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Posts posted by Mutulic

  1. Hello everyone, here i will add updates about my CMS!
    My CMS will be FREE open source on GitHub and will have a premium version too.


     - Framework abilities:

    • Run with cronjob
    • When cronjob is called auto save navicat database as json on website
    • Ranking, top 5 and statistics are imported from downloaded json (by cronjob)
    • You have option to take all from downloaded json or dirrectly from db every 5 minutes


    • For internal database using TXT files, not SQLite:


    • Themplates change
    • Easy to adapt existent template html to my CMS
    • Easy to install:


    - Developed functions:

    • Multilanguage system [Created with JS (auto reload current page with selected language)]
    • Server statistics
    • Top 10 guilds
    • Top 10 players
    • Login with recaptcha
    • CronJob Function
    • Template changer


    - In construction:

    • Register
    • News on first page
    • User Panel
    • Admin Panel
    • Download



    • Metin2 Dev 1
    • muscle 1
  2. Hello comunity,
    This is a tutorial to add custom delete code character for Metin2CMS by @ IonutRO.


    Location: pages/register.php


      <td><?php print $lang['email-address']; ?>:</td>
      <td><input class="form-control" name="email" id="email" pattern=".{7,64}" maxlength="64" placeholder="*****@*****.tld" required="" type="email">
        <p class="text-danger" id="checkemail"></p>


      <td>Delete code:</td>
      <td><input class="form-control" name="delete_char" id="delete_char" pattern=".{7,7}" maxlength="7" required="" type="number">


    Location: include/functions/register.php


    if(isset($_POST['captcha']) && isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['rpassword']) && isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_SESSION['captcha']['code']))


    if(isset($_POST['captcha']) && isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['rpassword']) && isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_SESSION['captcha']['code'] && isset($_POST['delete_char']))


    Location: include/functions/register.php



    if($database->register($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['email'], $ref, $_POST['delete_char']))


    Location: include/classes/user.php

    public function register($username,$password,$email,$ref)


    public function register($username, $password, $email, $ref, $delcode)


    Location: include/classes/user.php

    $stmt->bindparam(":social_id", $social_id);


    $stmt->bindparam(":social_id", $delcode);


    Location: include/classes/user.php


    $social_id = rand(1000000, 9999999); // updated in v2.12


    Thanks 🙂

    • Metin2 Dev 5
    • Love 2
  3. 1 hour ago, hachiwari said:

    I don't see any information in your topic indicating that it's a demo version or a poc version. Secondly, what level of user are you targeting? If it weren't for @Gurgarath's comment, inexperienced users would want to use it.

    You can use it as admin, to have statistics everywhere on phone i think, i will release a CMS in few weeks or months, is under construction, you have more info on my Discord

    • Metin2 Dev 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Takuma said:


    Thanks for sharing. I have a couple of questions:

    • Why use a JSON file when the bonuses are already stored in the database?
    • Why pull all the data from PHP and then process it?

    I believe it would be more efficient (and maybe better for your learning ? if you're trying to) to try joining the item and item_attr tables to perform this processing entirely in the database. Then, you could simply retrieve the result to display it.

    In mysql is not saved all bonus, a server have +100 bonus and in navicat are stored 15-20 i think

    1 hour ago, Denizeri24 said:

    I think this can do with mysql macro(from navicat)

    yes, but dont work with all bonus, only with bonus stored in navicat

  5. 5 hours ago, Gurgarath said:

    Hello, thank you for your share, but if you want REAL realtime information without making your database blow up because you send a thousand queries; use the game's API. Which will really send you real time statistics and will have a reallly really small impact on performances (as it is P2P querying between cores basically).


    I know, but that's just a demonstrative script.

  6. Hello comunity,

    That's a small script for statistics 🙂


    • Show online players, created accounts, created characters, offline shops, created guilds,
    • Small chart with players on kingdoms.
    • Statistics and chart auto update without refresh page.
    • Full responsive 📱

    That's a small script developed in 10 minutes, if you like it i can develop it more to include more features 🙂

    Thaaaanks 😛 


    This is the hidden content, please

    Alternative download links → 

    This is the hidden content, please


    • Metin2 Dev 27
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  7. 🎉 Hello, community!

    🔍 Script searches through the database to identify items that have exceeded the bonus limit.
    🔍 Once identified, it compiles a convenient list for your consideration.

    ✨ Now, you have the power to review and manage your players inventory with ease!
    ✨ This script offers you the possibility to delete items that are modded or over bonus limit.

    Bonus and limits stored in JSON format, encompassing all bonuses.
    Now, with just a simple modification, you can adjust the limits according to your needs.

    Please give me a review 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


    This is the hidden content, please

    Alternative download links → 

    This is the hidden content, please


    • Metin2 Dev 33
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  8. 17 hours ago, DemOnJR said:

    In the ``Cached statistics refreshed every 5 minutes.`` includes Online Players then move it to 10 minutes to be more accurate the numbers, because metin2 is taking some time to update the table for all the players.

    The cache time will be able to be changed from the Admin Panel, I plan to do that 🙂

  9. Hello community,

    I'm thrilled to share that I've recently embarked on a journey with a CMS (Content Management System), diving in just a week ago. Despite the limitations of my available time, I've been immersing myself in this new endeavor.

    Here's a rundown of the functions I've developed thus far:

    • Cached statistics refreshed every 5 minutes.
    • Menu and submenu functionality, stored in the database, enabling smooth repositioning via drag-and-drop.
    • Top 5 players and guilds cached with updates every 10 minutes.
    • Language system efficiently organized in JSON.
    • Achieved remarkable loading speeds.
    • Implemented a custom Recaptcha solution grounded in mathematics.
    • Designed a registration system with email-based account verification, utilizing a 6-digit code format instead of a link.
    • Introduced a multi-theme support module.
    • Incorporated an information encryption system for enhanced security, storing a unique password in the session.
    • All code is crafted to be clean and easily comprehensible.
    • The environment I've been working in requires PHP version 8.1 or higher alongside SQLite.

    Thanks in advance!


    If u are interested about project, add me on discord!


    Currently, everything is in intense development, aiming to become the most advanced CMS on the market.


    Some images:


    • Love 1
    • Love 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Ashika said:

    I think the idea is really cool, but I think the look is still missing something. 👀
    If you want to enhance the look of the system, you can get in touch with me.
    I might have a few ideas. 🌈

    Hey, this is just a sample code for users, everyone can improve the design as they wish. If you want to collaborate on something for the community, I'm happy to do that 🙂


    • Metin2 Dev 1
  11. I am new to this field with some experience behind me, and I would like to create something beautiful for this community.

    Your perspective is highly valuable, and I would be grateful if you could take a moment to share your thoughts on the following: 

    • What specific content or sections would you like to see on a Metin2 CMS?
    • Are there any interactive features you find appealing in gaming websites?
    • What visual elements or design aesthetics do you believe would enhance the overall user experience?
    • What kind of informational resources would you find helpful?
    • How can the website encourage and facilitate community engagement among Metin2 players?
    • I need opinions and suggestions to make a new popular CMS.


    • CMS = Content Management System (Like Wordpress)


  12. Hello, after i use this tutorial i get theese error only when i teleport to map 1 (all kingdoms), in other maps i dont have problems



    NEW LOADING WINDOW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    PointWindow: PhaseCurtain
    FadeOutMusic: BGM/monkey_temple.mp3 - ERROR NOT EXIST
    ===================================================== DESTROYED TARGET BOARD
    Is Opening Belt Inven??  1
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESTROY EXCHANGE
     ==================================== DESTROIED GUILD WINDOW
     =============================== DESTROIED PartyWindow
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE GAME WINDOW
    OPEN LOADING WINDOW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ===== Load Script File : locale/ro/ui/LoadingWindow.py
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE CURTAIN
    PointWindow: BackGround

    ## Network - Loading Phase ##

    Exception thrown at 0x00C43BAE in Metin2Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0416B000.

    The program '[33856] Metin2Debug.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

    ## Network - Hand Shake Phase ##

    HANDSHAKE RECV 3414822 0
    HANDSHAKE SEND 3414822
    HANDSHAKE RECV 3414942 60
    HANDSHAKE SEND 3415062

    ## Network - Login Phase ##

    ## Network - Select Phase ##

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