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Posts posted by PhiLL_3DGen

  1. You just need to create a grass asset and put it inside the map. Literally a 10 minutes job. Let's breakdown what I just said:

    1a) Create a low poly mesh and apply a grass texture. (10-20 planes, scale them and move some vertices. 2 minute job)

    1b) Found a low poly grass mesh (everywhere online or in other games models)

    1 p.s.) The fewer poligons the better. Lag is not your friend.

    2) Export them from your 3D package with gr2 extension as a static model if you like it static, animated if you want it animated (if so, you need to create an animation for it.. nothing difficult but this will increase the size of the grass itself and so, the lag)

    3) Create the metin2 needs for the gr2 asset (zone, property etc etc).. "paperwork" to implement things into the client.

    4) Open your map editor and if you did everything right you can choose the grass to populate the map in the asset TAB.

    5) Relax and put the grass wherever you like.




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  2. Hi guys, today I'm here for a crucial question.

    In these last 2 Months, I've received at least an hundred of PM requesting me an english patch for this Server, InfinityMetin. So basically, we're working out the whole server and client, website and board, in different languages, mainly english.

    The final question is then:

    Would you play this server, with an english patch (client/server/website/board)? And if yes, have you got any tips for us to make this server better for you all?

    Answer using PM please.

    Cheers guys!!

  3. Backstep system is coming out soon! A week or 2 at max.


    A new way to fight or at least a start of it as we have in mind to change ALL about the fight system. We want InfinityMetin to be an Action game not anymore a static one, obviously PvP and PvM. Avoid the damages as much as your skill is trained. The quest system/GUI to improve it, will guide you through this new Avoid skill. You will use your AP points this time, not MP! So new items, new stuff and new sets are coming soon to manage your AP points through this new fantastic skill!!


    I guess you've seen already the video, but let share it again!



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  4. Tonight we will insert the Rep System even droppable from all the metins from level 25 to 85, and 100% on the bosses' drop, and last but not least, in all dungeons!


    An italian TuT for the rep points:



    Riavvio previsto per questa news: ore 6pm del giorno 27/11/2015
    Ok come ben avete visto sono stati inseriti assieme all'espansione 1.0, i Punti reputazione situati sotto gli yang. Con il nuovo NPC Sir Elleon potrete spendere questi punti reputazione, come giá detto, per ottenere item dello shop e quant'altro.
    Ma.. La domanda principale é :
    Andiamo quindi a spiegare come ottenere suddetti punti. Abbiamo implementato un sistema nuovo, che gioverá a piccoli e grandi (parlando di livello ovviamente. Sei un nuovo player e vuoi farti le armature piú forti? Potrai farlo! Spieghiamo meglio:
    Le seguenti metin dropperanno una sfera reputazione da 1 punto https://metin2.download/picture/r3F9504x09DVmF8K988YXgTtGTP6KMUj/.gif :
    La seguente metin dropperá una sfera reputazione da 2 punti https://metin2.download/picture/r3F9504x09DVmF8K988YXgTtGTP6KMUj/.gif :
    Dai seguenti boss secondari, potrete doppare il baule reputazione https://metin2.download/picture/r3F9504x09DVmF8K988YXgTtGTP6KMUj/.gif   al 50% di drop dove al suo interno potrete trovare o la sfera da 1 o da 2 :
    I boss dropperanno il forziere come sempre ed inoltre, esternamente al forziere, dropperanno anche una sfera. Le dropperanno secondo questo schema:
    Sfera da 2 punti con 100% drop dai seguenti boss dungeon:
    Sfera da 4 punti https://metin2.download/picture/r3F9504x09DVmF8K988YXgTtGTP6KMUj/.gif  con 70% drop dai seguenti boss dungeon:
    Come giá ho spiegato sopra, da livello 120 ci saranno le missioni delle alleanze che ormai tutti conoscono abbastanza bene! Guida sul nostro forum per maggiori informazioni! Attraverso esse potrete fare SICURAMENTE 75 punti reputazioni GIORNALIERI. Ogni giorno le missioni si riattiveranno (se verranno concluse).
    Nel prossimo futuro, con le prossime espansioni, verranno introdotti nuovissimi sistemi per il guadagno delle reputazioni che includono sistemi da PvP, eventi di massa come BT e molto molto altro!!!
    Per ora é tutto, un saluto dallo staff!











    ★INFINITY METIN★ 100% shop in-game! ★ 6 Anni ONLINE ★ Nuova ERA ★ NOVITA' UNICHE ★
    ★INFINITY METIN★ 100% shop in-game! ★ 6 Anni ONLINE ★ Nuova ERA ★ NOVITA' UNICHE ★★INFINITY METIN★ 100% shop in-game! ★ 6 Anni ONLINE ★ Nuova ERA ★ NOVITA' UNICHE ★
    ★INFINITY METIN★ 100% shop in-game! ★ 6 Anni ONLINE ★ Nuova ERA ★ NOVITA' UNICHE ★
    ★INFINITY METIN★ 100% shop in-game! ★ 6 Anni ONLINE ★ Nuova ERA ★ NOVITA' UNICHE ★
    ★INFINITY METIN★ 100% shop in-game! ★ 6 Anni ONLINE ★ Nuova ERA ★ NOVITA' UNICHE ★
    ★INFINITY METIN★ 100% shop in-game! ★ 6 Anni ONLINE ★ Nuova ERA ★ NOVITA' UNICHE ★
    ★INFINITY METIN★ 100% shop in-game! ★ 6 Anni ONLINE ★ Nuova ERA ★ NOVITA' UNICHE ★
    ★INFINITY METIN★ 100% shop in-game! ★ 6 Anni ONLINE ★ Nuova ERA ★ NOVITA' UNICHE ★
    ★INFINITY METIN★ 100% shop in-game! ★ 6 Anni ONLINE ★ Nuova ERA ★ NOVITA' UNICHE ★
    ★INFINITY METIN★ 100% shop in-game! ★ 6 Anni ONLINE ★ Nuova ERA ★ NOVITA' UNICHE ★



    [GA]IlSanto: Founder
    [GA]PhiLL: Co-Founder, professional 3D artist, general dev
    [GM]Equid: Server side scripter, general dev
    [GM]Anonimous: c++ Programmer and client dev
    [GM]Passion: GM in game
    [GM]Nicholas: GM in game


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  6. Asking this kind of stuff here is pointless, nobody will answer you for 2 mainly reasons:

    - They don't even know what you are talking about. (99% of them)

    - If they know, they won't tell you the fix. At least they will sell you the fix even if it is 2 stupid things. (1% of them)

    Contact me on skype for every 3D problem as you already did once, even if I'm at work, as you know, I'll answer you :D . It is a easy fix problem what you have, text me later. Cheers



  7. Do your logs get literally spammed with Unknown packet headers when the issue occurs?

    I had a similar problem a few weeks ago because I had disabled the Sequence check on the server side but left it in the client, which would ultimately lead to an immense overflow in the data buffer and the server would lock up its stream pipes, spamming the logs with packet errors EVEN THOUGH all packet structs were 100% correct on both ends.


    Check it out.

    - DangIt

    ... I talked to him, he's got just one before crashing.. Can't understand why actually, the int and long variable are correct. But I don't know how he did set up the server or client so...




    You made this?

    No, My Grandma ;)


    I do think that he asked you this: "who made the character modeling/sculpting/texturing?". And the answer isn't your grandma or you. Your grandma/you did just a basic skinning from existing bones of the wolfman on some 3D ripped models. Don't be a jerk with others where you can't dude. He just asked you a simple question. ;)


    Upon that, quite a nice project. A bit out for metin2 I guess relating to all the other characters, but nice. Looking forward.


    I didn't used any of Wolfman resources and i can Prove that!

    I already apologized for the answer, i was just kidding -_-

    And by the way.. if you search on the forum, you will find an older presentation of berserker that's older than wolfman -_-


    Yes my bad I watched the video now and the bones are from another gaming skeleton, anyway the resorces you've used isnt of "your grandma", that's the point :D But if it was a joke, that's ok ;)


      :D The creation of a new character from zero (3D talking) for metin2 is just a waiste of time, so you are doing well using other stuff ;) Looking forward to see this bad guy inside the game ;)

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    You made this?

    No, My Grandma ;)


    I do think that he asked you this: "who made the character modeling/sculpting/texturing?". And the answer isn't your grandma or you. Your grandma/you did just a basic skinning from existing bones on some 3D ripped models. Don't be a jerk with others where you can't dude. He just asked you a simple question. ;)


    Upon that, quite a nice project. A bit out for metin2 I guess relating to all the other characters, but nice. Looking forward.

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