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Posts posted by zeimpekis9

  1. Hello guys.
    I have the following code (everyone i think has the same):
    As you can see, it has vnum range (for example this: if vnum >= 16210 and vnum <= 16219) . I want to modify this function, to work, for EVERY vnum. I mean:
    if item.ARMOR_WRIST == subType or elif item.ARMOR_NECK == subType: or elif item.ARMOR_EAR == subType,
    to show which accessory material it has from the list (this is the list: 50623, 50624, 50625, 50626, 50627, 50628, 50629, 50630, 50631, 50632, 50633, 50634, 50635, 50636, 50637, 50638).

    Can anyone help me?

    ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST = [50623, 50624, 50625, 50626, 50627, 50628, 50629, 50630, 50631, 50632, 50633, 50634, 50635, 50636, 50637, 50638]
    JewelAccessoryInfos = [
    		# jewel		wrist	neck	ear
    		[ 50634,	14420,	16220,	17220 ],	
    		[ 50635,	14500,	16500,	17500 ],	
    		[ 50636,	14520,	16520,	17520 ],	
    		[ 50637,	14540,	16540,	17540 ],	
    		[ 50638,	14560,	16560,	17560 ],	
    def GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(vnum, subType):
    	ret = vnum
    	item_base = (vnum / 10) * 10
    	for info in JewelAccessoryInfos:
    		if item.ARMOR_WRIST == subType:	
    			if info[1] == item_base:
    				return info[0]
    		elif item.ARMOR_NECK == subType:	
    			if info[2] == item_base:
    				return info[0]
    		elif item.ARMOR_EAR == subType:	
    			if info[3] == item_base:
    				return info[0]
    	if vnum >= 16210 and vnum <= 16219:
    		return 50625
    	if item.ARMOR_WRIST == subType:	
    		WRIST_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 14000
    	elif item.ARMOR_NECK == subType:
    		NECK_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 16000
    		ret -= NECK_ITEM_VNUM_BASE
    	elif item.ARMOR_EAR == subType:
    		EAR_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 17000
    		ret -= EAR_ITEM_VNUM_BASE
    	type = ret/20
    	if type<0 or type>=len(ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST):
    		type = (ret-170) / 20
    		if type<0 or type>=len(ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST):
    			return 0


  2. 3 hours ago, .T4Ump said:

    I think its easy, do yourself.

    I dont know c++. If i knew, i could create this

    2 hours ago, Sonitex said:
    void CInstanceBase::Update()
    if (IsPet())
    		if (CPythonSystem::instance().IsHidePets())
    			if (!IsAffect(AFFECT_INVISIBILITY))
    				__SetAffect(AFFECT_INVISIBILITY, true);
    				m_kAffectFlagContainer.Set(AFFECT_INVISIBILITY, true);
    			if (IsAffect(AFFECT_INVISIBILITY))
    				__SetAffect(AFFECT_INVISIBILITY, false);
    				m_kAffectFlagContainer.Set(AFFECT_INVISIBILITY, false);


    Thanks dude..i appreciate it :D

  3. hello community.
    I have a problem with vegas title system.
    When i open the gui, it doesnt show me the minutes of the player:
    These are the parts:
    self.blue_legion2123.SetText(str(player.GetPlayTime()) + "")


        def OnUpdate(self):
            self.blue_legion2123.SetText(str(player.GetPlayTime()) + "%s")


    Any idea? thanks for your time.

  4. If possible i would like to tell some imperfections and try to help out.

    1. If i am far away from the shops and hide shops only some of them will be disappeared. 

    2. If i am at the center of them all of them disappear but if i go far away and come back they will appear again. 


    I think it will be smoother if all the shops from the current map i apply this to be disappeared period, till i turn them back on if i want to.


    Also could it be added a show/disappear pets and mounts?

  5. 16 hours ago, iltizio said:

    The subject of this topic is wrong. You need a MySQL DBA.

    That files are redo_log: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-redo-log.html

    If you use a transational storage engine (like InnoDB or xtradb) you can restore some unwritten data after a DB crash.

    if you have lost a lot of data after human error or application bug, the only way to recover it is from backup.


    You should always do backup.

    For some reason, this day db was overloaded, and then i lost the data only from item table. Thats why im asking if i can restore them because i didnt delete them by my mistake. It was deleted just because it was overloaded. 

    Can you add me in skype so we can speak? 

  6. Hello community.
    I have this problem when im trying to start my server.

    I installed gcc49, i took this lib from there, but the server still doesnt open. Any ideas?
    I compiled my source with gcc7. When i tried to connect i had an error with libmysqlclient.so.21. I took this lib from my compile machine.
    Then this error gone and i had this error: libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.20 required.
    And now i have this one: /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6: unsupported file layout

    Can anyone help me?
    Thanks for your time...

    • Sad 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Fleon said:

    Lul. You are not informing him when you ask "So, did you fix it?" but instead it sounds like a request from somebody who should only be grateful, if you want to help then go for a pull request implementing the feature/bugfix on your own.

    I've been helping random people way too much, that's why I understood that random people usually don't deserve anything :].

    It's git tho, if you want to know if he updated the code then check the commits instead of asking here, you know.


    12 minutes ago, BeHappy4Ever said:

    Ηelping random people is like feeding a snake .. :D

    Whatever. You are so wrong and you dont understand. I will not explain to you anymore.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Fleon said:

    I don't even know why you are taking orders from random people but nice work thanks for the relase.


    11 minutes ago, Fleon said:

    I don't even know why you are taking orders from random people but nice work thanks for the relase.

    he is not taking orders. He released a system. We infrom him about the bugs of the system, and we just asked IF he can fix it. Why everyone here is so rude? I dont understand you. You should learn to help RANDOM people and to flame all the time. FFS.

  9. On 5/15/2018 at 10:50 PM, WLsj24 said:

    Thanks for the release. I found a bug: when you are at a party and you teleport to a map whose core is different from the map core of the other member of the party, it will show the member as [Offline], that should not happen. Can you look at it, please? : D

    Regarding what @Shang says, he means that in the official server, when you create a party, that party is created in all the channels, that is, if you change the channel, the party will be in the channel that was created and in any channel that you change, but still without putting your release, at least in the majority of public sources this does not happen, I suppose the part of creating the party in all the channels at the same time was a recent update of gameforge. So this is not a problem, since it is simply to create the party manually on all channels. xD

    Sorry for my bad English.

    It is working 100% right now?

  10. Hello guys.
    I have this error to my sysser"GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion"This happens only to some mobs. The result is that players get kicked every time.
    It happens to these mobs:

    gnoll_commander, gnoll_helhound, gnoll_mage, gnoll_minotaur, gnoll_warrior, naga_commander, naga_mage, naga_soldier, naga_warrior, troll_argus, troll_commander, troll_mage, troll_warrior.
    I have these folders on my client only. I have to upload them to /home/game/share/data too ?
    Please tell me..
    Thanks for your time.

    • Confused 1
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