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Everything posted by Fliegex3

  1. I need a function like the item2.get_attr and item2.set_attr from iMer in Vanilla Core. Are there any Functions like that in this core? I need it for the Guildstorage.
  2. Can someone upload a .exe with 4 inventorys for me? The .exe from metin2dev don't work with vanilla 67k, I get kicked when I try to login :/
  3. Now i succesfully compiled the gamefile but when I log in, I get kicked... Syserr: SYSERR: Dec 14 19:23:33 :: pid_init: Start of pid: 881 SYSERR: Dec 14 19:23:34 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Table 'log.invalid_server_log' doesn't exist (query: INSERT INTO invalid_server_log(locale_type, log_date, ip, revision) VALUES(6, NOW(), '', 40250) errno: 1146) SYSERR: Dec 14 19:23:44 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: wolf_god have not motlist.txt vnum(192) folder(wolf_god) SYSERR: Dec 14 19:23:44 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: wolf_god have not motlist.txt vnum(192) folder(wolf_god) SYSERR: Dec 14 19:23:44 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: wolf_god have not motlist.txt vnum(192) folder(wolf_god) SYSERR: Dec 14 19:23:44 :: LoadSkillMotion: Motion: Skill exist but no motion data for index 0 mob 3596 skill 257 SYSERR: Dec 14 19:23:44 :: LoadSkillMotion: Motion: Skill exist but no motion data for index 1 mob 3596 skill 258 SYSERR: Dec 14 19:24:10 :: GetValidLocation: cannot find sectree_map by map index 19 SYSERR: Dec 14 19:24:10 :: PlayerLoad: InputDB::PlayerLoad : cannot find valid location 1727922183 x 2877 (name: ) SYSERR: Dec 14 19:24:11 :: hupsig: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM signal has been received. shutting down. SYSERR: Dec 14 19:24:14 :: pid_deinit: End of pid
  4. I downloaded a VDI with the Source in it, from TheGame. But when I try to compile the novaline, I get many errors.
  5. Which .py files do I need for this? --> [Hidden Content]
  6. I can fix it for you Add me on Skype: eisidersuchti
  7. do you have more then the orginal shinings? If yes, then you are using a socket which is already in use.
  8. which game revision? The item2 functions are missing (item2.get_attr, item2.set_attr)
  9. then you have to change some parts in the uiguildstorage.py , caue it uses locale and not localeInfo
  10. 40k client or under 40k client? Cause the 40k client uses localeInfo and the others locale. If you insert the released version which I released, you have to change the import locale to localeInfo etc. Otherwise you just have forgot to insert the uiscript part.
  11. I'm searching for a XML to SQL Converter, all Converters I found won't work :/
  12. The fail: Can someone change me this effect? the white smoke and the stars should be in the red frame, from the begin until the end of the zepter :/ Sorry for my bad english :3 MSE File: BoundingSphereRadius 0.000000 BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 70.000000 Group Particle { StartTime 0.000000 List TimeEventPosition { 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.496000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 80.000000 } Group EmitterProperty { MaxEmissionCount 15 CycleLength 0.501000 CycleLoopEnable 1 LoopCount 0 EmitterShape 0 EmitterAdvancedType 1 EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 EmittingDirection 0.100000 0.100000 0.000000 List TimeEventEmittingSize { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity { 0.000000 10.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingVelocity { 0.000000 16.494844 } List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond { 0.000000 20.000000 } List TimeEventLifeTime { 0.000000 0.335052 } List TimeEventSizeX { 0.008571 -155.000000 } List TimeEventSizeY { 0.000000 86.597939 0.331429 67.010307 0.500000 0.000000 } } Group ParticleProperty { SrcBlendType 5 DestBlendType 2 ColorOperationType 4 BillboardType 1 RotationType 4 RotationSpeed 500.000000 RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 RotationRandomStartingEnd 800 AttachEnable 1 StretchEnable 0 TexAniType 0 TexAniDelay 0.040000 TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 List TimeEventGravity { } List TimeEventAirResistance { 0.017143 0.752577 } List TimeEventScaleX { 0.000000 0.200000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventScaleY { 0.000000 0.100000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorRed { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorGreen { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorBlue { 0.000000 1.000000 } List TimeEventAlpha { 0.607692 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventRotation { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TextureFiles { "gwi_geom_spark copy.jpg" } } } Group Particle { StartTime 0.000000 List TimeEventPosition { 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.496000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 80.000000 } Group EmitterProperty { MaxEmissionCount 15 CycleLength 0.500000 CycleLoopEnable 1 LoopCount 0 EmitterShape 0 EmitterAdvancedType 1 EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 EmittingDirection 0.100000 0.100000 0.000000 List TimeEventEmittingSize { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity { 0.000000 10.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingVelocity { 0.000000 16.494844 } List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond { 0.000000 20.000000 } List TimeEventLifeTime { 0.000000 0.335052 } List TimeEventSizeX { 0.008571 -155.000000 } List TimeEventSizeY { 0.000000 86.597939 0.331429 67.010307 0.500000 0.000000 } } Group ParticleProperty { SrcBlendType 5 DestBlendType 2 ColorOperationType 4 BillboardType 1 RotationType 4 RotationSpeed 500.000000 RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 RotationRandomStartingEnd 800 AttachEnable 1 StretchEnable 0 TexAniType 0 TexAniDelay 0.040000 TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 List TimeEventGravity { } List TimeEventAirResistance { 0.017143 0.752577 } List TimeEventScaleX { 0.000000 0.200000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventScaleY { 0.000000 0.100000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorRed { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorGreen { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorBlue { 0.000000 1.000000 } List TimeEventAlpha { 0.607692 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventRotation { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TextureFiles { "gwi_geom_spark copy.jpg" } } } Group Particle { StartTime 0.000000 List TimeEventPosition { 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.496000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 80.000000 } Group EmitterProperty { MaxEmissionCount 15 CycleLength 0.500000 CycleLoopEnable 1 LoopCount 0 EmitterShape 0 EmitterAdvancedType 1 EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 EmittingDirection 0.100000 0.100000 0.000000 List TimeEventEmittingSize { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity { 0.000000 10.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingVelocity { 0.000000 16.494844 } List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond { 0.000000 20.000000 } List TimeEventLifeTime { 0.000000 0.335052 } List TimeEventSizeX { 0.008571 -155.000000 } List TimeEventSizeY { 0.000000 86.597939 0.331429 67.010307 0.500000 0.000000 } } Group ParticleProperty { SrcBlendType 5 DestBlendType 2 ColorOperationType 4 BillboardType 1 RotationType 4 RotationSpeed 500.000000 RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 RotationRandomStartingEnd 800 AttachEnable 1 StretchEnable 0 TexAniType 0 TexAniDelay 0.040000 TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 List TimeEventGravity { } List TimeEventAirResistance { 0.017143 0.752577 } List TimeEventScaleX { 0.000000 0.200000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventScaleY { 0.000000 0.100000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorRed { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorGreen { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorBlue { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventAlpha { 0.607692 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventRotation { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TextureFiles { "gwi_geom_spark copy.jpg" } } } Group Particle { StartTime 0.000000 List TimeEventPosition { 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.496000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 80.000000 } Group EmitterProperty { MaxEmissionCount 15 CycleLength 0.500100 CycleLoopEnable 1 LoopCount 0 EmitterShape 0 EmitterAdvancedType 1 EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 EmittingDirection 0.100000 0.100000 0.000000 List TimeEventEmittingSize { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity { 0.000000 10.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingVelocity { 0.000000 16.494844 } List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond { 0.000000 20.000000 } List TimeEventLifeTime { 0.000000 0.335052 } List TimeEventSizeX { 0.008571 -155.000000 } List TimeEventSizeY { 0.000000 86.597939 0.331429 67.010307 0.500000 0.000000 } } Group ParticleProperty { SrcBlendType 5 DestBlendType 2 ColorOperationType 4 BillboardType 1 RotationType 4 RotationSpeed 500.000000 RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 RotationRandomStartingEnd 800 AttachEnable 1 StretchEnable 0 TexAniType 0 TexAniDelay 0.040000 TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 List TimeEventGravity { } List TimeEventAirResistance { 0.017143 0.752577 } List TimeEventScaleX { 0.000000 0.200000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventScaleY { 0.000000 0.100000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorRed { 0.000000 1.000000 } List TimeEventColorGreen { 0.000000 0.733333 } List TimeEventColorBlue { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventAlpha { 0.607692 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventRotation { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TextureFiles { "gwi_geom_spark copy.jpg" } } } BoundingSphereRadius 0.000000 BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 70.000000 Group Particle { StartTime 0.000000 List TimeEventPosition { 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.496000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 80.000000 } Group EmitterProperty { MaxEmissionCount 24 CycleLength 0.500000 CycleLoopEnable 1 LoopCount 0 EmitterShape 3 EmitterAdvancedType 0 EmittingRadius 23.000000 EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.001000 List TimeEventEmittingSize { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity { } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX { } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY { } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ { 0.000000 2.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingVelocity { 0.000000 2.000000 } List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond { 0.000000 20.000000 } List TimeEventLifeTime { 0.000000 0.800000 } List TimeEventSizeX { 0.008571 -155.000000 } List TimeEventSizeY { 0.000000 15.000000 } } Group ParticleProperty { SrcBlendType 5 DestBlendType 2 ColorOperationType 4 BillboardType 2 RotationType 0 RotationSpeed 0.000000 RotationRandomStartingBegin 90 RotationRandomStartingEnd 90 AttachEnable 0 StretchEnable 0 TexAniType 0 TexAniDelay 0.000000 TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 List TimeEventGravity { } List TimeEventAirResistance { } List TimeEventScaleX { 0.400000 0.800000 1.000000 0.600000 } List TimeEventScaleY { 0.000000 0.700000 1.000000 1.400000 } List TimeEventColorRed { 0.000000 1.000000 } List TimeEventColorGreen { 0.000000 1.000000 } List TimeEventColorBlue { 0.000000 1.000000 } List TimeEventAlpha { 0.000000 0.200000 0.300000 0.700000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventRotation { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TextureFiles { "grün_aura1.dds" } } } Group Particle { StartTime 0.000000 List TimeEventPosition { 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.496000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 80.000000 } Group EmitterProperty { MaxEmissionCount 24 CycleLength 0.500000 CycleLoopEnable 1 LoopCount 0 EmitterShape 3 EmitterAdvancedType 0 EmittingRadius 23.000000 EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.001000 List TimeEventEmittingSize { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity { } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX { } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY { } List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ { 0.000000 2.000000 } List TimeEventEmittingVelocity { 0.000000 2.000000 } List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond { 0.000000 20.000000 } List TimeEventLifeTime { 0.000000 0.800000 } List TimeEventSizeX { 0.008571 -155.000000 } List TimeEventSizeY { 0.000000 5.000000 } } Group ParticleProperty { SrcBlendType 5 DestBlendType 2 ColorOperationType 4 BillboardType 2 RotationType 0 RotationSpeed 0.000000 RotationRandomStartingBegin 90 RotationRandomStartingEnd 90 AttachEnable 0 StretchEnable 0 TexAniType 0 TexAniDelay 0.000000 TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 List TimeEventGravity { } List TimeEventAirResistance { } List TimeEventScaleX { 0.400000 0.800000 1.000000 0.600000 } List TimeEventScaleY { 0.000000 0.700000 1.000000 1.400000 } List TimeEventColorRed { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorGreen { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventColorBlue { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventAlpha { 0.000000 0.200000 0.300000 0.700000 1.000000 0.000000 } List TimeEventRotation { 0.000000 0.000000 } List TextureFiles { "grün_aura1.dds" } } }
  13. I have the ??? bug on my client, others dont have this. How can i fix this bug?
  14. number_ex --> a monster has 80k yang minimum but max 12,1k yang.
  15. Mapindexs from the maps serverside right`? should be 110 and 111.
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