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Everything posted by Aurora

  1. I dont know for sure if there is a tool for that but you just have to translate client to show mob names to your language. You only need to translate the NPC's (it's not a big deal just 200 names) dont forget to translate the portals
  2. there isn't a tool for that "yet" i just translate the NPC's by myself because you only need to translate client side for in-game its not a big deal just 200 names
  3. I recommend you to use .txt because if you use SQL after reboot it will automatically restore to .txt info use this tool to generate XML to TXT and replace the old .TXT in your (usr/home/game/?????/db) with the new one you generate the ???? is because every one has his own folder so you need to search then reboot you server and you will see it in the item_proto i hope it help you out.
  4. Hello everyone I am searching for full automatically PVP tournament release (Client side & Server side) I already searched for it but i couldn't find a full release I hope someone can help me! - Aurora
  5. use from official GF locale and delete Wolfman lines out of it then you can use it?
  6. I recommend you to delete athra files there are alot of bugs and its a copy of serverfiles by marcoscc v3 he just change the name.
  7. Yep Extract season1 go to season1/season1/interface/oxevent open frame_0.sub frame_1.sub frame_2.sub Check of the name of the DDS file match with the name of the file in that folder if not edit the name. Tip: rename the dds file to ox.dds and open the sub files and rename the dds file there to ox.dds (This help for my problem) Credits to Zerelth!
  8. i tryed didn't work out for me but know the problem is when i choose character the game closed and i got a message box with ????????? and later ?????????
  9. When you convert you put then in (usr/home/game/????/db) Some files have orther folders so you need to search for the db folder there you replace the item_names.txt and item_proto.txt with the ones you made.
  10. Hello everyone I just wanna test OX event but when i enter /go ox my client shut down and if i want to login agian it stucks on this screen. [Hidden Content] This is what syerr says: 1225 14:35:08221 :: CPythonSkill::RegisterSkillDesc(dwSkillIndex=137) - Strange Skill Need Weapon(CLAW) 1225 14:35:08221 :: CPythonSkill::RegisterSkillDesc(dwSkillIndex=139) - Strange Skill Need Weapon(CLAW) 1225 14:35:18621 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR 1225 14:36:19750 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010). Automatic conversion will be attempted. 1225 14:36:20598 :: CArea::LoadObject Property(4118580204) Load ERROR 1225 14:36:36240 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 1225 14:36:36240 :: File "networkModule.py", line 239, in SetGamePhase 1225 14:36:36241 :: File "game.py", line 105, in __init__ 1225 14:36:36241 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 294, in MakeInterface 1225 14:36:36242 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 256, in __MakeTipBoard 1225 14:36:36242 :: File "uiTip.py", line 182, in __init__ 1225 14:36:36243 :: File "uiTip.py", line 189, in __LoadFrameImages 1225 14:36:36243 :: RuntimeError 1225 14:36:36243 :: : 1225 14:36:36243 :: Failed to load image (filename: season1/interface/oxevent/frame_2.sub) 1225 14:36:36243 :: frame_2.sub is already there so i dont know what is wrong? can somebody help me please. -Aurora
  11. I dont know but if i use that playersettingsmodule the client doesn't start up?
  12. Hello everyone I am searching for the 6th skill release i already try the one that is released here on metin2dev but that didn't work out for me i had some errors. i hope someone has those files. -Aurora
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