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iltizio last won the day on August 5 2018

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  1. Mariadb from 10.2 hasn't xtradb: [Hidden Content] Use in innodb instead. For insert delayed error, please read this [Hidden Content] You can update your source or use myisaam for tables that use insert delayed.
  2. There are someone other that use as ip in the same network. Assign a new unused IP, or use a DHCP.
  3. Umh... I think you don't know what is a DNS server. Check It and rewrite your question.
  4. Install always the latest version of freebsd and jeep It updated.
  5. You need to modify your server sources to get public io instead the private one. 40k files not support NAT buongiorno default, but with sources you can do everything.
  6. Go to ACP » Logs » Errors and find the detail of error.
  7. mysql -h -u root -p And enter the [email protected] password [Hidden Content]
  8. First at all: you use a very old version of FreeBSD. 1500MB RAM is generally too low. Use top command to check if your machine is swapping or use a lot of ram. Check also CPU load. Do it whith game online.
  9. Be sure your mysql server is running and can accept connection from Be sure your config files have correct port (default 3306) So, to do that run this: netstat -na | grep 3306 To try the connection: mysql -h You should not use but localhost, in this way you will use unix socket instead loopback interface.
  10. You should update your code with mysqli library or mysql PDO. Or you can downgrade your php version with legacy one (php5.6).
  11. Added, but I think we can't do something. I can help you to prevent this.
  12. The subject of this topic is wrong. You need a MySQL DBA. That files are redo_log: [Hidden Content] If you use a transational storage engine (like InnoDB or xtradb) you can restore some unwritten data after a DB crash. if you have lost a lot of data after human error or application bug, the only way to recover it is from backup. You should always do backup.
  13. This error usually mean that lib is for different arch than your system. Please, ensure you use the same arch. You can check it with those command: uname -a file /libexec/ld-elf.so.1 You MUSTN'T replace libs!
  14. Disabile the selection from client. You should also create a quest or MySQL event ti check and look eventually player who mod the client.
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