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Everything posted by ragem0re

  1. Edit include/extern/config.php, edit CONFIG mall_url: yourwebsite (WITHOUT /) Then open the itemshop ingame. The Server will automatically connect you with your account id, player id etc.
  2. https://mega.nz/#!UxRBRbqC!76ekY8K2bu5xuWzKiYpY1nPNvcd1P0fB83FUrNcCAKk
  3. Yes, the root packfile is loaded from the binary by default. So you don't need to add the root to the index.
  4. Hi, at the first line PACK or FILE, just use PACK. The second line is for the path in the packfile. Eg. zone packfile -> d:/ymir work/ For the next line you write the name of the packfile. Eg. zone PACK d:/ymir work/ zone If there are multiple folders in the packfile use an * for the path. PACK * packfile
  5. Hi, creating a new user via sysinstall or bsdconfig. If the server is just for test purposes you can comment that root request.
  6. Hi, put this uishop.py in your root. [Hidden Content]
  7. Hi, what are the advantages of a newer directx version?
  8. Still doesn't read current mob proto
  9. It's from a shell file which I found on the internet. echo "### Metin2 Game Builder ###" echo "### Cleaning ...." gmake clean echo "### Building ###" gmake -j20 > ./LIB_BUILD_LOG.txt 2> ./ERROR_LOG.txt echo "### Done Building ###"
  10. gmake -j20 > ./LIB_BUILD_LOG.txt 2> ./ERROR_LOG.txt
  11. Do you compile on x64? Use x86 instead or a 32bit jail
  12. This bug also happens if I use an auto potion (/effect 19,20...) But it only appears on distribute mode. I can't find a debug define or something like this in the source. Please help me, thanks.
  13. Check uitip.py in root if the link to the files are right. (FRAME_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_LIST)
  14. Failed to load image (filename: season1/interface/oxevent/frame_2.sub) There's your error. Nothing to do with granny.
  15. Hi, I have a bug with my binaries. In Debug mode the ring effects works very well. But in Distribute mode the effects are totally bugged. Watch this [Hidden Content] Thanks for your help.
  16. I've already posted it. Don't spam threads without download link.
  17. Halloween costumes 2014 I've put the tailcoat and springwear costume also in, cause the halloween textures uses this as model.
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