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  1. i know that you and some other can open this file, but i get an error everytime if you don't believe me, here: can someone pack it in 7zip?
  2. it's impossible for me to open the pack tried with winrar, 7zip, and everything with deactivated anti-virus.. it always says me the archive is broken somebody make a new archive and upload? i only need the non-official things
  3. after doing this client and serverside, everything is working now very well =) thank you!
  4. Hello I have a problem with my lv105 armors. With every race I can use them and see them. And the wait animation and attack animation also works perfect. BUT: Moving is only possible with the 105+9 armors, not with the armors +0 to +8. I really don't understand why.. I changed in the pack folder the metin2_patch_5th_armor.eix/epk several times, but still no change. Now I'm using the pack folder of official DE and still this problem. So the problem cannot be in the pack folder. Is this bug serverside, clientside and does anyone know how to fix this??
  5. before this fix every minute client-closure, after this fix no client-closures --> thank you so much!!
  6. Hello people after installing the dragon_rock maps on my server, i have these 2 errors now: Runtime-Error or ???-Error and client close himself. Syserr: 0318 13:13:35082 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR 0318 13:13:40884 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0318 13:19:56956 :: CreateDDSTexture: Cannot creatre texture 0318 13:19:57126 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_memory.cpp(142): Unable to allocate 465183 bytes (465148 requested by r:/granny/rt/granny_oodle1_compression.cpp:246). Does someone have a solution for this problem? (without deinstalling the new maps)
  7. i tried to open the pack archive with winrar and 7zip, both didnt work.. and i don't think, my pc is the problem, because i can open every other file, so any ideas?
  8. after downloading the pack, it always says me the file is broken so please reupload
  9. Kentra

    Arbana Map

    write the map in the atlasinfo.txt in root.eix/epk and locale_en.eix/epk after that, write the map in filezilla EDIT: after installing it, i have to say, it's a very very beautiful map, it's a perfekt farm map some pictures of the things, i like on this map
  10. Kentra

    Trade Map

    thank you for this nice map, i like the feeling in this map with trees everywhere =)
  11. Kentra

    Arbana Map

    just.. wtf.. beautiful in my opinion better than most of the ymir maps
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