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Everything posted by Schyck

  1. Vegas is very knowledgeable at what it does. In addition, he gives fast support. Highly recommended.
  2. Yes, I forgot to put that part in the post I made. But what I put was the solution for the problem you were having. What you comment now can be easily solved if you use your reasoning a little. Here we go: # Just delete all related with "RefreshChatWindow" (except define, obviously), and change this define like this: def OnUpdate(self): if self.boardState == chatm2g.BOARD_STATE_EDIT: if app.ENABLE_CHATTING_WINDOW_RENEWAL: self.RefreshChatWindow() chatm2g.Update(self.chatID) elif self.boardState == chatm2g.BOARD_STATE_VIEW: if systemSetting.IsViewChat(): if app.ENABLE_CHATTING_WINDOW_RENEWAL: self.RefreshChatWindow() chatm2g.Update(self.chatID) # That's all!
  3. You guys are looking for the solution by looking at the wrong problem. The syserr may tell you something related to GetGlobalPosition, but that's not really the problem. The solution is easier than it sounds: #--1 #In the def __init__ from the class ChatSettingWindow: #Replace this: def __init__(self, parent): #With this: def __init__(self): #In the same define, search and delete: self.parent = parent #--2 #In this define def __OnClickSave(self): #Delete this: if self.parent: self.parent.RefreshChatWindow() #--3 #In this define def __QuestionPopupAccept(self): #Delete this: if self.parent: self.parent.RefreshChatWindow() # --4 #Replace this: self.wndChatSettingOption = ChatSettingWindow(self) #With this: self.wndChatSettingOption = ChatSettingWindow() Try again, and the "OnRender" after teleport will works good.
  4. #3 def __LoadInformation(self, race): self.yPos = 7 self.children = [] self.race = race self.stoneImg = None self.stoneVnum = None self.nextStoneIconChange = 0 self.__LoadInformation_Default(race) self.__LoadInformation_Race(race) self.__LoadInformation_Resists(race) self.__LoadInformation_Drops(race) #4 def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race): self.AppendSeperator() if race in MONSTER_INFO_DATA: if len(MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) == 0: if self.itemScrollBar.IsShow(): self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_DEBUG) else: self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_ITEM_TEXT) else: itemListBox = ui.ListBoxExNew(32 + 5, self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) itemListBox.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 15 * 2 - ui.ScrollBar.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, (32 + 5) * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) height = 0 for curItem in MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]: if curItem.has_key("vnum_list"): height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum_list"], curItem["count"], curItem["rarity"]) else: height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum"], curItem["count"], curItem["rarity"]) if height < itemListBox.GetHeight(): itemListBox.SetSize(itemListBox.GetWidth(), height) self.AppendWindow(itemListBox, 15) itemListBox.SetBasePos(0) if len(MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) > itemListBox.GetViewItemCount(): itemScrollBar = ui.ScrollBar() itemScrollBar.SetParent(self) itemScrollBar.SetPosition(itemListBox.GetRight(), itemListBox.GetTop()) itemScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(32 * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT + 5 * (self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT - 1)) itemScrollBar.SetMiddleBarSize(float(self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) / float(height / (32 + 5))) itemScrollBar.Show() itemListBox.SetScrollBar(itemScrollBar) self.itemScrollBar = itemScrollBar else: self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_ITEM_TEXT)
  5. # In the InfoBoard class: (uiTarget.py) # 1 def __init__(self): ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self) self.HideCorners(self.LT) self.HideCorners(self.RT) self.HideLine(self.T) self.race = 0 self.hasItems = False self.itemTooltip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() self.itemTooltip.HideToolTip() self.stoneImg = None self.stoneVnum = None self.lastStoneVnum = 0 self.nextStoneIconChange = 0 self.itemScrollBar = None # Add this line self.SetSize(self.BOARD_WIDTH, 0) # 2 def Close(self): self.itemTooltip.HideToolTip() self.itemScrollBar = None # Add this line self.Hide()
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