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Everything posted by SoNiice

  1. Take a look at your "char.h" file and search for "POINT_ATTBONUS_" there should be some bonusses for all enemies like "animal", "human" etc - Look for lycan or something like this :-)
  2. I forgot to say that you also need to add the whole bonusses at the char files.
  3. Take a look at your "battle.cpp" in the game source at the function "CalcAttBonus". else if (pkVictim->IsPC()) { iAtk += (iAtk * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_ATTBONUS_HUMAN)) / 100; switch (pkVictim->GetJob()) { case JOB_WARRIOR: iAtk += (iAtk * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR)) / 100; break; case JOB_ASSASSIN: iAtk += (iAtk * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN)) / 100; break; case JOB_SURA: iAtk += (iAtk * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_ATTBONUS_SURA)) / 100; break; case JOB_SHAMAN: iAtk += (iAtk * pkAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN)) / 100; break; } } Add your "JOB_LYCAN" or however it's named there. //edit: Don't forget to do the same at the RESIST area.
  4. It's the "Freunde werben" function in german if that helps you =P
  5. The log about logins aren't that good. If someone try to login with "password123" but the password is "password1234" it's easy to crack it for admin panel users :-P
  6. language.class.php <?php class dLanguage { public function __construct($sLanguage = 'de') { if (empty($sLanguage)) { $sLanguage = 'de'; } $this->sLanguage = $sLanguage; if (file_exists('inc/lang/' . $this->sLanguage . '.lang.php')) { $aLanguage = array(); require_once 'inc/lang/' . $this->sLanguage . '.lang.php'; $this->aStrings = $aLanguage; } } public function setLanguage($sLanguage = 'de') { if (empty($sLanguage)) { $sLanguage = 'de'; } $this->sLanguage = $sLanguage; } public function getText($sKey) { if (!isset($this->aStrings[$sKey]) || empty($this->aStrings[$sKey])) { return '<span class="dLanguage" id="' . $sKey . '">dLanguage: ' . $sKey . '</span>'; } return '<span class="dLanguage" id="' . $sKey . '">' . $this->aStrings[$sKey] . '</span>'; } public function getArray() { if (!isset($this->aStrings)) { return array(); } return $this->aStrings; } } lang.de.php EXAMPLE <?php $aLanguage = array( 'refresh' => 'Aktualisieren', 'loading' => 'Lade', 'newsNavigation' => 'Startseite' ); My config.inc.php <?php require_once 'language.class.php'; $sLanguage = 'de'; if (sGetCookie('language') !== '') { $sLanguage = sGetCookie('language'); } setcookie('language', $sLanguage, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); $oLanguage = new dLanguage($sLanguage); You'll get the translated text by <?php echo $oLanguage->getText('refresh'); If needed I'll be able to send you my JS namespace for it, so you can translate the language by buttons with jQuery ;-)
  7. Ticketsystem will be included, thanks - I didn't even think about this :-D Maybe I'm able to show you the first preview version soon incl. some example codes to demonstrate my actual work
  8. My rewrite function will be usable on any webserver.
  9. The most functions you wrote there I already got or they are on my to-do list. Thank you anway. May there are some more people which want to help.
  10. That's definitly a bad idea. You need to imagine if your account get compromised, the thief is able to do bad things with your server tho. The other things like reloading admins, quests or player databases is okay, I will implement it.
  11. Hi there, I'm searching for some cool new features to improve my CMS. It already got some nice features that aren't out there yet, but I won't tell you what for now. If you are able to help me improving this CMS you definitly will get some screenshots soon. Just tell me what you want to see in it. For those who will help me alot to find some features will receive a free version of it. All others have to pay for it later. Also I'm searching for a cool design. It shouldn't be that big, for me it also can be a flat theme, because I'm working with my old server design and I won't sell this to anyone. Best Regards SoNiice // edit: I forgot to tell you that my CMS will be full ajax compatible. Even the itemshop and forum will be scripted with ajax.
  12. If you don't want to comment / remove too much lines, just edit the 20000 to 0 :-P
  13. Copy and paste into Excel -> edit -> paste into textfile again.
  14. If you aren't working with the source, you could write a client lib that checks the login name and shows you a message box, when the name isn't in an array.
  15. It is possible, there already were so much releases about it at elitepvpers.
  16. Do you have a NVIDIA graphic chip? There are some features with the software, that disables every directx function like the fog. It's the same with some shooter games, there are no smoke-grenades anymore.
  17. ^That's the point of view I mean. Thanks god, that here's atleast one guy who understands me. And for sure, you shouldn't release such things. Better sell 'em.
  18. I won't say, that the scripter of Wordpress are bad, just that their code gave me cancer. The best way to cut off PHP from HTML are template systems. Everyone who's saying that your example is a good way just sucks in his job.
  19. It's not just deprecated, it also will be removed in the next major PHP update, that's it. And people who script like '<div class="cusngireun"><?PHP echo $array['name']; ?></div>' are just terrible or lazy scripter.
  20. It's not just scripted with an old PHP version, it's also using rare mysql_* functions, got a few sql vulnerables and got scripted with mixed HTML + PHP, that's kinda shit.
  21. This "K1LL3R" seems to be funny. I like servers with some shitty homepage backends, it's funny to see how they're trying to explain themself, but it's still just a big cup of shit. I can't even understand why 99% of all server owner uses this default homepage by "Hen".. It's just a creepy code and gave me cancer like no script before.
  22. [Hidden Content] Here you go with the quests, I got no up2date item_proto right now, but when I'm done I can upload it too.
  23. There's a not working query, your "common.locale" table is empty, that's why :-)
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