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Everything posted by Aurora

  1. Yeah sorry i have a lot of .err files here is the right one [Hidden Content] this is not everything there is more if you want that to just say
  2. i installed 5.6 in the begin and i restart it many times
  3. 150101 11:13:11 mysqld started 150101 11:13:12 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 1588761 150101 11:13:12 [Note] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '5.0.92' socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock' port: 3306 FreeBSD port: mysql-server-5.0.92
  4. Hello everybody It's me agian I have a little error here i think already searched on google and here i try everything what they said but still i have the same problem Here is the error that appears ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) Here a screen of top [Hidden Content] If you need more information just ask I hope somebody can help me
  5. Hello everybody I was wondering if i make a root server on my PC for just friends (BETA testers) do i have to open ports to let them connect? Can somebody explain me what to do to let them connect? -Aurora
  6. You helped me alot with this video! Thanks bro i hope i see more tutorials from you!
  7. i dont have a exact budget but i just need to know the specs of the VPS
  8. oo oke thanks and what do you recommend me with 200 to 400 players?
  9. Hey guys Well my question is should a VPS with: - 2GB ram - 2 CPU - 50GB SSD be enough for like 100 to 200 players??
  10. i see alot of server with devil weapons? (but yeah i made the picture from the united item shop) but novametin2 got them to and some other server
  11. Hello everbody! I was wondering if these weapons are already public so yes? please post a link to the release! (Thanks will be given) Here some screens. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Hope someone can help me -Aurora
  12. Hello everybody. Does somebody know how to make the description box of a item wider because i got this error [Hidden Content] i hope someone can help me
  13. Come on guys! i need this very bad! if i know how to script LUA i did it my self :S
  14. in the source of your core? if you can't compile your source you can look for a diff just check that link i post?
  15. search for quest_function file in quest folder and add the function save it and replace it if that is the problem?
  16. game core just look for a diff if you can't compile source I recommend you this thread: [Hidden Content] I hope i could help you
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