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Everything posted by Ragirov43

  1. skill book fix >1 pc get exp function > active anti exp ring > continuous level up fix up ?
  2. thanks masodikbela problem resolved system %100 stable
  3. :masodikbela system problem lvl accepted guild table accepted group party accepted no guild war Sending
  4. system fail game no login auth fix.
  5. Error 292 fatal error LNK1257: code generation failed UserInterface UserInterface fx =?
  6. quest tombola begin state start begin function tablica(vnum, pozycja, pozycja2) local itemy = { { {71001, 1}, {71084, 25}, {71085, 25}, {25040, 3}, {27992, 2}, {27993, 2}, {27994, 2}, {27987, 5}, {72002, 1}, {71027, 5}, {71028, 5}, {71029, 5}, {71030, 5}, {71036, 1}, {50008, 15}, {70021, 3}, {71001, 1}, }, { {25041, 1}, {71084, 25}, {71085, 25}, {25040, 3}, {27992, 2}, {27993, 2}, {27994, 2}, {27987, 5}, {72002, 1}, {71027, 5}, {71028, 5}, {71029, 5}, {71030, 5}, {71036, 1}, {50008, 15}, {70021, 3}, {25041, 1}, } } return itemy[vnum][pozycja][pozycja2] end when login begin cmdchat("tombola "..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end when 9005.chat."Open Tombola" with pc.is_gm() begin local losowo = number(1,2) local str = " " for i = 1,16 do if i == 16 then str = str..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 1).."|"..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 2) else str = str..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 1).."|"..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 2).."|" end end cmdchat("OnPrepare"..str) cmdchat("openTombola") setskin(NOWINDOW) end when info or button begin local losowo = number(1,2) local str = " " for i = 1,16 do if i == 16 then str = str..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 1).."|"..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 2) else str = str..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 1).."|"..tombola.tablica(losowo, i, 2).."|" end end cmdchat("OnPrepare"..str) if pc.get_empty_inventory_count() < 3 then syschat("Nie mozesz losowac, gdyz masz za malo miejsca w ekwipunku.") return end cmdchat("get_input_start") local czynnosc = input(cmdchat("get_input_value")) cmdchat("get_input_end") if czynnosc == "tombola|begin" then pc.setqf("slot", number(1, 16)) cmdchat("OnRun "..number(2,3)*16+pc.getqf("slot").."|5") elseif czynnosc == "tombola|end" then syschat("Gratulacje! Otrzymales "..tombola.tablica(losowo, pc.getqf("slot")+1, 2).."x "..item_name(tombola.tablica(losowo, pc.getqf("slot")+1, 1)).." jako nagroda w Tomboli!") pc.give_item2(tombola.tablica(losowo, pc.getqf("slot")+1, 1), tombola.tablica(losowo, pc.getqf("slot")+1, 2)) end end end end quest fix ;() ? input cmd
  7. Antivirus programmer off Open archive no problem summex Metin2 Undead empire pack search pack name is hezo_weapon_nz.eix hezo_weapon_nz.epk
  8. Rumor reupload Armor set+icon pack search armors set missing
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