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Everything posted by amosth

  1. Hello, how are you? hope so But help me as the title says? "remove sound drop.mp3 in potion"
  2. Insert quest safebox my quest id 17 in locale_list quest armazem_portatil begin state start begin when button or info begin local map = pc.get_map_index() say("Deseja abrir o Armazém?") local armazem = select("Sim","Fechar") if armazem == 1 then if map == 21 then syschat("Você não pode abrir aqui.") return end syschat("Abriu o armazém") game.open_safebox() setskin(NOWINDOW) return end end -- w end -- s end -- q def ClickMallButton(self): print "click_mall_button" net.SendChatPacket("/click_mall") to: def ClickMallButton(self): import event event.QuestButtonClick(17) No run =/
  3. Is not updating all files. Some files are updating and are inside the folder pack
  4. I know how it works. The problem is when you enter in slot 6 it only for when it is in slot 7 in the item.
  5. Hello everyone, I'm having trouble using Switchbot, actually I think everyone is. I have tested all the files I found on the internet and all appear to have the same error. When I choose the bonus in the 1st option (6) it only works when the bonus appears in the 2nd option (7), when the selected bonus appears in the 1 option (6) it passes straight does not stay
  6. Your mode worked.. Total count ok kingdom count does not Edit: I got delete quest ./reload q ingame.. reboot again Do not get me wrong, I just do not want to be a lazy man who tries only what they tell me. your quest is very good #closerequest
  7. database works, the server does not work
  8. I want to delete the log of all players kill count
  9. Hello devs, [Hidden Content] problem is when I clean the base date. The quest still has the kill, how can I clear the kill in the quest?
  10. Hello I have the wom2 home page. I am having problem activating the email me error appears. It's account is created normally but only the email does not work. Confirm Record email.
  11. no insert database count =/ database player quest contador_kill begin state start begin when login begin set_state(contador_kills) end end state contador_kills begin function GetEmpireNames() local data = { [1] = "shinsoo", [2] = "chunjo", [3] = "jinno" }; return data; end -- function when kill with npc.is_pc() begin local qf_name = string.format("players_%s", contador_kill.GetEmpireNames()[npc.get_empire()]); pc.setqf("total_players", pc.getqf("total_players")+1); pc.setqf(qf_name, pc.getqf(qf_name)+1); -- Insert value in MySQL. mysql_direct_query(string.format("UPDATE player.kill_system SET quantidade = %d WHERE id = %d;", pc.getqf("total_players"), pc.get_player_id())); end -- when when 11000.chat."Contador de Kills" or 11002.chat."Contador de Kills" or 11004.chat."Contador de Kills" begin say_title("Contador de Kills:[ENTER]") say_reward(string.format("Você matou um total de %d players.[ENTER]", pc.getqf("total_players"))) say("Dos reinos:[ENTER]") for _, empire_name in ipairs(contador_kill.GetEmpireNames()) do local qf_name = string.format("players_%s", empire_name); say_reward(string.format("- %d reino %s;", pc.getqf(qf_name), empire_name)) end -- for end -- when end end
  12. quest pextis begin state start begin when login or levelup begin chat("teste") chat("teste") chat("teste") notice_all("teste") notice_all("teste") end -- when end -- state end -- quest comand in putty Directory/Diretorio onde esta a quest cd /home/xx/game/share/locale/germany/quest and/depois ./qc namequest.lua ./qc namequest.quest login in game account GM/Logar com sua conta GM /reload q and /level xx or login logout
  13. hi guys I'm trying to count the amount of kill in the database mysql_direct_query("INSERT INTO `kill_system` (`id`, `quantidade`) VALUES ('"..pc.get_player_id().."', '"..total_players.."');") mysql_direct_query("UPDATE `kill_system` SET `quantidade`='"..total_players.."' WHERE id='"..pc.get_player_id().."';") Ps: ID = id player | quantidade = count kill No sucess =/ My database My quest clean quest contador_kill begin state start begin when login begin set_state(contador_kills) end end state contador_kills begin when kill with npc.is_pc() begin pc.setqf("total_players", pc.getqf("total_players") +1) if npc.get_empire == 1 then pc.setqf("players_shinsoo", pc.getqf("players_shinsoo") +1) elseif npc.get_empire == 2 then pc.setqf("players_chunjo", pc.getqf("players_chunjo") +1) elseif npc.get_empire == 3 then pc.setqf("players_jinno", pc.getqf("players_jinno") +1) end end when 11000.chat or 11002.chat or 11004.chat."Contador de Kills" with button or info begin say_title("Contador de Kills:") say("") say("Aqui podes ver todas as") say("tuas mortes feitas desde que começaste a jogar.") say("Podes ver quantos Jogadores e") say("Quantos Moobs ja mataste.") say("") say_reward("Escolhe uma opcao!") say("") local a = select ("Quantos Players Matei", "Sair") if a == 2 then return elseif a == 1 then say_title("Contador de Kills:") say("Queres ver Por Reinos, ou o Total?") say("") local b = select ("Por Reinos", "Total", "Sair") if b == 3 then return elseif b == 2 then say_title("Contador de Kills:") say("") say_reward("No total, mataste "..pc.getqf("total_players").." Players.") say("") elseif b == 1 then say_title("Contador de Kills:") say("De que Reino?") say("") local c = select ("Shinsoo", "Chunjo", "Jinno", "Sair") if c == 4 then return elseif c == 1 then say_title("Contador de Kills:") say("") say_reward("Mataste "..pc.getqf("players_shinsoo").." Players do Reino de Shinsoo.") say("") elseif c == 2 then say_title("Contador de Kills:") say("") say_reward("Mataste "..pc.getqf("players_chunjo").." Players do Reino de Chunjo.") say("") elseif c == 3 then say_title("Contador de Kills:") say("") say_reward("Mataste "..pc.getqf("players_jinno").." Players do Reino de Jinno.") say("") end end end end end end
  14. in python function ? Example: Link example> replace tut to python?
  15. Can someone tell me how to change the respawn of when the character dies and comes back? Example: [Hidden Content]
  16. Hello friends, I'm having trouble adding item to shop item, I'll illustrate the bug
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