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Everything posted by uncons

  1. I added it, but this time other errors started to appear, I think it's all errors related to the yellow effect because when I removed the things related to it, the system was added to the game, except for the effect. this ss : and this error : when i add BL_PARTY_UPDATE client source new error:
  2. help me please and i didint understand last lines bcs my english bad pls help me i will share my ui and uitarget my ui.py: class Gauge(Window): SLOT_WIDTH = 16 SLOT_HEIGHT = 7 GAUGE_TEMPORARY_PLACE = 12 GAUGE_WIDTH = 16 def __init__(self): Window.__init__(self) self.__oldValue = 0 self.__newValue = 0 self.width = 0 def __del__(self): Window.__del__(self) def MakeGauge(self, width, color): self.width = max(48, width) imgSlotLeft = ImageBox() imgSlotLeft.SetParent(self) imgSlotLeft.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_slot_left.tga") imgSlotLeft.Show() imgSlotRight = ImageBox() imgSlotRight.SetParent(self) imgSlotRight.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_slot_right.tga") imgSlotRight.Show() imgSlotRight.SetPosition(width - self.SLOT_WIDTH, 0) imgSlotCenter = ExpandedImageBox() imgSlotCenter.SetParent(self) imgSlotCenter.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_slot_center.tga") imgSlotCenter.Show() imgSlotCenter.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, float((width - self.SLOT_WIDTH*2) - self.SLOT_WIDTH) / self.SLOT_WIDTH, 0.0) imgSlotCenter.SetPosition(self.SLOT_WIDTH, 0) imgGaugeBack = ExpandedImageBox() imgGaugeBack.SetParent(self) imgGaugeBack.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_yellow.tga") imgGaugeBack.Hide() imgGaugeBack.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) imgGaugeBack.SetPosition(self.GAUGE_TEMPORARY_PLACE, 0) imgGauge = ExpandedImageBox() imgGauge.SetParent(self) imgGauge.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_yellow.tga") imgGauge.Show() imgGauge.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) imgGauge.SetPosition(self.GAUGE_TEMPORARY_PLACE, 0) imgSlotLeft.AddFlag("attach") imgSlotCenter.AddFlag("attach") imgGaugeBack.AddFlag("attach") imgSlotRight.AddFlag("attach") if app.BL_PARTY_UPDATE: def GaugeImgBoxAddFlag(self, flag): self.imgLeft.AddFlag(flag) self.imgCenter.AddFlag(flag) self.imgRight.AddFlag(flag) self.imgGauge.AddFlag(flag) if app.ENABLE_POISON_GAUGE_EFFECT: def SetGaugeColor(self, color): if self.imgGauge: self.imgGauge.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_yellow.tga") self.imgLeft = imgSlotLeft self.imgCenter = imgSlotCenter self.imgRight = imgSlotRight self.imgGauge = imgGauge self.imgGaugeBack = imgGaugeBack self.SetSize(width, self.SLOT_HEIGHT) def SetPercentage(self, curValue, maxValue): # PERCENTAGE_MAX_VALUE_ZERO_DIVISION_ERROR if maxValue > 0.0: percentage = min(1.0, float(curValue)/float(maxValue)) else: percentage = 0.0 # END_OF_PERCENTAGE_MAX_VALUE_ZERO_DIVISION_ERROR self.__oldValue = self.__newValue self.__newValue = percentage gaugeSize = -1.0 + float(self.width - self.GAUGE_TEMPORARY_PLACE*2) * percentage / self.GAUGE_WIDTH self.imgGauge.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, gaugeSize, 0.0) self.SetPercentageBack(self.__oldValue, 1.0) def SetPercentageBack(self, curValue, maxValue): if not self.imgGaugeBack.IsShow(): self.imgGaugeBack.Show() if maxValue > 0.0: percentage = min(1.0, float(curValue) / float(maxValue)) else: percentage = 0.0 gaugeSize = -1.0 + float(self.width - self.GAUGE_TEMPORARY_PLACE * 2) * percentage / self.GAUGE_WIDTH self.imgGaugeBack.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, gaugeSize, 0.0) def OnUpdate(self): if self.IsShow() and self.__oldValue > self.__newValue: self.__oldValue = self.__oldValue - 0.005 self.SetPercentageBack(self.__oldValue, 1.0) my uitarget.py: def SetHP(self, hpNow, hpMax): if not self.hpGauge.IsShow(): self.SetSize(200 + 7 * self.nameLength, self.GetHeight()) self.name.SetPosition(23, 13) self.name.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() self.name.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() self.hpGauge.Show() self.hpText.Show() self.UpdatePosition() if app.ENABLE_POISON_GAUGE_EFFECT: if chrmgr.HasAffectByVID(self.GetTargetVID(), chr.AFFECT_POISON): self.hpGauge.SetGaugeColor("lime") else: self.hpGauge.SetGaugeColor("red") self.hpGauge.SetPercentage(hpNow, hpMax) self.hpText.SetText("%s/%s (%.2f%%)" % (localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(hpNow)[:-5], localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(hpMax)[:-5], max(0, (float(hpNow) / max(1, float(hpMax)) * 100)))) only the last lines I wrote the other lines as they were
  3. hi, how i copy paste object ? i didnt see sorry help me please.
  4. hello, where is the teleport ring quest? I'm sorry I don't know this. Işınlanma Yüzüğü can you help please?
  5. hello, where is the teleport ring quest? I'm sorry I don't know this. Işınlanma Yüzüğü
  6. thank you it was hard but i got it done. I got help from another forum.
  7. Hello, How can I set the start and end level? Also, which file is the beginning part in?
  8. hi again sorry for this, i taking this error when i join navicat : 1045: access denied for user bla bla ... why i taking this error ? help me please this is last round hi again sorry for this, i taking this error when i join navicat : 1045: access denied for user bla bla ... why i taking this error ? help me please this is last round
  9. Hi guys i want this metin2 server but help me pls for mysql55-client , mysql55-server i searched mysql but have not mysql55 can i upload mysql 56 ? my first developer time btw. help me please for this bcs my server waiting this. Thanks [Hidden Content]
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