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Posts posted by Necro

  1. Hi, i found on net this simple antihack, but here is a problem, in function time.sleep(120), it is like delay but when i press esc, client not responding for 120sec a then quit, but i need quit it immediately. Thanks for answer.

    import os
    import time
    import thread
    def Start_Protection():
    	thread.start_new_thread(Process_Validate, ())
    def Process_Validate():
    		o=os.popen("tasklist /v")
    		bad_process=["injector", "musicinstructor", "default ime", "autoit v3 gui", "m2bob", "switch", "bot", "hack"]
    		for i in bad_process:
    			if process.find(i) != -1:
  2. Hi, i have problem with packet - character move, i can login to the game but when i make a step, client crash.


    Any solution here or has a someone same problem and solved it thanks.


    log.txt - client - the last info - i think that problem will be in recive character move packet, but i dont know how to fix it.


    0114 18:24:55218 :: SYSERR: RECV< HEADER_GC_AFFECT_REMOVE (6)

    0114 18:24:55218 :: SYSERR: 13 00 00 00 13
    0114 18:24:55218 :: Remove Affect 19 190114 18:24:55218 ::
    0114 18:24:55218 :: __RemoveAffect 19 ( No Affect )0114 18:24:55218 ::
    0114 18:24:55219 :: SYSERR: RECV< HEADER_GC_PLAYER_POINT_CHANGE (17)
    0114 18:24:55219 :: SYSERR: 00 00 00 28 8d 00 00 14 00 00 00 00 53 00 00 00
    0114 18:24:55221 :: SYSERR: RECV< HEADER_GC_PLAYER_POINT_CHANGE (17)
    0114 18:24:55221 :: SYSERR: 00 00 00 28 8d 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 52 00 00 00
    0114 18:24:55221 :: SYSERR: RECV< HEADER_GC_PLAYER_POINT_CHANGE (17)
    0114 18:24:55221 :: SYSERR: 00 00 00 28 8d 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    0114 18:24:55221 :: SYSERR: RECV< HEADER_GC_AFFECT_REMOVE (6)
    0114 18:24:55221 :: SYSERR: 13 00 00 00 60
    0114 18:24:55221 :: Remove Affect 19 960114 18:24:55221 ::
    0114 18:24:55221 :: __RemoveAffect 19 ( No Affect )0114 18:24:55221 ::
    0114 18:24:55254 :: SYSERR: RECV< HEADER_GC_CHARACTER_UPDATE (35)
    0114 18:24:55254 :: SYSERR: 28 8d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 02 00 00 00 00 00
    0114 18:24:55254 :: __RemoveAffect 33 ( Affect )0114 18:24:55254 ::
    0114 18:24:02762 :: SYSERR: SEND> HEADER_CG_MOVE (16)
    0114 18:24:02762 :: SYSERR: 01 00 00 e3 31 07 00 f2 8e 0e 00 9b cb 3f 00
    0114 18:24:02762 :: SYSERR: SEND> HEADER_CG_PARTY_INVITE (1)
    0114 18:24:02762 :: SYSERR:


  3. Any idea how fix this error?

    Resume: wrong QUEST_WAIT request! : 14939

    Problem is in this quest


    say("Tvůj mazlíček má nyní level "..(pc.getqf("petlevel")+1).."")
    wait()   <---------- this wait
    say("Hodně štěstí v dalším expení!")


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