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Everything posted by Platinum

  1. I ll give it a try once I'm at home. The issue I had in the past is that once you're mounted the specular disappears and only if a version of the mount is present in the map as an npc, the specular is again present on the mount. This is a strange behavior and I couldn't find a work around as I have limited knowledge about python. As for those tutorials you have mentioned I couldn't find any related to specular on mounts.
  2. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! I d like to ask you if there is any way to add specular on mounts too. I was trying to reach this in the past but encountered some issues.
  3. Thank you for the release in first of all! This is something I was looking for. I'd like to mention the fact that I'm not a programmer, but more an enthusiast who likes to play with the code. I'd like to kindly ask you for few clarifications in relation with the implementation/modification of this application. 1. Not sure where do I find config.ini (is this the config.cfg file that we find in the client folder?), neither locale_list.txt (do I have to create it in locale path on the client side?), loca.cfg(where do I find it, or where I should create this cfg file?) 2. I'd also like to learn the way I can comment few settings in the config as I have permanently dezactivated few of them on the client/source. Your response will be much appreciated!
  4. Double checked everything and I don't have any..
  5. [Hidden Content] I can t figure out why? I ve followed the steps 1/1. Do I miss something?
  6. Hi guys! I am two steps away from finishing my interface customization and I encounter two situations that I am not able to handle by myself since I am not a programmer. I was hoping that some of you may help me figure it out. I have a this system implemented and is not built for multilanguage as all the popups are writen in the root part. I'd like to sent all self.__PopupMessage to localeInfo. Link for the system I am using: Multiple Login Saver System - Features & Metin2 Systems - Metin2Dev | M2Dev The code of my uiselectcredentials.py import s9s as app import ui import localeInfo import uiScriptLocale import intrologin FILE_NAME_LEN = 20 DEFAULT_THEMA = '' class Item(ui.ListBoxEx.Item): def __init__(self, fileName): ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__init__(self) self.canLoad=0 self.text=fileName self.textLine=self.__CreateTextLine(fileName[:FILE_NAME_LEN]) def __del__(self): ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__del__(self) def GetText(self): return self.text def SetSize(self, width, height): ui.ListBoxEx.Item.SetSize(self, 6*len(self.textLine.GetText()) + 4, height) def __CreateTextLine(self, fileName): textLine=ui.TextLine() textLine.SetParent(self) if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): textLine.SetPosition(6*len(fileName) + 6, 0) else: textLine.SetPosition(0, 0) textLine.SetText(fileName) textLine.Show() return textLine class PopupDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): def __init__(self, parent): ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) self.__Load() self.__Bind() def __del__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) def __Load(self): try: pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PopupDialog.py") except: import exception exception.Abort("PopupDialog.__Load") def __Bind(self): try: self.textLine=self.GetChild("message") self.okButton=self.GetChild("accept") except: import exception exception.Abort("PopupDialog.__Bind") self.okButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnOK) def Open(self, msg): self.textLine.SetText(msg) self.SetCenterPosition() self.Show() self.SetTop() def __OnOK(self): self.Hide() def __OnSterge(self): self.Hide() class FileListDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): def __init__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) self.isLoaded=0 self.selectEvent=None self.fileListBox=None self.connect=None def __del__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) def Show(self): if self.isLoaded==0: self.isLoaded=1 self.__Load() ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) def Open(self, type): self.Show() self.SetCenterPosition() self.SetTop() if self.fileListBox.IsEmpty(): type self.__PopupMessage("Nu ai niciun cont salvat!") def Close(self): self.popupDialog.Hide() self.Hide() def OnPressEscapeKey(self): self.Close() return True def SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self, event): self.selectEvent=ui.__mem_func__(event) def __CreateFileListBox(self): fileListBox=ui.ListBoxEx() fileListBox.SetParent(self) if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): fileListBox.SetPosition( self.GetWidth() - fileListBox.GetWidth() - 10, 50) else: fileListBox.SetPosition(15, 50) fileListBox.Show() return fileListBox def __Load(self): self.popupDialog=PopupDialog(self) if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): self.__Load_LoadScript(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "AccountWindow.py") else: self.__Load_LoadScript("UIScript/AccountListWindow.py") self.__Load_BindObject() self.refreshButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnRefresh) self.cancelButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnCancel) self.stergeButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnSterge) self.okButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnOK) self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancel)) self.UpdateRect() self.__RefreshFileList() def __Load_LoadScript(self, fileName): try: pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) except: import exception exception.Abort("AccountListBox.__Load") def __Load_BindObject(self): try: self.fileListBox=self.__CreateFileListBox() self.fileListBox.SetScrollBar(self.GetChild("ScrollBar")) self.board=self.GetChild("board") self.okButton=self.GetChild("ok") self.stergeButton=self.GetChild("sterge") self.cancelButton=self.GetChild("cancel") self.refreshButton=self.GetChild("refresh") self.popupText = self.popupDialog.GetChild("message") except: import exception exception.Abort("MusicListBox.__Bind") def __PopupMessage(self, msg): self.popupDialog.Open(msg) def __OnOK(self): selItem=self.fileListBox.GetSelectedItem() if selItem: if self.selectEvent: self.selectEvent(selItem.GetText()) with open('user//preferred','w') as mainpg: mainpg.write("{};{}".format(selItem.GetText(),self.GetPwdFromId(selItem.GetText())) ) self.__PopupMessage("Contul cu numele {} este selectat.".format(selItem.GetText())) self.Hide() else: self.__PopupMessage("Nu ai selectat un cont.") def __OnSterge(self): selItem=self.fileListBox.GetSelectedItem() if selItem: if self.selectEvent: self.selectEvent(selItem.GetText()) with open('user//credentials', 'r+') as f: data = ''.join([i for i in f if not i.lower().startswith(selItem.GetText())]) f.seek(0) f.write(data) f.truncate() self.__PopupMessage("{} a fost sters.".format(selItem.GetText())) self.__RefreshFileList() else: self.__PopupMessage("Nu ai ales niciun cont din lista.") def __OnCancel(self): self.Hide() def __OnRefresh(self): self.__RefreshFileList() def __RefreshFileList(self): self.__ClearFileList() #self.__AppendFile(DEFAULT_THEMA) self.__AppendFileList() def __ClearFileList(self): self.fileListBox.RemoveAllItems() def __AppendFileList(self): data = self.CredentialsToDict() for id in data: self.__AppendFile(id) def CredentialsToDict(self): data = dict() try: fileList = open('user//credentials','r') for line in fileList: if ":" in line: key,value = line.split(':',1) data[key]=value fileList.close() return data except: self.__PopupMessage("Nu ai lista cu conturi!") return '' def GetPwdFromId(self, id): data = self.CredentialsToDict() return (data[id]) def __AppendFile(self, fileName): self.fileListBox.AppendItem(Item(fileName)) Your help will be highly appreciated!
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