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Everything posted by Fyco

  1. I'm quite new to this stuff, im getting an error , its something to do with implementing the angels blessing quest, i understand that one of the functions is broken, i don't know how to fix it tho (you mentioned something about changing db cores but idk what that means) i've tried editing this in Monarch.cpp : "UPDATE monarch set money=%lld where empire=%d", m_MonarchInfo.money[Empire], Empire);| Still doesnt work. Any ideas?
  2. I have an issue, I edited the attributes a costume gives (For example +5000 HP), when i wear the costume, I get the 5000 hp but it doesnt show on the costume when I hover over it. I edited the Item_proto in client aswell. Still nothing.
  3. You need to change the refined_vnum of that armor lvl 66+9 to the vnum of the armor u want it to become, also u need to change the refined_set (Its the materials required to upgrade). Set it to 531 if you don't want it to require any material. But it can only be upgraded via Seong-Pyong
  4. I disagree, sure he doesnt offer private help and cant guide you fully but he's not supposed too, theres plenty of tutorials/websites to ask your questions and he did help me quite a lot in public on this forum. He was very patient. Sure I wouldn't have done everything correctly as a beginner without help but it's still a very good start. Plus he added the BSD already configured so you don't have to setup the server files on it. However your point is somewhat correct, as a beginner, messing with the files and adding stuff to the server is not as easy without help.
  5. I redid the whole thing twice , the same error when I try to repack the etc folder. I noticed that the etc.epk/eix after repacking are only 111kb/1kb when the ones that are originally in the "pack" folder before doing anything are 3633kb/36kb. But how would that affect the cursor thing?
  6. I packed it now, when I launch the game it says "Tracerback: Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'error' and in syserr : 0128 16:33:00358 :: mouseModule:155: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception 0128 16:33:00358 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0128 16:33:00358 :: File "mouseModule.py", line 155, in ChangeCursor 0128 16:33:00359 :: RuntimeError 0128 16:33:00359 :: : 0128 16:33:00359 :: Cannot load image (filename: D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_hvsize.sub) 0128 16:33:00359 :: Thank you for helping I'm pretty new to that stuff sorry ?
  7. Thank you, it launched. But now I can't access the inventories. it shows that there are 4 but I can't click on them so its stuck on the 1st inventory and I cant see the items im wearing. I might've messed up somewhere else. Any clue?
  8. I replaced the file inventorywindow.py by the one you gave us in the 4inventory extension. Still same error. Do I have to edit all the locale files or just the en one?
  9. Has anyone tried to implement the 4 inventory extension thing? I'm getting dc'd after loading screen and this is the error on syserr : 0128 14:39:07924 :: invalid idx 0 0128 14:39:15950 :: uiInventory.py(line:313) __LoadWindow ui.py(line:2704) GetChild InventoryWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject - <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>:'Inventory_Tab_03' 0128 14:39:15950 :: ============================================================================================================ 0128 14:39:15950 :: Abort!!!! I did all the steps in the 4Inventory extension file and compiled the game folder. Should be in item_proto I had no idea how to make a server too, you have nothing to do. The files are complete. Unless you wanna make some changes to ur server then u learn as u go (Thats what im doing)
  10. Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): Connection timed out in /storage/ssd5/537/18359537/public_html/user/config.php on line 6 Failed to connect to MySQL: Connection timed out Even after I put my IP in SQL_HOST it still says the same. Any help?
  11. sick will do thanks, but which file do I have to modify ? What is the teleport ring file called and where? I found the map_warp.quest but im guessing this is for the teleporter npc not the ring itself
  12. Thank you, everything worked. I got one more issue, is there an update for the teleportation ring? The newer one where you can tp to anywhere in the map regardless of what kingdom you are (Tps to Jinno, Chunjo, Shinsoo and all the other leveling maps etc..) Do you perhaps have an updated version for it? Or can I find the code somewhere? If so, what file do I have to modify?
  13. Thank you got it, also, is there a way to edit a metin stone drop timer? So for example when someone breaks a certain metin stone, another one spawns like 3 sec later instead of whatever time it takes. And another thing, when I spawn an npc using /m it disappears after server reboot, is there a way to keep it where I spawned it after reboot?
  14. Thank you so much, one more thing, If I wanna change a certain item's attributes or allow someone to put a certain attribute on an item in exchange for coins, is that possible? like a custom attribute changer thing ? if so, how? Example here : Also, how could I change the starting items the user gets when he first logs in (Like the sword+0 and Apprentice chest) or the Apprentice chest items?
  15. Quick question, how can I let other players log onto the server? I put the correct ip in serverinfo.py and installed the client on my other device, however, I can only log when I am connected to the same wifi as the one I hosted the server on even though the ip in the client files is correct
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