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Posts posted by Syreldar

  1. Teleport Portals are special kind of NPCs.


    To create one:

    1. Go to the coordinates you want the portal to warp to.
    2. Write /state and look for your coordinates. You should see 3 different types of coordinates (Global/Warp/Local Position), what you need is the Warp Position.RKZnYbn.png
    3. Make a mob that has type 0 and battle_type 3 in the mob_proto.
    4. His name and locale_name must be structured like this:



    name_shown warp_x warp_y





    Yayang_Area 4002 8995



    If you don't want the portal to show any name (it will still work with the said coordinates) put a dot instead of the name_shown, like this:


    . 4002 8995


  2. 34 minutes ago, Braxy said:

    Not sure what you want to say but i guess we both know LUA's syntax is not that complex lol



    Do you REALLY want to say that again?



    Whatever, Syreldar version is alright but i would avoid that retarded loop anyway so: https://pastebin.com/ngi4ZXvB


    "My" version? I merely made your code barely readable and changed it according to what the OP asked for.

    May God strike me with lightning if I ever post/rework something publicly ever again after seeing this.


    34 minutes ago, Braxy said:


    (Regarding Duplicate bug, that bug only exists if you use pc.change_name function, since the function that changes name is based on SQL there won't be any Duplicate Bugs)


    You sure know a lot.

            char szQuery[1024];
    		snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM player%s WHERE name='%s'", get_table_postfix(), szName);
    		std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pmsg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery));
    		if ( pmsg->Get()->uiNumRows > 0 )
    			MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(pmsg->Get()->pSQLResult);
    			int	count = 0;
    			str_to_number(count, row[0]);
    			// ÀÌ¹Ì ÇØ´ç À̸§À» °¡Áø ij¸¯ÅÍ°¡ ÀÖÀ½
    			if ( count != 0 )
    				lua_pushnumber(L, 3);
    				return 1;

    Because I've always thought pc.change_name also did check for that and many other factors via query (duh, no other way to do that?) and worked pretty fine.


    I advise you to add me on Discord or Skype if you feel the need to tell me something, because to tell the truth.. I feel that you have had it for a very long time.

    • Good 1
  3. quest ChangeNameWithVip begin
    	state start begin
    		function isNameAlready(pc_name)
    			local index, value = mysql_direct_query("SELECT player.player.name as name FROM player.player;");
    			if (index > 0) then
    				for num, str in ipairs(value) do
    					if (string.lower(str.name) == string.lower(pc_name)) then
    						return false;
    					end -- if
    				end -- for
    			end -- if
    			return true;
    		end -- function
    		function ChangeNameAddVip(new_name)
    			mysql_direct_query(string.format("UPDATE player.player SET name = '%s' WHERE name = '%s';", new_name, pc.get_name()));
    		end -- function
    		function isVipAlreadyAdded()
    			return pc.getqf("ChangeNameWithVipUsage") ~= 0;
    		end -- function
    		when 71173.use begin
    			if (ChangeNameWithVip.isVipAlreadyAdded()) then
    				return syschat("Poti adauga gradul [VIP] doar odata pe caracter!");
    			end -- if
    			say_title(string.format("%s:[ENTER]", item_name(item.get_vnum())))
    			say("Acest obiect ofera posibilitatea de a adauga")
    			say("gradul de [VIP] caracterului tau si")
    			say("cu posibilitatea de a schimba numele precedent.[ENTER]")
    			say("Doresti sa incepi procesul?[ENTER]")
    			if (select("Da", "Nu") == 1) then
    				say_title(string.format("%s:[ENTER]", item_name(item.get_vnum())))
    				say("Introdu numele dorit:[ENTER]")
    				local str_input = string.gsub(input(), "[^A-Za-z0-9]", "");
    				local input_len = string.len(str_input);
    				if (input_len < 3 or input_len > 7) then
    					return say_reward("The length has to be from 3 to 7 characters.[ENTER]");
    				elseif (not ChangeNameWithVip.isNameAlready(string.format("[%s]", str_input))) then
    					return say_reward("Acest nume a fost luat de catre alta persoana.[ENTER]");
    				end -- if/elseif
    				pc.remove_item(71173, 1);
    				pc.setqf("ChangeNameWithVipUsage", 1);
    				ChangeNameWithVip.ChangeNameAddVip(string.format("[%s]", str_input));
    				say("Adaugarea gradului [VIP] a avut succes.")
    				say("Actualizarea acestuia se face dupa 15 min")
    				say("offline de pe caracter/cont.[ENTER]")
    			end -- if
    		end -- when	
    	end -- state
    end -- quest

    Modifying Braxy's quests is very easy, they're very similiar to mine.. for some reason.


    But then again, the guy is still using regex when it's completely unneded and uses a query to change the name instead of using a simple function (pc.change_name), pretty disappointing.

    • Love 2
  4. As I previously stated, you can't expect to receive the quest as soon as you finish the other one without using the proper triggers. you are not even using set_quest_state, so what you're trying to do doesn't make much sense.


    You should end your previous quest like this


    set_quest_state("diary_lv32_2", "information");


    and then:


    quest diary_lv32_2 begin
        state start begin
            -- Empty since the quest should only be run after the previous one.
        end -- state
        state information begin
            when letter begin
                local v = find_npc_by_vnum(20011)
                if v != 0 then
                    target.vid("__TARGET__", v, "Uriel")
                send_letter_ex(" A titkos napló oldalai #2 ", "blue", "333")
            end -- when


    • Love 1
  5. Can you try this one?


    BoundingSphereRadius   150.000000
    BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
    Group Particle
        StartTime           0.000000
        List TimeEventPosition
            0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 80.000000
        Group EmitterProperty
            MaxEmissionCount        2
            CycleLength             6.000000
            CycleLoopEnable         1
            LoopCount               0
            EmitterShape            2
            EmitterAdvancedType     0
            EmittingSize            30.000000 30.000000 50.000000
            EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag  0
            EmittingDirection       1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingSize
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ
                0.000000 26.288660
            List TimeEventEmittingVelocity
                0.000000 0.100000
            List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond
                0.000000 20.000000
            List TimeEventLifeTime
                0.000000 0.206186
            List TimeEventSizeX
                0.000000 70.000000
                0.500000 52.577320
            List TimeEventSizeY
                0.000000 70.000000
                0.502857 44.329895
        Group ParticleProperty
            SrcBlendType                 3
            DestBlendType                2
            ColorOperationType           4
            BillboardType                0
            RotationType                 4
            RotationSpeed                210.000000
            RotationRandomStartingBegin  90
            RotationRandomStartingEnd    90
            AttachEnable                 1
            StretchEnable                0
            TexAniType                   1
            TexAniDelay                  0.024000
            TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0
            List TimeEventGravity
            List TimeEventAirResistance
            List TimeEventScaleX
                0.000000 0.711340
            List TimeEventScaleY
                0.011429 0.649485
            List TimeEventColorRed
                0.489744 0.862745
                1.000000 1.000000
            List TimeEventColorGreen
                0.489744 0.854902
                1.000000 0.866667
            List TimeEventColorBlue
                0.489744 1.000000
                1.000000 0.564706
            List TimeEventAlpha
                0.000000 0.600000
                0.997436 0.000000
            List TimeEventRotation
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TextureFiles
                "D:\Ymir Work\effect\hit\blow_electric\3.dds"
                "D:\Ymir Work\effect\hit\blow_electric\4.dds"
                "D:\Ymir Work\effect\hit\blow_electric\5.dds"
                "D:\Ymir Work\effect\hit\blow_electric\6.dds"
    Group Particle
        StartTime           0.000000
        List TimeEventPosition
            0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 80.000000
        Group EmitterProperty
            MaxEmissionCount        1
            CycleLength             6.000000
            CycleLoopEnable         1
            LoopCount               0
            EmitterShape            2
            EmitterAdvancedType     0
            EmittingSize            30.000000 30.000000 50.000000
            EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag  0
            EmittingDirection       1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingSize
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ
                0.000000 26.288660
            List TimeEventEmittingVelocity
                0.000000 0.200000
            List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond
                0.000000 20.000000
            List TimeEventLifeTime
                0.000000 0.154639
            List TimeEventSizeX
                0.000000 70.000000
                0.494286 39.175259
            List TimeEventSizeY
                0.000000 70.000000
                0.500000 38.144329
        Group ParticleProperty
            SrcBlendType                 3
            DestBlendType                2
            ColorOperationType           4
            BillboardType                1
            RotationType                 4
            RotationSpeed                185.000000
            RotationRandomStartingBegin  0
            RotationRandomStartingEnd    0
            AttachEnable                 1
            StretchEnable                0
            TexAniType                   1
            TexAniDelay                  0.024000
            TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0
            List TimeEventGravity
            List TimeEventAirResistance
            List TimeEventScaleX
                0.108571 1.000000
                0.994286 0.309278
            List TimeEventScaleY
                0.017143 0.597938
                1.000000 0.082474
            List TimeEventColorRed
                0.000000 1.000000
                1.000000 1.000000
            List TimeEventColorGreen
                0.000000 1.000000
                1.000000 0.866667
            List TimeEventColorBlue
                0.000000 1.000000
                1.000000 0.564706
            List TimeEventAlpha
                0.000000 0.600000
                0.943590 0.000000
            List TimeEventRotation
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TextureFiles
                "D:\Ymir Work\effect\hit\blow_electric\1.dds"
                "D:\Ymir Work\effect\hit\blow_electric\2.dds"
                "D:\Ymir Work\effect\hit\blow_electric\3.dds"
    Group Particle
        StartTime           0.000000
        List TimeEventPosition
            0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 80.000000
        Group EmitterProperty
            MaxEmissionCount        1
            CycleLength             6.000000
            CycleLoopEnable         1
            LoopCount               0
            EmitterShape            2
            EmitterAdvancedType     0
            EmittingSize            30.000000 30.000000 50.000000
            EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag  0
            EmittingDirection       1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingSize
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ
                0.000000 26.288660
            List TimeEventEmittingVelocity
                0.000000 0.200000
            List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond
                0.000000 20.000000
            List TimeEventLifeTime
                0.002857 0.154639
            List TimeEventSizeX
                0.000000 70.000000
                0.500000 44.329895
            List TimeEventSizeY
                0.000000 70.000000
                0.494286 48.453609
        Group ParticleProperty
            SrcBlendType                 3
            DestBlendType                2
            ColorOperationType           4
            BillboardType                2
            RotationType                 4
            RotationSpeed                177.000000
            RotationRandomStartingBegin  0
            RotationRandomStartingEnd    0
            AttachEnable                 1
            StretchEnable                0
            TexAniType                   1
            TexAniDelay                  0.024000
            TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0
            List TimeEventGravity
            List TimeEventAirResistance
            List TimeEventScaleX
                0.285714 1.000000
                1.000000 0.154639
            List TimeEventScaleY
                0.000000 0.556701
                0.988571 0.113402
            List TimeEventColorRed
                0.000000 1.000000
                0.997436 1.000000
            List TimeEventColorGreen
                0.000000 1.000000
                0.997436 0.866667
            List TimeEventColorBlue
                0.000000 1.000000
                0.997436 0.564706
            List TimeEventAlpha
                0.000000 0.600000
                0.946154 0.000000
            List TimeEventRotation
                0.000000 0.000000
            List TextureFiles
                "D:\Ymir Work\effect\hit\blow_electric\1.dds"
                "D:\Ymir Work\effect\hit\blow_electric\2.dds"
                "D:\Ymir Work\effect\hit\blow_electric\3.dds"


  6. Basically what @hachiwari said. Also, if you got Lycan this is still wrong.



    		if (pAttacker->IsMonster() && pAttacker->IsDeathBlower() && pAttacker->IsDeathBlow())
    			if (number(JOB_WARRIOR, JOB_MAX_NUM - 1) == GetJob())
    				IsDeathBlow = true;
    				dam *= 4;



    enum EJobs

    There you go.

    • Love 3
  7. @Vanilla No, they're the same thing. That quest is just poorly written.




    This should do:




    	--** Warrior
    	[0] = {
    		[1] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, --** Body
    		[2] = {16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21} --** Mental
    	--** Assassin
    	[1] = {
    		[1] = {31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36}, --** Blade Fight
    		[2] = {46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51} --** Archery
    	--** Sura
    	[2] = {
    		[1] = {61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66}, --** Weaponry
    		[2] = {76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81} --** Black Magic
    	--** Shaman
    	[3] = {
    		[1] = {91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96}, --** Dragon Power
    		[2] = {106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111} --** Healing Power
    	--** Lycan
    	[4] = {
    		[1] = {170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175}, --** Instinct


    quest regenbogen begin
    	state start begin
    		function BuildSkillVnumList(job, group)
    			local skill_list = ACTIVE_SKILL_LIST[job][group];
    			local vnum_list = {};
    			for _, skill_vnum in ipairs(skill_list) do
    				local skill_level = pc.get_skill_level(skill_vnum);
    				if (skill_level < PERFECT_MASTER_SKILL_LEVEL) then
    					table.insert(vnum_list, skill_vnum);
    				end -- if
    			end -- for
    			return vnum_list;
    		end -- function
    		when 50512.use begin
    			say_title(string.format("%s:[ENTER]", item_name(item.get_vnum())))
    			if (pc.get_skill_group() == 0) then
    				return say_reward("You have to choose your skill group first.[ENTER]");
    			elseif (get_time() < pc.getqf("next_regenbogenstein_use_time")) then
    				-- https://metin2.dev/board/index.php?/topic/15905-functionssyreldars-quest-functions/ - get_time_format(sec)
    				return say_reward(string.format("Time remaining: %s", get_time_format(pc.getqf("next_regenbogenstein_use_time") - get_time())))
    			end -- if/elseif
    			-- https://metin2.dev/board/index.php?/topic/15905-functionssyreldars-quest-functions/ - time_hour_to_sec(hours)
    			pc.setqf("next_regenbogenstein_use_time", get_time() + time_hour_to_sec(1));
    			local skill_vnum_list = regenbogen.BuildSkillVnumList(pc.get_job(), pc.get_skill_group());
    			for _, skill_vnum in ipairs(skill_vnum_list) do
    				pc.set_skill_level(skill_vnum, PERFECT_MASTER_SKILL_LEVEL);
    			end -- for
    			say("Your skills' level has been set to Perfect Master.[ENTER]")
    		end -- when
    	end -- state
    end -- quest


  8. quest spawn_boss begin
        state start begin
            function GetRandomBossVnum()
               local boss_vnums = {591, 1091}; -- Add as many as you like.
                -- https://metin2.dev/board/index.php?/topic/15905-functionssyreldars-quest-functions/ - table_get_random_item(table_ex)
                return table_get_random_item(boss_vnums);
            end -- function
            when ITEMVNUM.use begin -- Set your vnum, has to be type 18 in item_proto to work as a quest item.
                pc.remove_item(item.get_vnum(), 1);
                -- Spawn a random aggressive boss in 5 units radius from player posision.
                mob.spawn(spawn_boss.GetRandomBossVnum(), pc.get_local_x(), pc.get_local_y(), 5, 1, 1);
            end -- when
        end -- state
    end -- quest


    • Good 1
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