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Posts posted by CjMt2

  1. 1 hour ago, Arvydas said:

    What is the minimum vps system requirements to run the server file? Is 2GB of ram enough?

    I used this virtual machine with 1024 MB ram but the compilation takes too long, with 2048MB ram it works decently and the compilation and the game server started if everything that can be updated is updated. Now I have the server and the sources on my real machine an older amd phenom2 with 4 gb ram, still in testing. I'm very frustrated by the 32 bit limitation to 4 gb ram and I really don't like to compile in the virtual machine and then move to the real server. Anyway on 32bit 4 gb ram is maximum.

  2. This is just a mirror of how these files were on 11/23/2021 at 12:35 AM

    4 Inventory.zip http://s.go.ro/uiadybtn | password: 674320

    6th skill.zip http://s.go.ro/6jh7ysfu | password: 166712

    Client.zip http://s.go.ro/zlb03oi0 | password: 210144

    ClientVS22.zip http://s.go.ro/j8lutdtc | password: 404927

    Firewall.zip http://s.go.ro/e2ota2so | password: 756597

    Libs.zip http://s.go.ro/i1o77to0 | password: 575369

    Server.vdi.zip http://s.go.ro/yqrkajde | password: 949346

    vs_community http://s.go.ro/42kz1ahf | password: 818985

    • Good 2
  3. 17 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

    Hi, your typing is there, it is just hidden for security reason.
    Don't ask why FreeBSD don't use * characters like other system do (maybe to hide the length), it is a normal behavior for FreeBSD.

    Keyboard set to hungarian by default (as I see you are hungarina too) so just type 123456789 then press enter, it should work.
    (Btw anyone can change they keyboard layout with the kbdmap command)

    And make sure to use the new release (download it from Mega until M2DL gets updated), I need feedback for the FreeBSD13 migration ?


    ee /etc/rc.conf

    search for keymap="hu.102.kbd"

    and replace with

    # keymap="hu.102.kbd"

    save and do

    shutdown -r now

    Now your bsd is native us english language.

    • Good 1
  4. cd /src/game/src && gmake dep && gmake clean && gmake -j2 -error-limit=0 default

    give me

    linking ../game....
    ld: error: duplicate symbol: MD5_Round
    >>> defined at MD5.c
    >>>            MD5.o:(MD5_Round) in archive ../../libhackshield/lib/libanticpxsvr.a
    >>> defined at MD5.c
    >>>            MD5.o:(.text+0x0) in archive ../../libhackshield/lib/libanticpxsvr.a

    ld: error: duplicate symbol: E_MD5_Init
    >>> defined at MD5.c
    >>>            MD5.o:(E_MD5_Init) in archive ../../libhackshield/lib/libanticpxsvr.a
    >>> defined at MD5.c
    >>>            MD5.o:(.text+0x6D0) in archive ../../libhackshield/lib/libanticpxsvr.a

    ld: error: duplicate symbol: E_MD5_Update
    >>> defined at MD5.c
    >>>            MD5.o:(E_MD5_Update) in archive ../../libhackshield/lib/libanticpxsvr.a
    >>> defined at MD5.c
    >>>            MD5.o:(.text+0x710) in archive ../../libhackshield/lib/libanticpxsvr.a

    ld: error: duplicate symbol: E_MD5_Final
    >>> defined at MD5.c
    >>>            MD5.o:(E_MD5_Final) in archive ../../libhackshield/lib/libanticpxsvr.a
    >>> defined at MD5.c
    >>>            MD5.o:(.text+0x810) in archive ../../libhackshield/lib/libanticpxsvr.a

    ld: error: duplicate symbol: E_MD5
    >>> defined at MD5.c
    >>>            MD5.o:(E_MD5) in archive ../../libhackshield/lib/libanticpxsvr.a
    >>> defined at MD5.c
    >>>            MD5.o:(.text+0x910) in archive ../../libhackshield/lib/libanticpxsvr.a
    clang-14: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    gmake: *** [Makefile:129: ../game] Error 1


    I no have no ideea how to solve this, or step for remove hackshield or exact solution for duplicate symbol: MD5_* , or realy right direction.

    Im on x86 bsd 13 machine, [40250] Reference Serverfile + Client + Src [15 Available Languages]

    Thanks for any idea

  5. On 10/14/2021 at 8:37 PM, xShaVer said:


    I have this error while I try to compile my source "game"

    gmake: *** No rule to make target '/usr/local/include/cryptopp/cryptoppLibLink.h', needed by 'OBJDIR/cipher.o'.  Stop.


    im using Free bsd 12

    In actual cryptopp this file not exist. You can grab from older cryptopp or simply comment out line from above like this:

    //#include <cryptopp/cryptoppLibLink.h>


  6. 1 hour ago, TMP4 said:

    Basicly he objects to 2 things:

    • The source does not have x64 port
    • The VM is FreeBSD12.0, not 12.2 / 13.0

    My answers:

    • Porting the source to the x64 platform was never a goal for this project. Please have a look here if you want a project with an x64 port.
    • It can run fine on x64 system, you just need to compile it in a x32 system. Sum it up, you can run it even in a FreeBSD13 x64 VPS, you just can't compile there.
    • VM should be used for localhost testing, not live environement. (What if I wouldn't even include a VM?)

    Updating the VM is in my todo list btw. But do not except x64 port.


    It's like going to a free shop and saying you won't buy anything in the future again for free from here until you see improvent of the free shop service.

    1. this project NOT RUN on updated x86 machine

    2. this project NOT COMPILE on updated x86 machine

    3. If your goal is to run forever in x86 machine must be a joke in 2021, please see news from last 10 years from, intel, amd.

    I also tested in the virtual machine and on the real physical server before deciding to say about this files, both on the image downloaded here and on 12.2 i386, 12.2 amd64, 13 i386, 13 amd64.

    The only way to compile files is to use 12.0 i386 from this vdi WITHOUT ANY UPDATE. Why is must to make a game or db with all these vulnerabilities and then put it on a live server?


    • Not Good 4
    • Think 1
    • Confused 1
  7. On 11/10/2021 at 2:01 PM, TMP4 said:

    I just hope you dont want to run your live server from a vm.

    I may update the vm, but its not priority since 99,99% of people using that for localhost testing, not to mention people who still use FreeBSD 9.2 ?


      Hide contents

    Btw for base I took Mali's source with VM thats why its 12.0.


    I just updated and now it's 12.2-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p7 GENERIC i386, I'm testing and then talking.



    Starting auth..
    Starting channel1/game2..
    ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libImath-2_3.so.24" not found, required by "libnvtt.so"
    ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libImath-2_3.so.24" not found, required by "libnvtt.so"


    I use vdi, game is compiled localy from normal limited user metin2 without any errors.

    I have Imath-3.1.3                    C++/Python lib of 2D/3D vector, matrix, math ops for computer graphics

    on this machine.


    $ locate libImath


    $ locate libnvtt

    • Love 1
  8. When I pass from map 1 to map 2 (on the red kingdom) can pass through the portal but when I come from map2 on map1 I can no longer pass through the portal.
    I know I have to go to /usr/m2_project/2014.1/resources/locale/france/map but I don't know what the name is for map2 so I can't check npc.txt.
    Also, I don't know what is vnum or another keyword to look for in mob_proto to find that portal.

  9. This is from my auth server (compiled game_debug from source):

    Apr  6 22:26:22.511710 :: Cube_Init locale/france/cube.txt
    Apr  6 22:26:22.515996 :: Blend_Item_init locale/france/blend.txt 
    Apr  6 22:26:22.540655 :: [PackageCryptInfo] . is not crypt file. pass!
    Apr  6 22:26:22.540687 :: [PackageCryptInfo] .. is not crypt file. pass!
    SYSERR: Apr  6 22:26:54.340195 :: hupsig: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM signal has been received. shutting down.
    Apr  6 22:26:54.340366 :: <shutdown> Starting...
    Apr  6 22:26:54.340423 :: Queries 0
    Apr  6 22:26:54.340453 :: <shutdown> Destroying CArenaManager...
    Apr  6 22:26:54.340485 :: <shutdown> Destroying COXEventManager...

    All channels (cores) is up with same game_debug, just auth is down


    pkg remove cryptopp && cd /usr/ports/security/cryptopp/ && make install clean

    and auth is up and running

  10. 14 minutes ago, Wooz said:

    Hey I followed the tutorial, and whenever I try to start the server (103) using the Metin2 Project Shell Manager, after its suposed to be started, I try to check state (402) and I get this:

    State Printscreen

    Am I missing something ? I'm pretty sure I followed all the steps correctly, but the server doest not start and the logs are all empty.



    I also tried to manually execute the commands from  Metin2 Project Shell Manager, starting with booting the db, and I get teh following error:

    Database start error


    So, db source not compile and existent db is unusable .... hmmm ... this files is trash?

  11. cd /usr/m2_project/2014.1/srcs/server/db/src && gmake clean && gmake depend && gmake db && ls ../../../output
           [ GENERATING ] db_debug
    ld: error: unable to find library -lsql
    clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    gmake: *** [Makefile:88: ../../../output/db_debug] Error 1

    Tis is after import Virtual Machine - Kraizy Updated Edition.ova image and change only to static ip and keyboard in rc.conf , root pwd .


    With CC = clang++-devel I have ld:error but with CC = c++ I have

           [ GENERATING ] db_debug
           [ GENERATING ] db_stripped


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