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Everything posted by HueHue

  1. Hi, Is there a way to add a theif glove to mysql: account -> account. I want to create a VIP system that automatically gives a theif glove, exp ring and lucky medal after purchase for 3 days. I know that exp ring and lucky medal is there already but it doesn't have the theif glove. Thank you.
  2. Hi, I've done a side panel in my inventory and I'm trying to assign one of the buttons to "X" key. So basically that one button presses X key on the keyboard.
  3. I have the tent_ss_lamp.mse but I need tent_s_lamp.mse. I tried to swap it already but it doesn't work unfortunately. Thank you anyway
  4. Wow that was quick. Thank you. I'll check it later on
  5. Hi, Does anyone know how to list all the GM's in the friends list? So when you open a Friend list window there will be a separate tab called Staff and there will be a list of all GM's and it will show if they are online or not.
  6. Hi, My game crashes while being on the devils catacomb and I have this error: 0418 11:42:25494 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/background/tent_s_lamp.mse) Error 0418 11:42:25494 :: CArea::SetEffect effect register error d:/ymir work/effect/background/tent_s_lamp.mse From what can I see I'm missing a file called tent_s_lamp.mse. Does anyone have it or are there any other ways to fix it?
  7. Hi, Is there a system that resizes the quest (npc talk) window automatically depending on the amount of text in each conversation? So that if the npc talks a lot the window will be bigger and if there is only few sentences then the window gets smaller.
  8. Hi, Is there a way to create a small chat window that is separate from the main one (like next to it) that shows the amount of Yang that we received and the amount of experience that we gained from the mob. I mean probably there is but is it really difficult or has there been already a topic that has both Yang and exp.
  9. Hi, I want to move my server from FreeBSD 11.2 to 13.2. Does anyone have libs that are required to launch it or is there a topic that contains them. I tried to search for it but I couldn't find it. Thank you
  10. I've tried this before with different combinations but it doesn't really want to work. Anyway thank you
  11. Hi. I'm looking for an automatic boost system that automatically uses items like 39017, 39024, 27102 etc. when they run out. For example you put the items which you want to use in a special invetory and you press "Start" and then the system automatically uses the items when their time runs out.
  12. Oh man that "Python Method Only" works PERFECTLY! Thank you soooo much i really appreciate it! Just one more thing the "Python Method Only" works only on the 1st inventory page. How to change it so that it will work on all 4 inventory pages.
  13. Ok that's great but could you or someone help me to write the code for this as I have never done something like this before. All i know is that i need to use this command in game.py onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_TAB] = lambda : self????? So basically what I want to have is when i press Tab key an item 50053 is being used. Thank you in advance.
  14. Hi. Is there a way to assign an item or a quest to a button on the keyboard? For example I have an item 50053 and I want to use it by pressing TAB key on my keyboard. Or I have a quest and I want to open the quest by pressing ~ key on my keyboard.
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