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Everything posted by HA MeCa

  1. I writing quest for change skillbook and when i click "Ninja" then return why? quest wymiana_ku begin state start begin when 20397.chat."Wymiana Ksiąg Umiejętności " begin say_green("Andrzej: ") say("Witaj! Mogę zaoferować Ci wymiane Ksiąg Umiejętności, ") say("Wystarczy, że posiadasz 3 Księgi Umiejętności. ") say("Następnie będziesz mógł wybrać tą, która Ci odpowiada. ") say_reward("Sprawdźmy czy posiadasz wszystkie Księgi Umiejętności. ") wait() if pc.countitem(50300) < 3 then say_green("Andrzej: ") say("Nie posiadasz 3 sztuk: ") say_item_vnum(50300) return elseif pc.countitem(50300) >= 3 then say_green("Andrzej: ") say("Posiadasz wystarczającą ilość Ksiąg Umiejętności. ") say("Chcesz kontynuować wymiane? ") local xx = select("Tak!", "Nie! ") if xx == 2 then return elseif xx == 1 then local wybor = select("Wojownik", "Ninja", "Sura", "Szaman", "Wyjdź ") if wybor == 1 then local wojownik = select("Mocy Ciała", "Mocy Umysłu", "Wyjdź ") if wojownik == 1 then local przedmioty = { {50401, 1}, {50402, 1}, {50403, 1}, {50404, 1}, {50405, 1}, } local body = select(item_name(przedmioty[1][1]), item_name(przedmioty[2][1]), item_name(przedmioty[3][1]), item_name(przedmioty[4][1]), item_name(przedmioty[5][1]), "Anuluj") pc.give_item2(przedmioty[body][1]) pc.remove_item(50300, 3) elseif wojownik == 2 then local przedmiotyxd = { {50416, 1}, {50417, 1}, {50418, 1}, {50419, 1}, {50420, 1}, } local mental = select(item_name(przedmiotyxd[1][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxd[2][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxd[3][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxd[4][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxd[5][1]), "Anuluj") pc.give_item2(przedmiotyxd[mental][1]) pc.remove_item(50300, 3) elseif wybor == 2 then local ninja = select("Mocy Ostrza", "Mocy Łuku", "Wyjdź ") if ninja == 1 then local przedmiotyxdd = { {50431, 1}, {50432, 1}, {50433, 1}, {50434, 1}, {50435, 1}, } local dagger = select(item_name(przedmiotyxdd[1][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxdd[2][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxdd[3][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxdd[4][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxdd[5][1]), "Anuluj") pc.give_item2(przedmiotyxdd[dagger][1]) pc.remove_item(50300, 3) end end end end end end end end
  2. [Hidden Content] Pls help guys this is important. Ps: novaline
  3. The problem is still unsolved. No one really knows? is what these forums?
  4. as usual any help ... syser: from spam ctrl + g with arrmor + 2000 HP Jun 21 16:10:52 :: NO_DEATH_PENALTY_LUCK([root]MeCa) Jun 21 16:10:52 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 215 apply 0 0 flag 28 duration 5 Jun 21 16:10:54 :: [root]MeCa: USE_ITEM Zbr. Płyt. Czar. Magii+9 (inven 1, cell: 12) Jun 21 16:10:55 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:55 :: [root]MeCa: USE_ITEM Biały Lew (inven 1, cell: 3) Jun 21 16:10:55 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 221 apply 109 20114 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:55 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 533 apply 53 20 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:55 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:56 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:56 :: [root]MeCa: USE_ITEM Biały Lew (inven 1, cell: 3) Jun 21 16:10:56 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 221 apply 109 20114 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:56 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 533 apply 53 20 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:56 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:56 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:56 :: [root]MeCa: USE_ITEM Biały Lew (inven 1, cell: 3) Jun 21 16:10:56 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 221 apply 109 20114 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:56 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 533 apply 53 20 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:56 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:57 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:57 :: [root]MeCa: USE_ITEM Biały Lew (inven 1, cell: 3) Jun 21 16:10:57 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 221 apply 109 20114 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:57 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 533 apply 53 20 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:57 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:57 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:57 :: [root]MeCa: USE_ITEM Biały Lew (inven 1, cell: 3) Jun 21 16:10:57 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 221 apply 109 20114 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:57 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 533 apply 53 20 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:57 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:58 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:58 :: [root]MeCa: USE_ITEM Biały Lew (inven 1, cell: 3) Jun 21 16:10:58 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 221 apply 109 20114 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:58 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 533 apply 53 20 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:58 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:58 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:58 :: [root]MeCa: USE_ITEM Biały Lew (inven 1, cell: 3) Jun 21 16:10:58 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 221 apply 109 20114 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:58 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 533 apply 53 20 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:58 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:59 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:59 :: [root]MeCa: USE_ITEM Biały Lew (inven 1, cell: 3) Jun 21 16:10:59 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 221 apply 109 20114 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:59 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 533 apply 53 20 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:59 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:59 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:59 :: [root]MeCa: USE_ITEM Biały Lew (inven 1, cell: 3) Jun 21 16:10:59 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 221 apply 109 20114 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:59 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 533 apply 53 20 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:59 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:59 :: COMMAND: [root]MeCa: ride Jun 21 16:10:59 :: [root]MeCa: USE_ITEM Biały Lew (inven 1, cell: 3) Jun 21 16:10:59 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 221 apply 109 20114 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:10:59 :: AddAffect [root]MeCa type 533 apply 53 20 flag 0 duration 1727820 Jun 21 16:11:02 :: GLOBAL_TIME: Jun 21 16:11:02 time_gap 0
  5. I have same problem how to fix? When i summon many time with 0 hp i have full hp, because my bonus adds bonus hp. and if i have bonus hp in invetory same problem and fast mount / unmount someone know how to fix it ? /yes bad english xd
  6. why doesn't work in guild war? quest pentakillxd begin state start begin when kill begin if npc.is_pc() then if get_time()< pc.getqf("grupo ") then pc.delqf("grupo ") pc.setqf("doble ", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd doublekill.mp3 ") elseif get_time()< pc.getqf("doble ") then pc.delqf("doble ") pc.setqf("triple ", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd triplekill.mp3 ") elseif get_time()< pc.getqf("triple ") then pc.delqf("triple ") pc.setqf("quadra ", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd quadra.mp3 ") elseif get_time()< pc.getqf("quadra ") then pc.delqf("quadra ") pc.setqf("pentakill ", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd pentakill.mp3 ") elseif get_time()< pc.getqf("pentakill ") then pc.delqf("pentakill ") pc.setqf("hexakill ", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd hexakill.mp3 ") elseif get_time()< pc.getqf("hexakill ") then pc.delqf("hexakill ") pc.setqf("hexakill ", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd hexakill.mp3 ") else pc.setqf("grupo ", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd onekill.mp3 ") end end end end end
  7. quest pentakillxd begin state start begin when kill with npc.is_pc() begin if get_time()< pc.getqf("grupo") then pc.delqf("grupo") pc.setqf("doble", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd doublekill.mp3") elseif get_time()< pc.getqf("doble") then pc.delqf("doble") pc.setqf("triple", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd triplekill.mp3") elseif get_time()< pc.getqf("triple") then pc.delqf("triple") pc.setqf("quadra", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd quadra.mp3") elseif get_time()< pc.getqf("quadra") then pc.delqf("quadra") pc.setqf("pentakill", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd pentakill.mp3") elseif get_time()< pc.getqf("pentakill") then pc.delqf("pentakill") pc.setqf("hexakill", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd hexakill.mp3") elseif get_time()< pc.getqf("hexakill") then pc.delqf("hexakill") pc.setqf("hexakill", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd hexakill.mp3") else pc.setqf("grupo", get_time()+10) cmdchat("PlayMusicxd onekill.mp3") end end end end THX GUYS ALL LIKE + 5 /Ratting is disable ;(
  8. i need quest for @up with timers. my quest is bad stopping at one kill: quest pentakill begin state start begin when kill with npc.is_pc() begin local ilosc = pc.getqf("ilosc") pc.setqf("ilosc", pc.getqf("ilosc")+1) if ilosc == 0 then cmdchat("PlayMusicxd onekill.mp3") timer("zerowy, 1") timer("zerowy1, 10") end end when zerowy.timer begin if ilosc == 1 then cleartimer("zerowy1, 10") timer("pierwszy, 1") timer("pierwszy1, 10") cmdchat("PlayMusicxd doublekill.mp3") end end when pierwszy.timer begin if ilosc == 2 then cleartimer("pierwszy1, 10") timer("drugi, 1") timer("drugi1, 10") cmdchat("PlayMusicxd triplekill.mp3") end end when drugi.timer begin if ilosc == 3 then cleartimer("drugi1, 10") timer("trzeci, 1") timer("trzeci1, 10") cmdchat("PlayMusicxd quadra.mp3") end end when trzeci.timer begin if ilosc == 4 then cleartimer("trzeci1, 10") timer("czwarty, 1") timer("czwarty1, 10") cmdchat("PlayMusicxd pentakill.mp3") end end when czwarty.timer begin if ilosc > 4 then cleartimer("czwarty1, 10") timer("elo, 1") timer("elo1, 10") cmdchat("PlayMusicxd hexakill.mp3") end end when zerowy1.timer begin if ilosc < 0 then cmdchat("PlayMusicxd onekill.mp3") end end when pierwszy1.timer begin if ilosc < 1 then cmdchat("PlayMusicxd onekill.mp3") end end when drugi1.timer begin if ilosc < 2 then cmdchat("PlayMusicxd onekill.mp3") end end when trzeci1.timer begin if ilosc < 3 then cmdchat("PlayMusicxd onekill.mp3") end end when czwarty1.timer begin if ilosc < 4 then cmdchat("PlayMusicxd onekill.mp3") end end when elo1.timer begin if ilosc < 0 then cmdchat("PlayMusicxd onekill.mp3") end end end end
  9. I need files "eix" this file or unpacker molebox: [Hidden Content]
  10. special_item_group: Group °ćÇčŔÇąÝÁö { Vnum 10000 1 72001 1 1 2 72002 1 1 3 72003 1 1 4 71015 1 1 5 72049 1 1 6 72050 1 1 } and exp ring doesn't work why?
  11. I used something like this: and work :>
  12. How to config: destroy / expire noname items - 5 sec?
  13. i need expire 'noname' items expire - 5 sec because ownership is easy to config but how to change - expire noname items (StartDestroyEvent) example:
  14. I connect to the topic... i need expire 'noname' items expire - 5 sec because ownership is easy to config but how to change - expire noname items (StartDestroyEvent)
  15. during the war guild stand up and use the skills you become invisible for a long time and I fixed this error but this error was also changed as only char.cpp ... but I changed only in char.cpp problem with the guild was on with the 5 seconds he was still knows how to fix this one?
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