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Everything posted by danjka97ers

  1. Hello, I have Problem that the Shopsearch don't show any Bonuses from the Items. Only Shopsearch dont show. If i open the shop manually it shows all bonuses. only the Basic Bonuses but no more like 1-5 Bonus. Any solution ? Other bonuses like 1-5 Bonus don't show.
  2. I don‘t have .c files, i have Root folder and if i compile it generate .pyx and .cpp files but if i add it to pythonrootlibmanager There comes Error.
  3. i don't understand how you know. Can you please Help me ? My DC is levetox. Thanks in Advance.
  4. Hello Community, i have Problems to add new .py files to root on my server. Works with cythonzier but i don't know how to add it. When i Compile there is an error. Error Please help or write me on Dc. (levetox) Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello Community, How can I set it up so that I can switch equipment and costumes without delay? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello community, someone there who can help with the sanii shining system with the shiningtable.txt? Installation went smoothly, but no shining is displayed, neither weapon and no armor. Compiling also worked without problems, Syserr from the client is empty. Thanks in advance.
  7. Hello Community, How can i Use Claws as Dagger? So i can def the claws with dagger deff? thanks.
  8. Hello Community, I have an game.core and i think it is from biolog system because there isn't an check for Player is online or not. Can someone help ? Here is the Error: [Hidden Content]
  9. Hello community, does anyone know how to set it up so that you can log out, change character or change channel while attack of the monsters? Thanks in advance.
  10. How is to fix? have the same issue that after some time the cores are lost communication.
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