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Everything posted by dreammaker

  1. Can you explain drawn "0" ? Or anybody give an example setting.what is the logic ? Pls explain.
  2. I finally found the real origin of the problem.Its all about wrong or missing implemented duello show HP-MP system.When you implementing this system read carefully all the topic and pages about this topic: [Hidden Content] and especially do this part: search servercommand_build in game.py and add this lines: "getinputbegin" : self.__Inputget1, "getinputend" : self.__Inputget2, "getinput" : self.__Inputget3, than at the end of game.py add this : def __Inputget1(self): constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE = 1 def __Inputget2(self): constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE = 0 def __Inputget3(self): net.SendQuestInputStringPacket(str(player.GetTargetVID())) add constinfo INPUT_IGNORE = 0 add this to questlib.lua : function npc.get_vid() cmdchat("getinputbegin") local ret = input(cmdchat("getinput")) cmdchat("getinputend") return ret end by @Croqueta
  3. Of course I tried If you are bored you can chat a mob with this way .if you send whisper system says player not in game . I ll try what you said r00t .Probably this problem occured when I add mob % HP system.I hope it works
  4. Anyone pls solve this problem . BIND_IP doesnt work.Ports are forwarded correctly .I can see all ports accessable from outside.But when somebody try to enter game,on login screen, it kicks them.I applied all possible solutions related EXTERNAL_IP fix.What else can I do ?.Maybe Im missing some point.Pls help
  5. How can we protect game executable (in FreeBSD) against hex editors ?. Packing with UPX works, but its very easy to unpack.
  6. I have this problem too.Opened and forwarded ports from my router.and tested ports for open-close status.Everything seems fine.Port testing sites says ports are open.My bsd server running on a vmware workstation and Network bridged to the psychal network.On remote Client you can connect.But on Login screen when you press login it drop you back to login screen.Pls help
  7. First of all sorry .Its very old topic but I got same problem in my Client.Anyone answer that pls ? Its very annoying.(Im using terenzo's updated client)
  8. What can be the problem ?: when I select a boss, metin or any mob, system sees them like other players ; trade, whisper, duello and other buttons appear Any idea ? Probably I added some system and that error occured .But I have no idea which system corrupts the code In syserror it seems like no error at client side or server side
  9. Can somebody make it clear ? Newbies (like me) will confuse about what to do.Pls make a simple tutoial.Thanks
  10. btw this : if (iCount == 0) { LPITEM pkNewArrow = FindSpecifyItem(dwVnum); sys_log(0, "UseArrow : FindSpecifyItem %u %p", dwVnum, get_pointer(pkNewArrow)); if (pkNewArrow) EquipItem(pkNewArrow); } is basicly mmmmmmm useless Is this part useless ? Can you explain pls
  11. Thank you very much Cataclismo I tried and It worked like a charm
  12. if (pkVictim->GetMyShop()) return false; This code worked but some weird thing happened.It prevents straight hits but doesnt prevent some skills like: warriors dash and sura's remove magic What can be the problem ? Thanks.
  13. Thank you very much Cataclismo It really worked.I wish I know C++. It is hard to learn for beginners
  14. char_battle.cpp: bool CHARACTER::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim, BYTE bType) if (pkVictim->GetShopOwner()) return false; I added this code to prevent hitting private shops.But it doenst work.I can still hit and kill players shops .What is wrong ?
  15. Considering he's just commenting a line, I can't see how that would not work, so yeah, no problems. While you are at it, you can also delete the line that goes afterwards, you don't need to SetCount to the same count you already had. Can you give full code block ? I dont understand c++, most likely l'll make mistakes and this will make me crazy. Thank you Think
  16. Someone tried it ? Any problems ?
  17. When I export a .mde file to Wordl Editor Remix or in game its always crashes. . I tried several max versions (3ds max 7-2011-2016) for export .My models are very simple and animated.I tried very low polygon count and tried complex models result is always same: it crashes. I watched some videos .do exactly same as they do in tutorials. I dont understand whats wrong. Can u help me ?
  18. I compiled in distribute mode now it seems like no error.Thank you
  19. When I open private shop this errror flows like hell and client frozen: Client log: SYSERROR: CActorInstance::GetMotionDuration - Invalid Motion Key : 1, 1, 0 Any idea ?
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