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Everything posted by Crow

  1. Dear Devs, I would like to change the limits for movement speed, attack speed, cast speed etc. I found some of these in char.cpp, but if I try to overwrite the BYTE, it always writes an error on that line. How do I solve it? int CHARACTER::GetLimitPoint(BYTE type) const { if (type >= POINT_MAX_NUM) { sys_err("Point type overflow (type %u)", type); return 0; } int val = m_pointsInstant.points[type]; int max_val = INT_MAX; int limit = INT_MAX; int min_limit = -INT_MAX; switch (type) { case POINT_ATT_SPEED: min_limit = 0; if (IsPC()) limit = 1700;//default 170 else limit = 2500;//default 250 break; case POINT_MOV_SPEED: min_limit = 0; if (IsPC()) limit = 2000;//default 200 else limit = 2500;//default 250 break; case POINT_STEAL_HP: case POINT_STEAL_SP: limit = 500;//default 50 max_val = 500;//default 50 break; case POINT_MALL_ATTBONUS: case POINT_MALL_DEFBONUS: limit = 200;//default 20 max_val = 500;//default 50 break; } I've already set a few values below by 10x, but will it work because of the BYTE above? Thank you for your reply. Sincerely, Crow
  2. Dear Devs, I want to install my server on a VPS. I don't need high performance because I don't want to publish it yet. We would like to test it with a group of 3-5 friends. Which provider would you recommend? I would spend 10-15 euros/dollar a month. Also, is it better to rent a VPS installed with Windows OS, install VBox on it, and then run the server that way? I don't really want freebsd version upgrade if a newer version comes out. Of course I looked around and for 10-15 euros I don't get a Windows VPS but I'm thinking about the later ones when I want to actually launch it. I apologise in advance if this topic does not belong here. Sincerely, Crow
  3. The problem is still not resolved. [40250] I am using a Reference Serverfile shared with us by TMP4. I describe the steps I take to see if I do something wrong (despite the description). Step 1: I run this command: pkg install python27 Step 2: In the usr folder I paste this folder: pkg_backup_64 then run this command: pkg add /usr/pkg_backup_64/mysql56-server-5.6.51.pkg Step 3: I'll add this: mysql_enable="yes" to /etc/rc.conf Step 4: in /usr/local/my.cnf I'll change this: sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES to this sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION then restart the server Step 5: in the usr folder i paste this: metin2_server+src.tar.gz then run this command: cd /usr && tar -xf metin2_server+src.tar.gz Step 6: i run this command: service mysql-server stop then i run this command: rm -rf /var/db/mysql Step 7: in the var/db folder i paste this: metin2_mysql.tar.gz then run this command: cd /var/db && tar -xf metin2_mysql.tar.gz Step 8: i run this command: service mysql-server start These are the steps I take. At this time, the navicat is still available to me. But as soon as I start the server, I get the connection refused and after that I can't even access navicat. I have a metin2_mysql_dump file but that's just another way to install the database, if I understand it correctly. From there, I'm stuck. I put up a couple of config files, interpreting what I should change to in case someone notices something I'm doing wrong. First of all, I will go here: /usr/metin2/server Then I modify the CONFIG file in the auth folder: CHANNEL: 1 HOSTNAME: Auth01 PORT: 11000 P2P_PORT: 12000 DB_ADDR: DB_PORT: 15000 PLAYER_SQL: metin2 password account COMMON_SQL: metin2 password common LOG_SQL: metin2 password log TABLE_POSTFIX: PASSES_PER_SEC: 25 PING_EVENT_SECOND_CYCLE: 180 ADMINPAGE_PASSWORD: metin2adminpass ADMINPAGE_IP: AUTH_SERVER: master TRAFFIC_PROFILE: TEST_SERVER: 0 BIND_IP: I enter the IP address of the VPS here. #PROXY_IP: Your Public/External IPv4 address Then I do the same thing in the CONFIG files in the channel1 folder in the first, game1 and game2 folders. Then channel2,3,4, etc. Finally, I will also rewrite the BIND_IP in the CONFIG file in game99. Here is db/conf.txt. I won't change that. BIND_PORT = 15000 SQL_ACCOUNT = " account metin2 password 0" SQL_COMMON = " common metin2 password 0" SQL_HOTBACKUP = " hotbackup metin2 password 0" SQL_PLAYER = " player metin2 password 0" TABLE_POSTFIX = "" DB_SLEEP_MSEC = 10 CLIENT_HEART_FPS = 10 HASH_PLAYER_LIFE_SEC = 600 PLAYER_DELETE_LEVEL_LIMIT = 70 PLAYER_ID_START = 3 BACKUP_LIMIT_SEC = 3600 WELCOME_MSG = "DB Server has been started" ITEM_ID_RANGE = 10000001 20000000 TEST_SERVER = 0 I just can't figure out what I'm going wrong. If I don't rewrite the BIND_IP, but just start the server smoothly, navicatra won't let me connect. If I rewrite these, nothing is good after that. Is there a tutorial video or a more detailed description of this, or has anyone tried to install this source on VPS?
  4. I tried based on your description, but it only got worse. I reinstall it, put everything on and keep trying. I subscribed for 1 month, so I have a month to try... Navicat: root (no password) localhost metin2 (with password) CONFIG: PLAYER_SQL: metin2 password account COMMON_SQL: metin2 password common LOG_SQL: metin2 password log I don't have such HOST and USER in navicat. Also, in CONFIG i don't have 3306. db/conf.txt: SQL_ACCOUNT = " account metin2 password 0" SQL_COMMON = " common metin2 password 0" SQL_HOTBACKUP = " hotbackup metin2 password 0" SQL_PLAYER = " player metin2 password 0" There are no 3306 here either. Should I create a new USER in navicat or just change localhost to Also, I don't understand why I don't have ports in CONFIG. ssh_config: Host * I should probably specify some port here as well. I changed only BIND_IP in all configs and now navica doesn't work either.
  5. Thanks. Found. Both are at So then something else could be wrong. I can connect with Navicat. When I start the client i see CH1 is NORM. I just cant log in because nothing happens. This could be a problem? AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
  6. Sorry for the question, but where can I find these? I'm new to this. If there is a description of this, I will gladly do it based on it, but in vain I searched I could not find anything that could have helped.
  7. Hi Devs, I rented a VPS, 1core, 1gb ram 25gb space, freebsd13 64bit. I put reference serverfile by tmp4 on it, but the client only says connect to the server. Once, when I waited a long time, it said that login was in progress, but from there it just wouldn't go any further. What's wrong? Low on ram or CPU? Sincerely, Crow change: I forgot that sometimes it throws me back to the CH choice. in putty it says: connect: Connection refused
  8. These came up during Client build. Is it possible that it does not work properly because of this? 3>D:\metin2\ClientVS22\source\EterLib\GrpTextInstance.cpp(488,33): error C2653: 'CResourceManager': is not a class or namespace name 3>D:\metin2\ClientVS22\source\EterLib\GrpTextInstance.cpp(488,51): error C3861: 'Instance': identifier not found 3>D:\metin2\ClientVS22\source\EterLib\GrpTextInstance.cpp(490,75): error C2653: 'CResourceManager': is not a class or namespace name 3>D:\metin2\ClientVS22\source\EterLib\GrpTextInstance.cpp(490,93): error C3861: 'Instance': identifier not found 3>Done building project "EterLib.vcxproj" -- FAILED. 4>D:\metin2\ClientVS22\source\UserInterface\MarkManager.cpp(101,78): warning C4834: discarding return value of function with 'nodiscard' attribute 4>Couldn't open D:\metin2\ClientVS22\vs_files\UserInterface\predefined C++ types (compiler internal), continuing without source annotations 4>Couldn't open D:\metin2\ClientVS22\vs_files\UserInterface\predefined C++ types (compiler internal), continuing without source annotations 4>Couldn't open D:\metin2\ClientVS22\vs_files\UserInterface\predefined C++ types (compiler internal), continuing without source annotations 4>Couldn't open D:\metin2\ClientVS22\vs_files\UserInterface\predefined C++ types (compiler internal), continuing without source annotations Solved. I deleted the client source, then re-extracted and re-pasted the codes. Luckily, this was my first client source change, so nothing went to waste. From there, the backup goes before any changes.
  9. Dear Devs, I put the emojitextline shared by P3NG3R into the client source and then built it. I put the icons in icon.eix/epk. Then I put in the addstatsrenewal, which Chriss shared. The server-side part works. Also, if I press CRTL and left-click it adds +10 stat to the current one, but I don't see the icons or "ADD+10". I hover over + and there is no description whatsoever. Also, the following is my problem: In the addstatsrenew shared by Chriss, the locale_game.txt looks like this: EMOJI_CHARACTER_STATS_ADD |Eemoji/key_ctrl|e + |Eemoji/key_lclick|e - Add x10 P3NG3R shared emojis useage, on the other hand, is done differently. I think it should look something like this in locale_game.txt: EMOJI_CHARACTER_STATS_ADD emojiTextLine.SetText("|Eemoji/key_ctrl|e + |Eemoji/key_lclick|e - Add x10") Unfortunately, none of them work. What's wrong? Thanks for the solutions! Sincerely, Crow I will also share uicharacter.py: I may be wrong, but I'm starting to figure it out. I made the following change: changed this: def __OverInStatButton(self, stat): try: self.__ShowStatToolTip(self.STAT_DESCRIPTION[stat], localeInfo.EMOJI_CHARACTER_STATS_ADD, True) except KeyError: pass to this: def __OverInStatButton(self, stat): try: self.emojiTextLine = ui.TextLine() self.emojiTextLine.SetPosition(16, 40) self.emojiTextLine.SetParent(self) self.__ShowStatToolTip(self.STAT_DESCRIPTION[stat], self.emojiTextLine.SetText("|Eemoji/key_ctrl|e + |Eemoji/key_lclick|e - Add x10"), True) except KeyError: pass And here I am now: [Hidden Content]
  10. Thank you very much for your help again. Now I built it with Distribute and it doesn't write any errors. However, I put the emojis in, it doesn't want to work. I probably put something in wrong. So I still have to look through that.
  11. Dear Devs, After client build receiving this problem in CMD: I use Reference serverfile + client by TMP4. I built it with VS 2022. No bugs were written during or after build. I had Metin2Debug in binary.exe, I put it in the client and the game starts, I can log in, but I see mouse positions, etc. Also, the source change I made is not displayed. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for the solutions! Sincerely, Crow
  12. Thank you very much for your help. Everything is working fine now.
  13. The video looks good, but the compiler cannot be downloaded from the mega because it asks for decryption key. The zippyshare link doesn't work, and the girlshare link downloads mp3s. Could you reupload please? Or do you remember the decryption key? Edit: Everything works fine, I hosted a web server from my PC too, the patcher would work too, only the compiler is missing. All I need is and I think I could download / patch the whole client. Maybe you could give me a short description of how this compiler works next to the new link or decryption key if you have it? I used XAMP, Wordpress and pktriot to create the webserver.
  14. Hello Devs, I watched a lot of videos, I watched a lot of uploaded autopatchers all over the internet, but I couldn't get any of them to work. The server file and client I use: [Hidden Content] It is also important that I run a hamachi server so that my friends and I can test. I haven't rented a domain, I want to use XAMP during development to make the patcher work. If anyone knows of a simpler solution, I will use it, but unfortunately I am currently stuck. I hope you can help me with that. Sincerely, Crow
  15. Hi all. The boss .txt does not include map1 bosses such as lykos or bera, but they do appear in the game. Where does the game get them from? I want to change the respawn time. But I don't know where to look. Thank you for your answers. Sincerely, Crow
  16. Hello. I would like to change the respawn time on all map1 but boss.txt doesn't include boss Lykos etc. Where does the game load them from then? Thanks in advance for your answers! Sincerely, Crow
  17. Update I found the solution. The missing parts in item_proto, item_names, and item_list in the client must be filled. Here's a brief example of Rough Dragon Diamond, you can do the rest based on that. item_proto: 110000 ÖǏ±ޠÀϹݠ¹鷦¼® ITEM_DS DS_SLOT1 1 ANTI_SELL | ANTI_SAFEBOX NONE NONE NONE 0 0 0 0 0 TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR 86400 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110010 ÖǏ±ޠÀϹݠ¹鷦¼® ITEM_DS DS_SLOT1 1 ANTI_SELL | ANTI_SAFEBOX NONE NONE NONE 0 0 0 0 0 TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR 86400 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110020 ÖǏ±ޠÀϹݠ¹鷦¼® ITEM_DS DS_SLOT1 1 ANTI_SELL | ANTI_SAFEBOX NONE NONE NONE 0 0 0 0 0 TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR 86400 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 item_names: 110000 Rough Dragon Diamond 110010 Rough Dragon Diamond 110020 Rough Dragon Diamond item_list: 110000 ETC icon/item/110000.tga 110010 ETC icon/item/110000.tga 110020 ETC icon/item/110000.tga What I'm sharing here worked perfectly well for me, I tested it. Here are some extra help I've also experienced: Rough Dragon Diamonds Clarity From 110000 to 110020 Matt From 110100 to 110120 Clear From 110200 to 110230 Flawless From 110300 to 110330 Brilliant From 110400 to 110440 Excellent Cut Dragon Diamonds From 111000 to 111030 Matt From 111100 to 111130 Clear From 111200 to 111230 Flawless From 111300 to 111340 Brilliant From 111400 to 111440 Excellent Rare Dragon Diamonds From 112000 to 112040 Matt From 112100 to 112140 Clear From 112200 to 112240 Flawless From 112300 to 112340 Brilliant From 112400 to 112440 Excellent Antique Dragon Diamonds From 113000 to 113040 Matt From 113100 to 113140 Clear From 113200 to 113240 Flawless From 113300 to 113340 Brilliant From 113400 to 113450 Excellent Legendary Dragon Diamonds From 114000 to 114040 Matt From 114100 to 114140 Clear From 114200 to 114240 Flawless From 114300 to 114350 Brilliant From 114400 to 114460 Excellent The last 2 characters at the end of the sequence of numbers represent item +1, etc. It is important to always use the correct icon for class and clarity. For example, Rare class and Flawless clarity start with ID 112200 and end with 112240, so the corresponding icon will be ID 112200. Reading above, I found that those before me faced a similar problem. I hope I was able to help others with this. Sorry for my bad English. Sincerely, Crow
  18. Hello Guys. Is there a solution to this since then? I have the same problem. I can upgrade class and clarity, but i can't level up. It says that leveling up is successful, but the item simply disappears. However, in the dragonstone alchemy inventory, missing objects seem to take up space. In the server's item_proto I see that for example the object id is: 114400~114499 최고급 전설의 백룡석 ITEM_DS DS_SLOT1 1 ANTI_SAFEBOX | ANTI_SELL NONE NONE NONE 0 0 0 0 0 TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR 14400 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 but on the client side it is not there and so I cannot retrieve an object for this id. I didn't put this system in, I use [40250] Reference serverfile + client +src. Could it be incomplete? I look forward to your response and thank you. Sincerely, Crow
  19. [40250] Reference Serverfile + client + src. I use VDI. After making a few changes to the source, such as increasing the MAX_STAT and compiling the game, I get the following error in the game: [Hidden Content] When I want to log out or change characters, the language in the chat is not Hungarian or English, but what is shown in the picture. What's wrong? Thanks in advance for your help!
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