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Everything posted by Aurora

  1. Syerr after adding map_a2 by atlasinfo 0625 18:36:27296 :: CMapBase::LoadProperty(FileName=map_a2\MapProperty.txt) - LoadMultipleTextData ERROR ÆÄÀÏÀÌ ¾øÀ» °¡´É¼ºÀÌ ¸¹½À´Ï´Ù. 0625 18:36:27296 :: CMapManager::LoadMap() Invalid Map Type 0625 18:36:27297 :: CPythonBackground::SelectViewDistanceNum(int eNum=0) mc_pcurEnvironmentData is NULL
  2. Hello everybody The title already says what this topic is about. I Don't know why its so bugged i can't find the client side part of metin2_n_threeway and i don't have it on my atlasinfo i just have it in my serverside. So if somebody can send me this i would appreciated it or if thats not the problem a solution to this. Here some screens of it. Screens: #1 : [Hidden Content] #2 : [Hidden Content] Thanks in advance -Aurora
  3. Here is the quest quest antiexp begin state start begin when login begin if pc.getqf("antiexp") == 1 then pc.block_exp() chat("Anti EXP is already enabled") end end when letter begin cmdchat("AntiEXP "..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end when button or info begin if pc.getqf("antiexp") == 0 then pc.block_exp() pc.setqf("antiexp", 1) chat("Anti EXP has been activated") elseif pc.getqf("antiexp") == 1 then pc.unblock_exp() pc.setqf("antiexp", 0) chat("Anti EXP has been disabled") end end end end
  4. Hello everybody! Today i'm trying to add a Anti EXP button but when i click on the button nothing happens? Here is the code that i have Game.py #AntiEXP "AntiEXP" : self.__MakeAntiEXP, def __MakeAntiEXP(self, qid): constInfo.AntiEXPqin= int(qid) uiinventory self.wndMoneySlot = self.GetChild("Money_Slot") self.AntiEXP = self.GetChild2("AntiEXP") self.mallButton = self.GetChild2("MallButton") # MallButton if self.mallButton: self.mallButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickMallButton)) #AntiEXP if self.AntiEXP: self.AntiEXP.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickAntiEXP)) def ClickMallButton(self): print "click_mall_button" net.SendChatPacket("/click_mall") #AntiEXP def ClickAntiEXP(self): import event qid = constInfo.AntiEXPqin event.QuestButtonClick(qid) # DSSButton def ClickDSSButton(self): print "click_dss_button" self.interface.ToggleDragonSoulWindow() Costinfo.py AntiEXPqin = 0 I hope someone can help me here is a screen from the inventory Screen: [Hidden Content] Kind regards - Aurora
  5. Thanks kori! But i just got a little problem left here is a screen: [Hidden Content] I hope you can help me with this to.
  6. Hello everybody! I have a little problem here with my in-game design here is a screen so you can see what i mean Screen: [Hidden Content] Everything needs to be centered and the black lines you see in it needs to be removed, can somebody tell me how i can do this? Kind regards - Aurora
  7. Use hackshield but that doesn't help for m2bob i think
  8. Hello everybody! I am facing the " Assertion failed: (index < row->size()), function AsStringByIndex, file CsvReader.cpp, line 395" error i read some topics about it but i couldn't fix it with that so can somebody help me with this problem first i used SQL to read item proto but now i want to go back to TXT. I hope someone can help me with this problem! Kind regards - Aurora
  9. Roxas07 please note in your topic that it doesn't work for mainline_released otherwise people will face the same problem as me
  10. Can somebody help me with a little problem compiling source [Hidden Content] this is the code [Hidden Content]
  11. It's like a auction house not a offline shop?
  12. Your server can't connect to your mysql server? query failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
  13. Standard VPS - 2GB RAM 128GB HDD / 32GB SSD Storage 2 vCores AMD Opteron 4386 3,8 Ghz Anti-DDoS Pro Automated Daily Backups Cloud Firewall Triple hardware RAID setup 12.20€/month this is good i think.
  14. 1GB ram no way if you have 4 cores each channel Ontopic: how much channels do you want to open?
  15. The shoulder sash system is been released only the c++ part is not released you need to make that your self here you go [Hidden Content]
  16. It is a bugg in iOS in the preview box i don't know why but it works try it i dont have iphone but my brother have if i try it on his iphone and his iphone stop working he going to kill me so no thx i dont want :D If you can't open apps anymore try this "supposedly you can go into your photos (if it allows you to open them) and send a picture to all the people you sent it to/sent it to you. Should work after that. This is the only fix I have seen. after sending the photos to the people, your messages app will be able to be opened but make sure to delete the conversations before opening them or else the whole process will restart" I hope this will work for you
  17. Is possible i don't know i just test it on iphone 4, 5 and 6 my friends tried it with both iPhone 3GS with iOS 6 and iPhone 5 with iOS 8 today and it only worked on iOS 8 one. Its possible as i said i didn't try iphone 3
  18. It is a bugg in iOS in the preview box i don't know why but it works try it
  19. I know facebook blocks it otherwise all my friends iphones were down xDD BTW it's not my piece of code its been posted 2 days ago on reddit
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