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Everything posted by Helobarato

  1. i opened the ports on my router. but that website says they're closed! go to Vm settings, Network and put the connection type as "bridged"
  2. i opened all the ports but my friend can still not login. only who's connected to my modem can. ?
  3. i hosted on my ip. but only who's connected to my modem can login. people from the internet can't find the CH open
  4. I tried hosting the VM server with Hamachi but it doesn't work, i read that 40k files don't work with hamachi am i correct? :()
  5. Hi, i wanted to change some mob names. I changed them into WinSCP mobproto... but the client one? i see it like this: [Hidden Content]
  6. Solved! thanks for the help Oh, and about your extension for adding 4 inventories?? the "source" is inside the "ClientVS22" But inside the normal client/pack there isn't a SOURCE file to unpack. so how can i proceed? i don't even know what "clientvs22" is supposed to do ? a question about these files. does Light resistance works in grotto?
  7. Hey, i replaced the correct files inside your folder to add the 6th skill. but when i open the client this happens: [Hidden Content] (it's an image website upload since i can't upload a file)
  8. Hi, thanks for the answer. i tried doing the serverinfo.py to remove the test server. but then the client wouldn't start. i will try with the quests
  9. It worked! thank you so much!!!! the last 2 things i wanted to fix: Removing the basic metin2 quests so i can start creating mines removing the "test" server on the client
  10. would you help me please? i don't know how to do it! i tried but it didn't work!
  11. I downloaded the files and at lvl 105 i can drop dragon shards (for alchemy) by low level monsters. i tried replacing "when kill begin" with "when kill with math.abs(npc.get_level() - pc.get_level()) <= 15 begin" But it still doesn't work! what can i do to fix this bug?
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