NextMissionID = playerMissionID + 1 local NextMission = biologist.get_mission_info(NextMissionID) biologist.set_mission(NextMission[1]) -- Noul item de colectat local ItemChallange = NextMission[3] biologist.set_item(ItemChallange, 0) else say_title(mob_name(20084)) say("") say("Excelent! Acest exemplar este de calitate.") ItemRemaining = mission_info[4] - playerItemsBrought say("Mai trebuie sã aduci doar "..ItemRemaining.." de exemplare.") say("") biologist.set_cooldown() pc.remove_item(mission_info[3], 1) end end end when 20084.take with pc.get_level() >= 30 local mission_info = biologist.get_mission_info(biologist.get_mission_id()) biologist.Tasks(pc.get_level(), biologist.get_mission_id(), biologist.get_cooldown(), biologist.get_count(), mission_info) end end end Any help please? Thanks!
  15. Hello, I've a problem, d.new_jump_all dosen't teleport me and my group. How can I fix it? Or how can I replace it? Thanks!
  16. Thanks. It works. I used mysql.query for update and mysql.direct_query for select.
  17. Hi guys, I need a mysql query function for quests, only for update & select commands. Can anyone give it to me, please? Thanks!
  18. I got it... So I tried to put some global variables. The only chance to do this was to put variables in translate.lua. How can I put global variables inside the quest?
  19. I put some global variables in translate.lua and use them. Not it works perfectly. But I've other problem, d.spawn_mob function dosen't spawn mobs. Why? And something, somehow, I changed the sd3 type, this is not anymore dungeon because if I put this function in quest pc.in_dungeon() it returns false... So... I think that's why...
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