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Everything posted by PurendeaM

  1. Yes... it's a problem only on this system. I don't have another crafting system
  2. Hi, I also have a problem with the cube renewal system.. The problem is that it uploads my processes to the cores where the crafting npc is located, in a few days the respective corele reaches 100% and then the anomalies will appear in the game.. If you're wondering if I'm sure this system is the problem, the answer is yes, 100%. I tried to move the crafting npc to a core where there was only one map and that core started to grow, wherever I move the npc the core it is on is affected. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I'm willing to pay if someone can help me with this problem..?
  3. The first problem is the fact that the text in the shops has shifted: The second problem is the fact that in a private message the emoji does not maintain the line of the text: If someone can help me I would be grateful!?
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