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Everything posted by BadRomani

  1. When we mount a Horse or Mount, the effect (blue or red or both) appears on the mount. @ Owsap
  2. I added the entire Clip Mask System. Original SVN(All File) and Experimental SVN (Eterlib, EterPythonLib) I'm not a newbie when it comes to adding systems. I have enough information. But I am encountering such a problem. I checked all the files and there is no missing or added code. Where do you think the mistake is? Thank you. Image: [Hidden Content] How did you fix the problem? I have that same problem.
  3. The system works smoothly. But it has some problems with uiTooltip. Information does not appear. [Hidden Content]
  4. PythonItemModule.cpp GetDefaultSealDate PythonPlayerModule.cpp GetUnlimitedSealDate this function does not exist.
  5. Singleton = Instance Okey. Example: MyClass::Instance().Reset() MyClass = Class Name Instance = Grant Access (Name) Reset() = Function Name
  6. This really worked. But their names should not change. For example: It should not change to Wolf -> Wild Dog. Only the model will change.
  7. Thank you very much for your interest. I hope this video will serve as an example for you.
  8. How can I transform monsters? To any different monster. For example: I want to turn Nemere monster into dog or Any monster into another monster. Example: BEFORE AFTER
  9. Many people get this error. That's exactly my problem.
  10. I added this system before. But the game was constantly crashing due to SECTREE_MANAGER. I do not recommend using it.
  11. You changed this system, but SetDiffuseColor no longer works. It works on the old version.
  12. The files have nothing to do with the system in this picture.
  13. Hello everyone Mysql 5.6 has been removed. That's why I'm using 5.7. But I don't know my mysql password, so I want to change it. The password change codes we use in Mysql 5.6 are not used in 5.7. How can I change the password for 5.7 with PUTTY.
  14. If you activate the effect and this effect is loaded in affect.sql (for example: Effect ID: 300), each time the character exits the game and re-enters, affect.sql will be triggered again in the LoadAffect function. So if there is 300 effect ID in affect.sql, this variable returns the correct value again. and if your value is correct in checkpoints For example: if(GetTrue()) work(); I have been using the system for a long time. It's never been a problem. Please check LoadAffect. Example: LoadAffect(....,....,...) SetEffect(true); RemoveAffect(....,....,...) SetEffect(false); condition/use if(GetEffect()) { You already have this effect. return false; } OR if(GetEffect()) { InitStartFunction();}
  15. Example: char.h public: bool GetAttractRangerFindAffect() { return m_iAttractRangerFindAffect; } void SetAttractRangerFindAffect(bool affect) { m_iAttractRangerFindAffect = affect; } protected: bool m_iAttractRangerFindAffect; char_item.cpp case 72000: { if (GetAttractRangerFindAffect()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("DONT_USE")); return false; } AddAffect(AFFECT_CALL_ARCHER, POINT_NONE, 0, AFF_NONE, item->GetValue(0), 0, true); ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("Archers can now come to you.")); item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1); } break; char.cpp m_iAttractRangerFindAffect = false; affect.h AFFECT_CALL_ARCHER = 757, char_affect.cpp LoadAffect if (AFFECT_CALL_ARCHER == pElements->dwType) { SetAttractRangerFindAffect(true); } AddAffect if (dwType == AFFECT_CALL_ARCHER) { SetAttractRangerFindAffect(true); } RemoveAffect if (pkAff->dwType == AFFECT_CALL_ARCHER) { SetAttractRangerFindAffect(false); } How should the condition be? if (GetAttractRangerFindAffect()) AttractRanger();
  16. Using FindAffect is always bad. You have to make a bool variable for this. Example: User case 31052: The variable in AddAffect in char_affect.cpp is returned true when it uses its object. For example: SetPremiumAffect(true) When the Effect is Deleted into the RemoveAffect in char_affect.cpp For example: SetPremiumAffect(false) When the player exits the game and re-enters the LoadAffect in char_affect.cpp For example: SetPremiumAffect(true) When you want to query the effect if (GetPremiumAffect()) { This effect is already used. return false } Example2 : if (GetPremiumAffect()) { //If there is an effect, run the codes. } Never Use FindAffect It Always Shits The Server.
  17. if (item->GetVnum() < 71231 && item-> GetVnum() > 71237) if (item->GetVnum() < 71231 || item->GetVnum() > 71237) Try both and see which one you like
  18. if (item->GetVnum() != 71231 && item->GetVnum() != 71232 && item->GetVnum() != 71233 && item->GetVnum() != 71234 && item->GetVnum() != 71235 && item->GetVnum() != 71236 && item->GetVnum() != 71237) //Change if (item->GetVnum() < 71231 || item->GetVnum() > 71237)
  19. ReplaceSkillName(sMessage); ReplacePetSkillName(sMessage); ReplaceMobName(sMessage); ReplaceItemName(sMessage); ReplaceLocaleString(sMessage); ReplaceQuestLocaleString(sMessage); ReplaceOXQuizLocaleString(sMessage); SkillName = SN PetSkillName = No information available. MobName = MN ItemName = IN LocaleString = LS QuestLocale = LC OXQuizLocaleString = LOX
  20. He is the Pride of Trabzon!!!! Thank you Mohammed bro.
  21. Hello, I can adapt an article to the Enable Flash() system. Enable Flash() only works for the button. But it doesn't work for text. I want the text to be flash like a button. My English is not good. I am sorry.
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