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Everything posted by kodepiko

  1. You got full tutorial in thread you mentioned files and functions are the same, if you get any errors just report them here.
  2. As I remember only locale changed to localeInfo and some other things comparing old "binary" to new binary, so what is the problem implementing this system? all main functions are same PS. you should do #refresh instead of push, lol - you push everywhere, change nickname to MrPush
  3. You need to include also quest name from where get flag "ap" for ex: ch->GetQuestFlag("achievements.ap"); achievements is QUEST name ap is flag inside this quest for ex: pc.setqf("ap", 500)
  4. Hello guys, OLD move style: NEW: It's really annoying, I take gifs from WOM2 board, they fixed it I tried changing normal rotation (like horse) at clientside but it's other thing to do in this case Any ideas?
  5. It doesn't crash core so... game.core will not be created. I think you messed with packets like extending gold / exp value etc... so packets are not right at server/clientside there can be strange bugs like this Man, try to reverse your last changes (and check your client syserr)
  6. I also think in that way, but what @Denis said it seemed to work in my case, lol. Thank you guys for respond.
  7. Damn, so there's no any option to use CHAR functions on player at other core/channel? It's so sad Anyway, thanks
  8. Try running Debug version of WE, you will see logs at this sector without buildings also in .txt file
  9. Hello guys, can you tell me method to get LPCHARACTER pointer of player (online) but on another core/channel by having player name or something? I want to use CHAR class functions with this. This method is working only on same game core LPCHARACTER pkChr = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindPC(name); Regards
  10. Maybe you don't have unpacked zone/property at d:ymir work
  11. You need to change function of PointChange to take int argument what I remember it's also for align or there is other functions like SetAlignment so... just check GM command set alignment and change data type of arguments in alignment function
  12. I think it's McAfee false positive, you just compiled binary and it shows so.. I doubt there is a trojan inside of code, by man who sell his source?
  13. If you got notepad++ (text editor) try to search in unpacked root at .py files (select root folder): ** I have another idea, check insult.txt at locale_xx because there can be a censorship of word | or something
  14. So it's possible that at serverside input_main.cpp whisper function you got replacing | to ** just look what you change in this file or replace with original one
  15. I see those functions I mentioned are not touched, but you get a lot of stuff, maybe you messed with source? try writing in private message this: |hello| and see what message you got on other character
  16. Please paste code of files at pastebin.com so I can see code directly
  17. game.py - def OnRecvWhisper(self, mode, name, line): uiwhisper.py - def SendWhisper(self): just check what you have inside this functions maybe there are text.replace
  18. Marty, what are requirments for yours world editor? Do I need some c++ packages or which version of .net framework? I have windows 7 64 bits (tried also in various compatibility mode) and run as administrator etc. I have white terrain when I want to make attr regions on my map (every map) I also have crashes of WE sometimes, but it's not that annoying like ATTR.. At compiled clean and much buggy WE I don't have this problem, I can see textures and make attr but I hate moving in old WE, also many other things doesnt work comparing to yours nice version
  19. Hello, I was trying to do map on my own via WorldEditor ReMIX v24 by martysama - I'm using newest version (tried also v22) and when I try to edit attr settings of map I get this: Anyone know how to fix this problem? PS. sometimes I got worldeditor crash: [Hidden Content] but I can live with this, all is about editing attr :/ I have windows 7 64 bit
  20. Looks like you replace | to * before/after receive/send whisper
  21. Sure, I can't really do it with screenshots, so I will try to explain other way: you use: confirm(vid, "Do you like pizza? ", 10) other player gets confirm window and he click YES or NO, for ex. he do it in 5 seconds So confirm timer is set to 10 seconds - all is fine, but when we use another confirm at same quest the old TIMEOUT is still active, so after another 5 seconds in second confirm instance it happen to TIMEOUT Main problem is the 10 seconds TIMER doesn't stop after choosing YES or NO / or the function confirm() doesn't clear timeout event before initiate. Use this quest: [Hidden Content] before clicking YES wait 6 seconds and at second confirm wait 5 seconds and you will see the problem QUEST from sender of confirm will be closed because of timeout of first confirm.. Tried my best to explain this, I just need to cancel TIMEOUT event after user choose YES or NO
  22. You can check mob_color at client mob_proto if it's 0 there's no color, maybe you switched also textures of some mobs? check textures of wild_dog for example. Nice looking metin, where did you get it?
  23. If it's serverside it would be: locale/germany/locale_string.txt search for Verbrauch - it could be also clientside so then search in .txt files at locale_de for example.
  24. Hello guys, I want to do some confirms in quest, but when I do like this: local action = confirm(vid, "Do you want pizza? ", 10) if action == CONFIRM_YES then local action = confirm(vid, "Great! Maybe some ketchup on it? ", 10) if action == CONFIRM_YES then -- OH, SORRY, TOO LATE, FIRST ACTION TIMEOUT BEGIN... PIZZA IS COLD NOW. end end so... the main problem is I should cancel last CONFIRM (timeout) event before starting new confirm event... but there's no function like this in quest functions anyone have some ideas how to handle it? YMIR just don't use confirm 2 times in a row so they don't make function like this for ex. we spend 5 seconds at first confirm and we go to second confirm and next 5 seconds later begin TIMEOUT event of first confirm.. PS. I saw confirm_timeout_event at game_src -> questlua.cpp but don't know how to cancel it with new function or fix inside this, according to current state PS2. names of locals doesnt matter - it's all about time event
  25. PRO TIP: just do it like normal NEW item and apply effect to item (armor/weapon), add new effects at clientside and just wear item so effect will apply. It's not that hard but of course it requires some work. PS. I don't have this system.
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